Influenza A - what is it? Influenza A and B: symptoms and treatment

Influenza A - what is it? Influenza A and B: symptoms and treatment
Influenza A - what is it? Influenza A and B: symptoms and treatment

The flu got its name from the French word for "grab", which characterizes its action well.

This disease is developing rapidly. Even in the morning, a he althy person begins to complain about his he alth at noon, and by midnight, in some cases, he may no longer have a chance of recovery.

flu what is it
flu what is it

Historical facts

Influenza epidemics periodically cover the entire space of the globe and become a historical fact. For example, more people died in 1918 and 1919 from such a variety of influenza as the Spanish flu than during the entire period of the First World War.

The causative agent believed to cause influenza was discovered in 1933 and subsequently named the A virus.

influenza type what is it
influenza type what is it

The year 1944 was marked by the discovery of virus B, the next - virus C - was discovered in 1949. Over time, it was determined that the viruses that cause influenza A, B are heterogeneous, constantly changing, and as a result of these transformations, a new influenza can appear.modifications.

What is the flu

I wonder what influenza A or B is. This is an acute infectious disease that begins almost immediately. Immediately, the viruses infect the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. Because of this, a runny nose appears, the paranasal sinuses become inflamed, the larynx is affected, breathing is disturbed and a cough develops.

With the blood, the virus moves through the body and, poisoning it, disrupts vital functions:

  • fever rises, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting;
  • headaches and muscle pain occur;
  • and in some cases hallucinations may begin.

The most difficult situations are characterized by intoxication, which leads to damage to small vessels and multiple hemorrhages. The consequences of the flu can be pneumonia and diseases of the heart muscle.

Influenza A and B are varieties of acute respiratory diseases. When the disease occurs, a violation of the protective mechanism of a person. Under the influence of microbes that are in the upper respiratory tract, cells on the trachea and bronchi die off, the path for infection to deeper tissues is opened, and the process of cleansing the bronchi becomes more difficult. This suppresses the function of the immune system. Because of this short period of time, it is enough for the onset of pneumonia or the awakening of other respiratory viruses.

How it is transmitted

A person is susceptible to such a disease as influenza A and B. This means that there is a high probability of getting sick for the second and third time, especially with a new subspecies. The disease is transmitted as follows:

  • while communicating with a sick person, through his drops of saliva, mucus, sputum;
  • together with food that has not been thermally processed;
  • when directly touching the patient with hands;
  • through the air, through the dust.

The patient is like a ball enveloping a zone consisting of infected particles, its dimensions are from two to three meters. Through any objects that were in his hands (for example, a phone, the arm of a chair, a doorknob) you can catch influenza A.

What is a contagious disease, everyone should know - a person is a danger to others even during the incubation period, even before he felt unwell. True, on the sixth day from the onset of the disease, he practically does not pose a threat to the he alth of others.

Influenza A virus

So, type A flu - what is it? This is one of the most terrible varieties of this disease. The immunity that a person who has had influenza type A acquires lasts for two years. Then he becomes dangerous again.

Interestingly, between human and animal viruses, the exchange of hereditary materials can occur, and viral hybrids can occur upon contact. As a result, the flu can affect not only humans, but also animals.

flu a and b symptoms and treatment
flu a and b symptoms and treatment

Approximately once every 35 years, the virus that causes influenza type A also undergoes significant changes. It is better not to know what it is. After all, humanity does not have immunity to this serotype, as a result of which the diseasecovers most of the world's population. It proceeds in a very severe form. And in this case, they are talking not about an epidemic, but about a pandemic.

Symptoms and features of the flow

It should be mentioned when talking about influenza type A that this is a disease that is characterized by rapid spread. The incubation stage lasts from two to five days, and the period begins, which is characterized by acute clinical manifestations.

For a mild flu, it lasts three to five days. And after 5-10 days the person recovers. But for another 20 days, a person may feel tired, weak, have a headache, be irritable and suffer from insomnia.

flu symptoms in children
flu symptoms in children

Let's list what flu A causes symptoms in children:

  • temperature rises to 40°C;
  • baby chills;
  • baby stops playing, whines, becomes very weak;
  • complains of headache and muscle pain;
  • he has a sore throat;
  • possible abdominal pain and vomiting;
  • dry cough starts.


Treatment includes recommendations not only for taking medications, but also for adherence to the regimen. Since influenza A and B have the same symptoms and treatment, our advice will work for each of them.

During a period of elevated temperature, a person loses a lot of fluid that needs to be replenished. The first thing to do during the period of illness is to drink plenty of tea, drinks, herbal decoctions. Good flow effectdisease renders chicken broth. By increasing the rate of mucus secretion, it reduces nasal swelling.

The use of coffee and alcohol causes dehydration of the body, which has already lost a lot of fluid, so it is better not to drink them during illness.

flu a b
flu a b

What is dangerous influenza A

What is the flu, almost everyone knows. But the opinion that this is a common disease, which everyone has had many times and without consequences, is erroneous. Its main danger is in the consequences that it can cause: pneumonia, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. It can exacerbate chronic diseases, provoke complications of the cardiovascular system, and create problems with the muscular system.

By the way, influenza type A, unlike the disease caused by virus B, is more dangerous. As a result of this disease, intoxication, hemorrhages in important organs, pulmonary complications, heart and cardiopulmonary insufficiency can lead to death.


In order not to be among those infected, each of us needs to follow preventive measures that can prevent the flu. And what is it? First of all, you should follow the basic principles of a he althy lifestyle, such as proper nutrition and uniform physical activity. Hardening is also important.

flu what is it
flu what is it

Vaccination helps the body develop immunity to the most expected strain of the virus. The drug is administered 1-3 months before the expected start of the epidemic.

Cotton-gauze bandage reducesthe likelihood of infection through the respiratory tract. The bandage is changed several times a day to avoid infection from the bandage itself.

Here are some more prevention tips:

  1. The intake of vitamin preparations increases the protective functions of the body.
  2. Garlic reduces the number of microorganisms in the mouth.
  3. Avoiding crowded places during an epidemic reduces the likelihood of infection.
  4. During the epidemic, it is advisable to carry out wet cleaning of the premises daily.
  5. Processing the nasal cavity with oxolin ointment helps protect against germs.
  6. The use of antivirals protects against disease.

If there is a sick person in the house

Despite some differences, doctors still combine influenza A and B (symptoms and treatment). First of all, it is recommended to give the body the opportunity to rest. This will help your immune system. A necessary requirement is compliance with bed rest. And the most important thing is to call a doctor at home, because it may not be the flu, but what it is is impossible to say without an examination by a specialist.

flu a and b symptoms and treatment
flu a and b symptoms and treatment

In order to reduce the possibility of infection of family members, the patient is placed in a separate room or fenced off from the main room. The patient is provided with separate dishes and hygiene items.

Wet cleaning with disinfectants is also necessary, because thanks to it, the concentration of viruses drops by more than half. A good healing effect is provided by airing at least 3 times a day.
