With age, more and more patients turn to doctors about frequent headaches, dizziness, loss of strength. Many refer to chronic fatigue, stress, but most often the reason lies in high blood pressure. A slight increase or decrease is often not noticed, but with persistent violations of the norm, measures must be taken. Next, consider how to lower diastolic pressure, what are the reasons for its increase.
Systolic and diastolic pressure
The heart in the human body plays the role of a pump that pumps blood throughout life. With the contraction of the ventricles, it is released into the systemic circulation and goes to all tissues and organs. The pressure at which the heart ejects blood is called systolic or upper.
Diastolic, or lower, is the pressure in the arteries when the heart muscle relaxes. Its indicators are always less than systolic.
A he althy person usually has 120/80 on the blood pressure monitor. Normally, the difference between the upper andlower pressure is 30-40 mm. mercury column.

When a person has problems with the cardiovascular system, blood pressure drops or rises, but there are situations when this happens unevenly, for example, low diastolic pressure with normal systolic pressure. This pathology is called isolated hypertension, which requires a special approach to treatment.
If at a young age most often both indicators increase or decrease simultaneously, then after 50 years it becomes the norm when one indicator does not change, and the second rises.
Why low diastolic pressure? This condition can be provoked not only by harmless causes, but also by serious pathologies. In such cases, medical advice is indispensable. Causes of low diastolic pressure can be as follows:
- Reduce the elasticity of blood vessels and slow blood flow.
- Irregular heart rhythm.
- Pathologies of the heart valves.
- Hormonal disorders.
- Ulcer pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, which leads to impaired absorption of nutrients and a negative impact on the state of blood vessels.
- Development of athenia. Pathology is manifested not only by low diastolic blood pressure, but also by pallor.
- Oncology of the adrenal cortex.
- Deficiency in important vitamins and minerals.
- Kidney disease.
- Low diastolic pressure with normalsystolic is often observed during an exacerbation of seasonal allergies.
- Depletion of the body.
- Toxic shock due to poisoning.
- Fluid loss due to dehydration.
- A drop in diastolic pressure may indicate the development of tuberculosis.
- Depressive states lead to a decrease in muscle tone and a decrease in diastolic pressure with normal systolic pressure.
- Neurotic disorders.
- Hormonal surges during puberty.
- The development of atherosclerosis, which is often observed in old age.
- Pathologies associated with low hemoglobin and large blood loss: heavy periods, trauma, bleeding.
- Osteochondrosis in the cervical spine.
- Long-term treatment with drugs that among side effects have a decrease in blood pressure.

Raising diastolic pressure at home
Why low diastolic pressure, figured out, but keep in mind that it is not always necessary to immediately take potent drugs. It is often enough, especially if the patient does not feel sick, to change the daily routine, lifestyle, and everything returns to normal.
Low diastolic pressure, what to do? At home, you can take the following steps:
- Provide adequate physical activity.
- Sleep should be full, at least 7-8 hours a day.
- Change your diet. Exclude fatty, smoked, semi-finished products, and introducemore fresh vegetables and fruits.
- Drink enough water daily.
- Perform hardening procedures, they allow you to train vascular tone.
- Eradicate bad habits.
If the measures taken did not help and the pressure continues to drop periodically, then you need to visit a doctor and find out the reason.
Folk remedies to raise diastolic pressure
You should not immediately rush and take medicines, if the pressure surges are insignificant, then you can use herbal preparations. Among them, doctors most often recommend:
- Eleutherococcus.
- Ginseng.
- Rhodiola rosea.
It is necessary to take alcohol tinctures of plants, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is enough to drink a few drops in the morning before breakfast, diluting them in a small amount of water.
You can improve your well-being and eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of low diastolic pressure with the help of drinks from fruits and berries. Suitable for this:
- Rosehip decoction.
- Cherry or cranberry juice.
- Fresh juice of beets, pumpkins, carrots.
- Pomegranate juice.
- Fresh strawberries and lingonberries.

To normalize vascular tone, it is necessary to exclude the use of strong black tea or coffee, it is better to replace them with green tea. Drink plenty of fluids daily.
With low blood pressure, tinnitus and headache are often disturbing. You can relieve such symptoms with acupressure,massaging the temples and the back of the head, and finally press the nasolabial fold several times.
Urgent pressure action
Regular and sudden drops in diastolic pressure require serious treatment, but the following can be recommended as an emergency measure:
- Take 30-40 drops of Eleutherococcus or Ginseng tincture.
- Suck on a piece of s alt under your tongue.
- If there is a loss of consciousness, then you can bring to life with the help of ammonia.
Effects of low diastolic pressure
Even with normal he alth, but a large gap between the indicators of systolic and diastolic pressure, the state of the entire vascular system is disturbed. If no action is taken, the consequences may be as follows:
- Stagnation occurs in the circulatory system.
- Myocardium begins to eject blood more strongly, which leads to an increase in upper pressure. This is dangerous for the development of coronary heart disease.
- Suffering from a lack of oxygen and nutrition to the brain.
- Impaired cerebral circulation can lead to the development of Alzheimer's disease.
These consequences most often threaten elderly patients, but given that cardiovascular diseases are getting younger every year, one should not hope that young people will bypass this.
Causes of high blood pressure
Some people suffer from low blood pressure, and some wonder how to lower their diastolic pressure. If the lower pressure indicators are 90 or more, then this is alreadycan be considered an increase, action needs to be taken. To choose an adequate therapy, it is necessary to find out the causes of such a condition, and they can be as follows:
- Kidney disease.
- Thyroid disease.
- Smoking.
- Alcohol abuse wears out blood vessels and leads to loss of compensatory mechanisms.
- Development of atherosclerosis.
- Herniated intervertebral vessels.
- Stress with the release of adrenaline into the blood.
- High s alt content in food.
- Obesity.
- Inactivity.
- Abuse of fatty foods.
- Therapy with drugs that provoke an increase in pressure.
- Disruption of the adrenal glands.

Regular measurements should be taken to confirm diastolic pressure problems.
How high diastolic pressure manifests
To figure out how to lower diastolic pressure, it is important to know the symptoms of the pathology. High lower pressure manifests itself in the following manifestations:
- Dizziness.
- Pressing headache.
- Pain in the heart.
- Cold sweat.
- General weakness.

Some patients may not experience any symptoms, high readings do not cause them discomfort.
Reduce blood pressure without pills
How to lower diastolic pressure if inIs there no medicine in the first aid kit? Recommendations are as follows:
- Lay the person on a hard surface on their stomach.
- Arms and legs should be straightened so as not to impede the flow of blood.
- Apply ice on the neck for 15-20 minutes.
- Massage the neck with gentle but intense movements.
- Massage the area under the earlobe.
These measures can only help in an emergency, but for effective therapy it is necessary to find out the causes of this condition.
Available measures reduce blood pressure
How to lower diastolic pressure at home? No need to rush to take potent drugs, you can use the following methods:
- Prepare two basins, pour cold water into one, and hot into the other and lower your legs alternately. Keep in hot water for 2 minutes, and in cold water for 30 seconds.
- Wet a towel with apple cider vinegar diluted 1:1 with water, wrap your feet.
- Make a point massage of the forehead, temporal zone.
- Take 30 drops of alcohol tincture of calendula 3 times a day.
- Apply an ice compress on the neck and hold until it melts.

If the readings are constantly jumping, then you need to visit a doctor to find out how to lower the systolic pressure with a normal diastolic. The doctor will also explain what symptoms the pathology manifests.
Traditional medicine recipes for lowering diastolic pressure
From popularprescriptions for high blood pressure can be given as follows:
- 250 grams of chokeberry berries mash and pour a glass of water. Boil for 5 minutes and leave to infuse for 5 days. Take half a cup twice a day.
- Infusion of cedar cones. Take 4 cones and pour half a liter of alcohol, add 2 tablespoons of sugar and a little "Valerian". Leave in a dark place for 14 days. Drink a tablespoon in the morning and evening. If the symptoms are severe, then you can take it during the day. The course involves the full use of the prepared composition.
- For 300 ml of boiling water, take a teaspoon of honey and a glass of lingonberry juice. Drink the prepared drink throughout the day in 4 doses.
- Dip 5 cloves of garlic in a cup of milk, leave for two hours, and then divide into 2 times and drink throughout the day.
- Brew a tablespoon of birch buds with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for 2-3 hours and drink throughout the day.
If taking folk remedies does not lead to improvement, then you need to go to the hospital.
Additional measures
It is not enough to know how to lower diastolic pressure, it is important to follow some recommendations in order to maintain normal indicators:
- Avoid stress or learn relaxation techniques.
- Take plant-based sedatives.
- Provide adequate physical activity. Need to do morning exercises.
- With prolonged sedentary work, periodically get up and dowarm-up.
- Remove bad habits from your life.
- In the presence of chronic pathologies of the liver and kidneys, conduct a course of treatment.
- Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition: reduce fatty and smoked foods, exclude processed foods, add more vegetables and fruits.
- Reduce fluid intake.
- Reduce the amount of s alt in the diet.
- Set up a daily routine, ensure a good night's sleep.
- It is recommended to take a course of physiotherapy from time to time. Proved effective in the fight against high diastolic pressure: electrophoresis, ultrasound therapy, electrosleep, vibration massage.

Differences in pressure at a young age can be quite a harmless phenomenon against the background of overwork, stress, but with age, jumps no longer pass without a trace for the body. The sooner you see a doctor, the easier it is to cope with the pathology.