Raw chicken eggs from a delicious treat or ingredient for the same pie can turn into carriers of dangerous diseases.
It is important to be careful when choosing a product like this. If the shell is damaged, then there is a possibility of infection with various diseases. But at the same time, not everyone knows what can get sick, what is the name of the disease from raw eggs, and what danger they pose to the body.
Many do not understand how you can get sick if you drink raw eggs. The latter can carry Vibrio cholerae, which enters the body with water and food. It is the causative agent of cholera, an acute intestinal infection that affects the intestines and causes dehydration. This disease is one of the most dangerous today and is epidemic in nature.

Cholera has been known to people since ancient times. Its epidemics are fixed every year and have thousands of deaths. Also, cholera can be contracted through swimming in public waters, through contact or communication with an infected person. With all this, the only way to penetrate intoorganism for bacteria is the oral cavity.
The disease may not start, provided that the body is absolutely he althy, and the number of bacteria that have entered it is small. The reason for this is that the bacteria die in the acidic environment of the stomach. But if they reach the intestines, then the disease is inevitable, because an alkaline environment begins in the body, which is favorable for them.
The incubation period for cholera is usually 48 hours, with a maximum of five days.
The first manifestation of cholera is a sharp bowel movement, accompanied by a feeling of discomfort in the abdomen. Subsequently, the urge to defecate increases up to 10 times a day.
Severe dehydration sets in. Body temperature does not tend to change, but there may be a slight decrease due to dehydration. In most cases, vomiting begins.
Dehydration reaches such an extent that the patient does not have the strength to move, there is severe dizziness. At a progressive stage, convulsions, tremors in the muscles may begin. With complications in patients, purulent disintegration of tissues is observed.

Extremely rare, but quite a possible consequence can be sepsis or bacterial infection of the blood.
Cholera dehydration shock
Occurs with dehydration of the fourth degree. This condition manifests itself in diffuse cyanosis of the skin, in which certain parts of the body, such as the tip of the nose, ears, eyelids, become bluish, body temperaturedrops to 34 degrees.
The patient's eyelids darken, his eyes sink, his voice becomes almost silent. Brain deterioration may follow, followed by the development of coma.
What to do
When infected with cholera, the necessary assistance and treatment can only be provided in a hospital. Moreover, therapy will need to be started immediately.
The first task is to replenish fluids in the body. For this, special solutions are used. Also at this stage, water-s alt blood correction will be carried out. Antibacterial courses are also prescribed, which last an average of five days.
Vaccination with cholera toxin can serve as prevention of cholera. As a result of vaccination, immunity is developed in 95 percent of cases. A significant disadvantage and disadvantage of this type of prevention is that it guarantees protection for only a few months. The maximum period will be 180 days.
Not everyone knows how you can get sick from raw eggs. The latter can be invaded by microorganisms that cause tuberculosis, also known as consumption. The causative agent is Koch's wand.
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease and is transmitted mainly by airborne droplets. The immune system of a he althy person will cope with the stick that has entered the body by splitting it in the lungs. The disease will be provoked if too massive an amount of infection enters the body, or contact with the infected will be maintained on an ongoing basis. People with weakened immune systems will not be able to overcomeinfection, as their cells will not be able to break down Koch's wand.
The incubation period lasts from 3 to 12 weeks. During this period, the disease is not contagious and does not pose a danger to others.

Also distinguish between primary and secondary forms of tuberculosis. Secondary disease most often affects children and adolescents. Tuberculosis in an open form is characterized by the fact that the infected person releases bacteria along with sputum and cough.
A patient with an open form of tuberculosis is dangerous to others and is contagious. When talking with an infected person, the bacteria spread to a distance of approximately 70 centimeters, and when coughing, it reaches 3 meters. With tuberculosis of the open form, an increase in lymph nodes is also observed.
Tuberculosis is also divided into such types as focal, disseminated, generalized, infiltrative, fibrous-cavernous and cirrhotic.
You can diagnose the disease at its early stage with the help of fluorography. If this pathology is suspected, a blood test is also taken. Also, a rather important element in the detection of Koch's bacillus is sputum culture for tuberculosis.
First symptoms are only mild cough and fever, may be mistaken for a respiratory disease at this stage. They are characterized by a sharp weight loss, sweating at night, fever. Subsequently, more blood appears in the sputum, the patient loses weight dramatically, experiences chest pains.
It is in the initial stage of tuberculosisis dangerous to the surrounding people. An urgent visit to the doctor is required in order to avoid the development of complications and the progression of the disease.
What to do
Treatment and the likelihood of recovery depends on the stage and type of disease. Therapy is carried out with the help of medications from 6 to 24 months due to the susceptibility of the body to anti-tuberculosis drugs.
Comprehensive help also includes breathing exercises. The modern system of treatment of tuberculosis includes the use of drugs that give results only when they are combined and taken simultaneously. Drug treatment is carried out according to a three-, four- and five-component scheme.
Nutrition for tuberculosis is aimed at replenishing the body's missing vitamins and gaining weight. The diet consists of four meals, aimed at replenishing proteins that undergo rapid decay. Some also require surgery to fully recover.
The main means of preventing tuberculosis is vaccination, which is carried out in the hospital when the newborn is three to seven weeks old. Re-vaccination is done at the age of six or seven years.

But at the same time, experts recommend leading a he althy lifestyle, consuming food containing animal fats, eating fresh fruits and vegetables to replenish the necessary minerals and vitamins the body needs to maintain the immune system.
The most common disease from raw eggs(chicken) is salmonellosis. It is carried by many bacteria from the Salmonella family, which enter the body with water and food.

Also, bacteria of this family can cause typhoid fever. The best habitat for them will be meat and dairy products, as well as raw eggs, and not everyone knows what the likelihood of getting sick with salmonellosis from them.
Types of salmonellosis
Distinguish these types of disease from raw eggs: gastrointestinal and generalized salmonellosis. The first form will be much more common. There are also such variants of salmonellosis as gastroenteritis, gastroenterocolitis, gastritis, generalized.
Gastroenteric - a variant in which the disease from raw eggs occurs most often. The disease manifests itself very quickly and is characterized by chills, headache and body aches. Then nausea and non-stop vomiting, diarrhea, bloating begin.

Gastroenterocolitic variant differs from the previous one by the appearance on the second or third day of blood and mucus in the secretions.
The gastritis type proceeds in a relatively calm manner and is distinguished by the absence of diarrhea.
Generalized salmonellosis is typhoid-like and starts like typhoid fever. Intoxication, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, bloating and fever occur. It also does not respond to antibiotic therapy.
Nuances of therapy
In treatmentdiseases from raw eggs, i.e. salmonellosis, first the loss of fluid by the body is replenished. Then they fight intoxication by introducing detoxification drugs. Antibiotics are usually not used in such cases. Eubiostics may also be prescribed.
Despite everything described above, the problem of how not to get sick with salmonella from raw eggs is not so dangerous, since the probability of infection is small.
For preventive purposes, it is enough to wash eggs thoroughly and examine them for damage to the shell, as, indeed, with other pathologies.

It is also recommended to purchase similar products in trusted places. For example, in stores, and not from the stalls in some lane or near the market, where there can be no guarantee of the quality of the goods.