Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Hemangioma of the spine - what is it? How to treat hemangioma of the spine

Hemangioma of the spine - what is it? How to treat hemangioma of the spine

A serious pathology that leads to dangerous injuries and movement disorders is spinal hemangioma. What it is? How to treat it? About the places of the most frequent localizations of such a pathology and other, more detailed, information can be found in this article

Tuberculosis: medical history, types and forms of the disease

Tuberculosis: medical history, types and forms of the disease

The article says that no matter how busy the working day is, neither increased employment, nor lack of free time, nor children, nor a dog, nothing should prevent visiting a doctor and a medical institution if there are reasons for this. One of these reasons can play a bad joke, as we all always dismiss the fact that it will pass

Treatment of herpes in adults. Herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment in adults. Herpes virus type 6 in adults: treatment

Treatment of herpes in adults. Herpes zoster: symptoms and treatment in adults. Herpes virus type 6 in adults: treatment

The article describes the treatment of herpes in adults, as well as the causes of this disease and preventive measures

HBsAg - what does it mean?

HBsAg - what does it mean?

How many strange and incomprehensible words in the world called "medicine". Among them is HBsAg. What is it and is it worth it to be afraid?

Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis - take care of your he alth

Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis - take care of your he alth

No one wants to get sick, but if such an attack has happened to you, it is important to know how to get rid of it correctly. So now it would be useful to find out some information about the symptoms and treatment of duodenitis

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right: the main causes and consequences

Pain in the lower abdomen on the right: the main causes and consequences

There are many reasons for pain in the lower abdomen on the right - it is in this area that vital organs are located, which can easily become a place of localization of the inflammatory process. However, inflammation is not the only cause of pain. Consider what can provoke them

Endemic diseases: definition, examples. The most terrible diseases

Endemic diseases: definition, examples. The most terrible diseases

In recent years, endemic diseases have become more common. This is due to the progressive lack of trace elements in water and soil. Also, such diseases include some parasitic and viral infections

What is hypertension? Causes and degrees

What is hypertension? Causes and degrees

Almost everyone knows what hypertension is, but not everyone knows exactly what factors contribute to the development of this dangerous disease. At present, a sufficiently large number of causes provoking the development of this pathology have already been established

What do lichen look like? Description of the forms of the disease with a photo

What do lichen look like? Description of the forms of the disease with a photo

Inflammatory disease of certain areas of the skin, characterized by pigmentation disorders, peeling, hair loss and itching in medical practice is called lichen. In this article, we will try to figure out what lichen looks like. After all, there are several forms of this disease

Swollen upper eyelid: causes, what to do?

Swollen upper eyelid: causes, what to do?

If the upper eyelid is swollen, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. This symptom may indicate the development of several diseases. The specialist will conduct a thorough diagnosis and prescribe the appropriate therapy. Proper treatment will help to avoid serious complications

Calculous pancreatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical advice and treatment

Calculous pancreatitis: causes, symptoms, diagnostic testing, medical advice and treatment

Calculous pancreatitis is a dangerous disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the pancreas tissues with further formation of hard stones in the ducts of the organ. Why does acute calculous pancreatitis develop? What symptoms should cause concern? What can a doctor suggest? Are the forecasts favorable? The answers to these questions are worth exploring

How to quickly recover from chickenpox? An effective remedy for chickenpox for children. Modern methods of treating chickenpox

How to quickly recover from chickenpox? An effective remedy for chickenpox for children. Modern methods of treating chickenpox

How to quickly recover from chickenpox to avoid possible complications and prevent weakening of the immune system? To do this, you should know the mechanisms of development of this disease, as well as prohibited and permitted medicines for its treatment

If the butt itches - is this a sign of illness?

If the butt itches - is this a sign of illness?

A person throughout his life has many problems and various ailments that he can deal with himself or with the help of friends. But there are those who do not want to discuss publicly. For example, it is unlikely that someone will report that his butt is very itchy

Black acanthosis: causes and treatment

Black acanthosis: causes and treatment

Acanthosis black was first described in Germany in 1889. According to studies, it may have a certain relationship with malignant and benign tumors

Unwelcome guests pinworms than to treat

Unwelcome guests pinworms than to treat

Due to the entry of such a worm as a pinworm, a disease called enterobiasis begins in our body. The parasite prefers to live in the human intestine, where it feels very good and actively multiplies. Most often, children suffer from pinworms, but adults are also not immune from this parasite

Why does a child get a high temperature without symptoms

Why does a child get a high temperature without symptoms

Crying, high fever, drugs, injections - all this causes great anxiety in parents. It's good when a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. However, sometimes there are situations when a high temperature rises without symptoms in a child. This leads to the fact that it is very difficult to find the reason for this

Child poisoned: causes, symptoms, first aid and treatment

Child poisoned: causes, symptoms, first aid and treatment

When a child is poisoned, parents should know how to quickly and effectively come to his aid. The most common is food poisoning. It is caused by the use of low-quality products containing toxins or pathogens. Note that products can be of animal or vegetable origin. For example, mushrooms, poisonous plants, spoiled food

High fever in children without cold symptoms: possible causes

High fever in children without cold symptoms: possible causes

High fever without symptoms in children causes a lot of anxiety. Seasonal ailments and colds are predominantly accompanied by fever, and in these cases the approximate algorithm of action is clear. But what should parents do if their child has a fever without symptoms? The reasons can be really very serious

High temperature with bronchitis in adults

High temperature with bronchitis in adults

Symptoms of bronchitis in adults. Possible variants of the course of the disease: with or without fever. Signs and diagnosis of the disease. First aid and treatment of pathology. Causes of fever and its effect on the causative agent of infection

How does a migraine manifest itself? Treatment at home with non-traditional methods

How does a migraine manifest itself? Treatment at home with non-traditional methods

Migraine is a neurological disease characterized by regular or episodic, painful and severe headaches that occur on one side of the head (rarely on both)

Low blood pressure: symptoms and treatment in adults

Low blood pressure: symptoms and treatment in adults

In the case of vasodilation, low blood pressure is provoked, the symptoms and signs of which can manifest themselves at different ages, regardless of the person's gender. Therefore, it is very important to understand how to cope with this condition and what signs you should pay attention to

Sexually transmitted diseases: classification and prevention

Sexually transmitted diseases: classification and prevention

Sexually transmitted diseases are called venereal diseases in medical practice. It is worth noting that there are quite a few of them. However, some of these pathologies can pass from one human body to another not only during intercourse, but also through household items, skin, etc

Stuffy nose and headache: reasons, what to do?

Stuffy nose and headache: reasons, what to do?

If a person has a stuffy nose, a headache, then this can be a symptom of many diseases. And some of them are quite dangerous. Therefore, with congestion of the nose and ears, especially if the head hurts, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor

Joint hypermobility in children: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, prevention

Joint hypermobility in children: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, prevention

Causes of joint hypermobility in children and adults. The main symptoms of the disorder and the selection of the correct treatment to alleviate the patient's condition. Performing therapeutic exercises, eliminating stress on the joints and suppressing symptoms

Nutritional dyspepsia in children: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Nutritional dyspepsia in children: types, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Nutritional dyspepsia in children is a common disease that is characterized by a violation of the digestive process. Most often, this pathology is diagnosed in children under the age of one year, but it also occurs in the older generation. The severity of the course of the disease depends on the amount of food consumed by the child

Dynamic intestinal obstruction: classification, causes, symptoms and treatment

Dynamic intestinal obstruction: classification, causes, symptoms and treatment

Intestinal obstruction is a disease that combines a set of symptoms that are characterized by absolute or partial loss of the intestines, both thick and thin. It is characterized by the absence of movement of any type of food, including solid and liquid masses, as well as the presence of intense inflammation in the abdominal cavity

Temporal lobe epilepsy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Temporal lobe epilepsy: symptoms, causes, diagnosis and treatment

Temporal lobe epilepsy symptoms can manifest themselves in completely different ways, it all depends on the form of the disease and the complexity of the seizures. There are many different provoking factors for the disease, so when the first signs appear, you need to visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment

Red spots appeared on the face: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Red spots appeared on the face: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

The appearance of such spots on the face is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. The first thing that comes to mind in this case is to mask the defect as soon as possible. True, it would be much wiser to first find out the main reason for the appearance of these reddenings. Unaesthetic spots can be a sign of a serious pathology of the internal organs, which requires immediate treatment. In such situations, disguise alone cannot be dispensed with, since treatment of the underlying disease is necessary

Pink snot: causes and treatment in children

Pink snot: causes and treatment in children

The appearance of a runny nose indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the organs of the respiratory system. The nature of the discharge is influenced by the causes that caused the disease. Let's try to figure out why pink snot appears and how to eliminate this phenomenon

Shingles in a child: signs, symptoms, treatment

Shingles in a child: signs, symptoms, treatment

To know what herpes zoster is, whether it is contagious for children, how it manifests itself and how it is treated, is worth every modern parent. This disease is quite common, also known under the name "shingles", belongs to the category of sporadic

Caroli disease: symptoms and treatment

Caroli disease: symptoms and treatment

Caroli's disease refers to severe pathologies of the liver, and it is characterized by the expansion of the bile ducts. Over time, it can lead to stagnation of bile, as well as the formation of stones

Echinococcosis: what is it. Diagnosis and treatment of echinococcosis

Echinococcosis: what is it. Diagnosis and treatment of echinococcosis

Some patients are diagnosed with echinococcosis while visiting the clinic. What it is? What are the causes of the development of the disease? What symptoms does it accompany and what danger is it associated with? This information will be of interest to many readers

Mumps disease: signs, treatment and consequences

Mumps disease: signs, treatment and consequences

The article will discuss one of the manageable infections - mumps, or mumps disease in the people. Since the 60s of the last century, when mass preventive vaccination began, infection has significantly decreased. What are the symptoms of mumps in children and adults, what are its consequences and how effective is vaccination - we will answer these and other questions in the article

How cerebral vessels are treated: drugs, folk remedies

How cerebral vessels are treated: drugs, folk remedies

One of the most dangerous ailments is the deterioration of the blood supply to the brain due to vasoconstriction. People of different sex and age are susceptible to the development of the condition. If the problem is not detected in time, the disease progresses rapidly, which leads to poor coordination of movements, tissue necrosis, heart attacks and paralysis. To avoid such manifestations, it is important to study the information about this insidious manifestation

Irrigoscopy - what is this procedure? How is irrigoscopy done? Preparation for barium enema

Irrigoscopy - what is this procedure? How is irrigoscopy done? Preparation for barium enema

Irrigoscopy is a fairly popular procedure in modern medicine. With the help of such a diagnostic study, you can determine a lot of diseases and disorders in the intestines

Bronchiectasis - what is it? Bronchiectasis of the lungs

Bronchiectasis - what is it? Bronchiectasis of the lungs

In modern medicine, cases of pathology called bronchiectasis are often recorded. This is a dangerous condition that develops against the background of various diseases of the respiratory system. Of course, patients who are faced with this diagnosis are looking for any information about the dangers, symptoms and methods of treating the disease

Chest myositis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Chest myositis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Myositis of the chest is a condition that is accompanied by the development of inflammation in the skeletal muscles of the chest. This type of disease is characterized by: significant pain, limiting movement, the formation of seals on the muscle, the development of atrophy in the affected area

Cerebral ischemia of the 2nd degree in newborns: symptoms and treatment. Cerebral ischemia of the 2nd degree in newborns: consequences

Cerebral ischemia of the 2nd degree in newborns: symptoms and treatment. Cerebral ischemia of the 2nd degree in newborns: consequences

Cerebral ischemia of the 2nd degree in newborns, the consequences can be serious if therapy is not started in a timely manner. Only an experienced specialist will prescribe an effective treatment that will reduce the risk of complications of this pathology

What lowers blood sugar quickly: drugs, foods and folk remedies

What lowers blood sugar quickly: drugs, foods and folk remedies

In order for the sugar indicator not to exceed the norm, it is important to follow a number of simple rules. For example, you can’t eat a lot of s alty and sweet, you need to constantly exercise, limiting the amount of carbohydrates in food, eating more low-calorie foods and vitamins

Hypochondriacal neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Hypochondriacal neurosis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Caring for one's own he alth is an important matter for every person. There are people who, to a greater or lesser extent, neglect this matter, and there are those who maniacally look after themselves, look for some flaws in themselves and literally make an elephant out of a fly. Only in words everything sounds ridiculous and ridiculous, but in reality such signs serve as a signal that a hypochondriacal neurosis is developing