What do lichen look like? Description of the forms of the disease with a photo

What do lichen look like? Description of the forms of the disease with a photo
What do lichen look like? Description of the forms of the disease with a photo

Inflammatory disease of certain areas of the skin, characterized by pigmentation disorders, peeling, hair loss and itching in medical practice is called lichen. As a rule, this disease is of an infectious or fungal nature. In this article, we will try to figure out what lichen looks like. After all, there are several forms of this disease.

what do lichen look like
what do lichen look like

Pityriasis rosea

The disease is allergic-infectious in nature and occurs in people of all age groups. What do lichens of this type look like? Peeling round spots of light pink color appear on the skin of the back and torso. As a rule, they are no more than three centimeters in diameter. And at first one is formed, the so-called maternal spot. After a few days, its central part begins to peel off, wrinkle and acquire a pale yellowish tint. A week later, similar smaller rashes appear in the chest and back. They don't tend to merge. The rashes are uncomfortable and itchy.

what does lichen look likehuman
what does lichen look likehuman

Pityriasis versicolor

This name in medicine means dermatosis of a fungal nature. What do pityriasis versicolor look like? The disease begins with the formation of a round single spot of a pink hue. Then exactly the same rashes appear on the abdomen, chest, back and scalp. At the same time, skin changes are not inflammatory in nature. They have a yellowish-brown color, and when scraped off, slight peeling is noticeable. The spots tend to merge and grow. Itching is usually not observed. A predisposing factor to the occurrence of this disease is excessive sweating (especially for obese people), as well as elevated ambient temperature.

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Adults and the elderly are most susceptible to the disease. Stress, decreased immunity and infectious diseases are considered provoking moments. What does shingles look like? This pathology is characterized by inflammation of the nerve ganglia. The course of the disease can be very diverse, from minor rashes to CNS damage. The disease is preceded by painful sensations throughout the body. After four days, small vesicles appear, which, after a while, turn into crusts. In some cases, peeling is possible.

what does lichen look like on a person
what does lichen look like on a person


It is exclusively fungal in nature, affecting the scalp, smooth skin and, in rare cases, the legs. What do lichens of this type look like?A characteristic symptom of the disease is severe peeling with the formation of gray bran-like scales. On the head, as a rule, there are foci of baldness. Hair breakage is often observed almost at the very root. In the areas affected by lichen, erythema with vesicles, covered with a light coating, occurs. Spots tend to increase.

what do lichen look like
what do lichen look like

Lichen red

The second name of the disease is dermatosis. The causes of the disease are various viral, neurogenic, allergic, endocrine and infectious factors. What does lichen look like in humans? This form of the disease affects the mucous membranes, skin, nails and hair. Rashes are localized on the surface of the forearm, shins, torso, genitals, oral cavity. They are irregular red papules with an indentation in the center. They are characterized by a peculiar waxy sheen, the presence of plaques and a small circulatory network.
