Why does a child get a high temperature without symptoms

Why does a child get a high temperature without symptoms
Why does a child get a high temperature without symptoms

Crying, high fever, drugs, injections - all this causes great anxiety in parents. It's good when a doctor can make a correct diagnosis. However, sometimes there are situations when a high temperature rises without symptoms in a child. This leads to the fact that it is very difficult to find the reason for this.


High fever without symptoms in a child
High fever without symptoms in a child

In babies, the temperature may rise due to normal overheating. However, it can sometimes happen to older children as well. Parents of infants should remember that their thermoregulation process is still very imperfect. With prolonged exposure to the sun or in a stuffy, hot room, a high temperature can rise without symptoms in a child. Especially if the baby does not drink enough liquids. Therefore, the main help will be to "cool" the baby and provide him with plenty of fluids.


Sometimes neuralgic causes, viz.increased excitability of the baby, can lead to the appearance of the described reaction. Especially if the baby itself is very active. Therefore, anxiety, unjustified punishment, and even preparation for school can lead to the fact that a child will have a high temperature without symptoms.

High fever in a child without symptoms
High fever in a child without symptoms

Sometimes even loud sounds, bright lights, can cause this phenomenon. In this case, parents can help the child by eliminating the cause of the fever.

Allergic reaction

Interesting, but allergies are not always manifested by sneezing, rash, and swelling known to us. Sometimes its manifestations can be detected in the fact that a high temperature rises without symptoms in a child. In this case, the help of parents may be to eliminate the allergen and contact a specialist, since in the future these reactions may become more severe.

Having a serious illness

Sometimes asymptomatic fever occurs if the baby has a heart disease or leukemia. These diseases are often accompanied by jumps in temperature rise. This is usually due to both subjective and objective reasons. Therefore, such children are not recommended to be subjected to climate changes, however, not excluding their hardening from infancy.


High fever without symptoms in an adult
High fever without symptoms in an adult

Many inflammatory diseases in the body of a child begin with the fact that a high temperature appears in a child withoutsymptoms of any disease. Thus, the body tries to cope with the viruses and bacteria that have penetrated into it. Usually, if he fails to cope with them on his own, for example, cough, snot appear. This usually happens the day after the temperature rises. You should immediately consult a doctor, because often the cause of the fever are hidden inflammatory processes that do not give visible manifestations.

Pyrogenic reaction

Most often it occurs when non-physiological substances enter the body. An example would be a regular routine vaccination. At the same time, in some children the same vaccine does not cause any reaction, while in others it leads to hyperthermia. The same reason can lead to the fact that a high temperature rises without symptoms in an adult. However, this phenomenon is much more common in children. It is worth knowing that if the baby has it less than 38 °, then it is not worth knocking it down. At higher rates, it is possible to use antipyretic drugs, however, their use must be approved by a doctor, since the use of low-quality drugs or their misuse can also cause a pyrogenic reaction.
