Red spots appeared on the face: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Red spots appeared on the face: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment methods
Red spots appeared on the face: possible causes, diagnosis and treatment methods

Why are there red spots on my face? This is a common question. Let's look into it in more detail. The appearance of such spots on the face is an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. The first thing that comes to mind in this case is to mask the defect as soon as possible. True, it would be much wiser to first find out the main reason for the appearance of these reddenings. Unaesthetic spots can be a sign of a serious pathology of the internal organs, which requires immediate treatment. In such situations, disguise alone cannot be dispensed with, since treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. What to do if there are red spots on the face?


Spots of red color can occur in people quite often. They are single in nature, spreading to the entire area of the skin. These defects appear with some frequency or evenoccasionally. This phenomenon may have a different character.

red spots appeared on the face
red spots appeared on the face

The most common causes of this cosmetic defect are:

  • Skin feature. Most often, these manifestations occur on dry and sensitive skin. The causes of red spots on the face must be identified.
  • Rush of blood. In such a situation, redness is usually formed as a result of physical exertion, under the influence of nervous tension with stress, with high blood pressure, and also due to a sharp change in temperature or after taking certain medications. Red spots on a woman's face are not uncommon.
  • Red, scaly patches can occur on the face due to prolonged exposure to the sun, as well as after overheating or a visit to the solarium.
  • The effect of cold on the skin along with general hypothermia of the body leads to the appearance of such spots.
  • red spots on face
    red spots on face

What else can a situation when red spots appear on the face mean?

  • Causes may include allergic reactions to certain foods, unsuitable cosmetics, herbal or medicinal preparations, as well as plant pollen or animal hair. If you have an allergic problem, blemishes may be accompanied by flaking, and symptoms such as itching, sneezing, and mild swelling may also occur.
  • It happens that red spots on the face itch. In this case, there isthe likelihood of a dermatological disease. As a rule, the presence of peeling is often the result of the presence of viral lichen along with eczema, psoriasis or demodicosis, which is an infection with a subcutaneous tick. At the same time, a simpler explanation is not excluded, when the skin begins to peel off due to dehydration, as well as increased dryness. If red spots appear on your face, you should not sit back.
  • Often they are the first signal that warns a person about the development of herpes.
  • Among other things, the presence of the activity of the sebaceous glands often causes an increase in the production of sebum, which provokes the appearance of spots and acne. Such red spots on a woman's face look very unaesthetic.
  • Lack of vitamins in the diet can also contribute to the manifestation of a similar defect.

Diseases that cause spots on the face

They often occur in the presence of various disorders and diseases, for example:

  • Changes in the hormonal balance of the body.
  • The appearance of diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Presence of kidney pathology.
  • Development of circulatory failure.
  • Presence of liver disease.
  • Violation of the functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Pathologies of the digestive system.
  • High blood pressure.

Red spots on the face of a man can provoke excessive alcohol consumption.

Spot localization as a way to diagnose

In some situations, the location of districtsredness may be an additional way to diagnose the disease, for example:

  • The presence of spots under the eyes or in the upper cheek area indicates an increase in pressure.
  • If redness is also accompanied by swelling, then it is necessary to check the kidneys.
red spots on the face
red spots on the face

What else can red spots on a man's face mean?

  • In situations where redness is on the tip of the nose, this indicates that you need to go to a cardiologist, since this symptom is often a kind of indicator of the presence of certain heart problems.
  • Location in the perioral region indicates that it is recommended to pay attention first of all to the state of the liver, as well as the gallbladder.
  • If the redness has become chronic, and the spots cover the nose and forehead in addition to the cheeks, then this indicates rosacea.

If red spots appear on the face, you need to go to the doctor.

How can I get rid of the disease?

You can get rid of such a defect on your face with the help of simple tips, some cosmetics, as well as recommendations from traditional medicine:

  • First of all, you need to properly normalize your diet, eliminating from it foods that have an irritating taste and can also cause an allergic reaction. We are talking about chocolate, citrus fruits, milk, fatty foods, pickles, smoked meats and marinades.
  • Eat more vitamin-rich foods. Of course, these are fresh vegetables andfruit. As a supplement, it will not be superfluous to use vitamin-mineral complexes.
  • It is extremely important to try not to overdry the skin, especially if the red spots on the face itch. To do this, you should not be exposed to direct sunlight, do not use aggressive cosmetics. In addition, it would be best to abandon tonal means. It is also worth avoiding powder and other cosmetic products that interfere with normal skin breathing.
  • To remove red spots on the face, it is also recommended to regularly use moisturizing and nourishing creams, as rough red spots are often a direct result of dehydration.
  • In the morning, wipe your face with ice cubes based on herbal infusions. The use of plants that have anti-inflammatory and softening effects is considered optimal. For example, St. John's wort, chamomile, calendula, birch buds and green tea are suitable.
  • It is forbidden to wash your face with hot water, and also use peeling scrubs.
red spots on face
red spots on face

Treatment procedures

What to do with red spots on the face? The choice of treatment method directly depends on the specific disease that provoked the appearance of red spots:

  • If the cause is psoriasis with eczema, complex treatment is required with the use of antiseptic drugs for internal use. Ointments are also important to eliminate irritation, peeling and itching, especially if the red spots on the face are from allergies.
  • If availableallergic nature of the disease, antihistamines are used. At the same time, patients are prescribed a diet that should exclude allergen foods.
  • When the cause of the appearance of red spots on the face is nervous tension with stress, doctors recommend taking sedatives. With the development of severe conditions, a course of psychotherapy is prescribed.
  • Dry red spots appear on the face as a result of seborrhea. You can eliminate them with a shampoo containing ketoconazole. With this tool, areas of redness should be regularly treated.
  • An excellent effect is also achieved with a cream containing zinc or ketoconazole.
  • If red scaly spots on the face were caused by pathologies of internal organs, then first of all it is necessary to eliminate the main cause of the disease.

Effectiveness of cosmetic procedures

If the occurrence of red spots is due to the vascular network, then cryomassage and electrocoagulation are used to eliminate them. For flaky spots, dermatologists recommend peeling with fruit acids. An excellent remedy for the appearance of peeling can also be mechanical cleansing of the face along with the application of fortified masks and clay therapy. In addition to this, specialists can advise the performance of special massages. They can be carried out manually or by hardware. The photorejuvenation procedure, within which special vitamin complexes are simultaneously used, gives a wonderful effect.

allergic red spots on face
allergic red spots on face

Using home remedies

To eliminate red spots that appear on the face, traditional medicine recommends using the following mask recipes:

  • One large cucumber is rubbed (this is done as small as possible) and a tablespoon of white clay is added to it. To achieve easy mixing, clay is recommended to be pre-diluted with a decoction of chamomile.
  • Carefully stir a spoonful of liquid honey with the addition of chicken egg yolk. In addition, you will need a few drops of juniper and orange essential oils.
  • A tablespoon of sour cream is mixed with finely grated small potatoes. Next add five drops of tangerine oil. If the mixture is too thick, it is better to try diluting it with warm water.
  • Red spots can be removed with ordinary oatmeal, which must be mixed with lemon juice, adding a little kefir. Next, the product is applied in a thick layer on the face.
  • If red spots do not go away for a long time, then you can try to cure your face with algae clay. In order to prepare such a mask, the algae must first be soaked, waiting for swelling, and then add clay to them. At the end of cooking, the mass is thoroughly stirred and the face is covered with this mixture.
  • With red flaky spots on the face, sour cream is mixed in equal proportions with honey, a small amount of lemon juice, and you will also need to add olive oil. In order to improve overalleffectiveness, oily vitamin solutions A and E are added to the mask, but not more than five drops. This recipe is not suitable if you are allergic to honey.
  • Dry spots can be removed with a mask prepared on the basis of baby cream, as well as chamomile infusion. In the presence of increased dryness of the skin, it is recommended to add another ingredient, which is olive oil. This remedy is also excellent for the treatment of redness that occurs in children.
  • It is required to chop the parsley leaves, pour boiling water over them. Next, the resulting product is infused for about an hour and sour cream is added to it.
  • White clay is diluted with a small amount of decoction based on chamomile, then the product is mixed with lemon pulp and olive oil. This mass also has excellent whitening and anti-inflammatory properties.
  • For the treatment of various redness on the face, alcohol tincture of garlic is often used. In order to prepare it, peeled garlic cloves are poured with alcohol in a ratio of one to two. Next, the remedy for one week must be insisted in a dark place. Ready medicine should be lubricated daily with problem areas of the skin.
  • Popular and use of a decoction based on birch buds. Lotions have a calming, anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect. To enhance the properties, you can prepare a medicine from a mixture of lime flowers and calendula.
red spots on the face of a child
red spots on the face of a child

If an allergy caused red spots on the face, you need to be verycareful as it is fraught with complications.


During the treatment of certain skin rashes, it is extremely important to exclude all kinds of heavy meals from your diet. During this period, the following foods should be avoided in particular:

  • Sweet food.
  • Fatty and fried foods.
  • Convenience and fast food.
  • Spicy, s alty, smoked and spicy dishes.
  • Food with added preservatives.
  • Soda and alcoholic drinks.

During the treatment period, it is especially important to try to eat cooked foods with dishes cooked in a double boiler. Among other things, it is extremely important to drink plenty of plain water during treatment. Thanks to this, the removal of harmful substances and all kinds of dangerous allergens from the body is noticeably accelerated. This is very important if there are red spots on the baby's face.


The main rule for the treatment of all kinds of rashes on the face, of course, is the cleanliness of the skin. In this regard, it is necessary to wash your face in the morning and in the evening. Hard water in contact with the skin can increase irritation, so it is best to use special lotions. In addition, in hot weather, it is very important to treat the skin with an alcohol-free tonic.

itchy red spots on face
itchy red spots on face

During the treatment of red spots on the face, you should change your bedding regularly. This must be done in a day. You can also wrap your pillow in a clean towel before bed. It is recommended to avoid touching the skin of the facehands, phone or other items.

Red spots on baby's face

The child's body has an overreaction to chemicals, insect bites, etc. If parents notice red spots on the baby's lips and around the mouth, then these can be allergic, viral and fungal diseases, beriberi. Characteristic signs are studied by doctors, after which the child is sent for tests. This is essential for correct diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The location and appearance of the rashes, the presence of itching and peeling are important. Therapy is prescribed depending on the diagnosis.


In conclusion, it should be emphasized that it is imperative to treat red spots that appear on the face. Indeed, in the event that this problem is started, the inflammation process can spread further to even larger areas and, as a result, will cause the appearance of various abscesses and ulcers. In this regard, it is important to take the necessary measures as early as possible.

We looked at the causes of red spots on the face.
