Diseases and conditions 2024, October

What is cystitis: symptoms, treatment, prevention and causes

What is cystitis: symptoms, treatment, prevention and causes

The term "cystitis" refers to inflammation of the bladder. According to statistics, the disease is more often observed among the female half, which is due to physiological characteristics: the urethra in women is naturally wider, shorter than in men, so the infectious agent can easily enter the body

Prevention of scoliosis in children: medical advice

Prevention of scoliosis in children: medical advice

Today we invite you to talk about the prevention of scoliosis in children. This problem is quite common. Scoliosis is understood as a curvature of the spine in any direction and a change in the shape of the vertebrae. It should be said right away that this is not only bad for the appearance of the child, but entails a number of serious problems, from loss of posture to diseases of internal organs

The longest coma, or a lifetime of unconsciousness

The longest coma, or a lifetime of unconsciousness

A famous song says: "There is only a moment between the past and the future." It is called our life. But what, even if this "moment" a person spends without consciousness? Is it worth holding on to in this case? No one will give an exact answer to this question. However, there are cases when a person has been between life and death for decades and grabbed this “moment”. Let's talk about how long the longest coma that a person has been in lasted

Risk factors for hypertension. Normal blood pressure by age. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of hypertension

Risk factors for hypertension. Normal blood pressure by age. Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and prevention of hypertension

Hypertension is one of the most popular ailments of our time. It is caused by the pathology of the cardiovascular system, accompanied by unpleasant painful sensations and entails serious and severe consequences

Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required

Vlash eaters in dogs: urgent treatment required

Vlas-eaters in dogs can cause quite serious diseases, as they are their carriers

Otahara syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis of the disease, causes, methods of treatment

Otahara syndrome: symptoms, diagnosis of the disease, causes, methods of treatment

Otahara syndrome in 2001 was included in the list of diseases that are characterized by increased epileptic activity, as well as epileptiform disorders in electroencephalogram parameters. Such violations provoke a progressive deterioration in the functioning of the brain. In the same 2001, the hypothesis of the same name was adopted, suggesting that in the vast majority of cases Otahara syndrome is observed with transformation into West syndrome

Prader-Willi syndrome: description, diagnosis, photo, treatment

Prader-Willi syndrome: description, diagnosis, photo, treatment

Prader-Willi syndrome is considered a very rare genetic disorder in which seven genes located on the 15th paternal chromosome are completely or partially absent and do not function normally

Causes and symptoms of knee synovitis

Causes and symptoms of knee synovitis

Inflammation of the synovial membrane is a fairly common disease that is often encountered in orthopedic practice. Moreover, in most cases, the inflammatory process is observed in the knee. So what are the main causes of synovitis of the knee joint, what are the signs of the disease? These questions are of interest to many people

Worms in humans: treatment of parasitic diseases

Worms in humans: treatment of parasitic diseases

What can be done if worms are found in people? Treatment for these parasites depends on the type of parasite

Epileptic encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, prognosis and treatment

Epileptic encephalopathy: causes, symptoms, prognosis and treatment

Epileptic encephalopathy is a disease that develops in infancy and childhood, affecting the brain. It leads to disorders in the mental and physical development of babies, requires competent diagnosis and timely treatment. The chances of recovery are high, the main thing is not to neglect the advice of a doctor

Red spots under the armpits: superficial mycosis and how to treat it

Red spots under the armpits: superficial mycosis and how to treat it

There are red spots under the armpits. What is it - erythrasma or fungal infection? Only a specialist can diagnose, identify the cause of the disease, prescribe treatment

Toxoplasmosis: the life cycle of the causative agent of toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasmosis: the life cycle of the causative agent of toxoplasmosis Toxoplasma gondii

Toxoplasma is a genus of parasitic eukaryotes, which includes only one reliably studied species - Toxoplasma gondii. This microorganism is able to invade any animal or human cells, including nervous, epithelial, brain and cardiac tissue

Signs of Stein-Leventhal syndrome, main symptoms and treatment methods

Signs of Stein-Leventhal syndrome, main symptoms and treatment methods

Polycystic ovary syndrome (Stein-Leventhal syndrome) is a female hormonal condition that is the main cause of menstrual irregularities, anovulation, leading to infertility

Intussusception in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Intussusception in a child: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Invagination of the intestine in a child is a pathology in which a separate section of the intestine is immersed in another. This is one of the most common causes of bowel obstruction that is diagnosed in infancy. In this article, we will analyze the main causes, symptoms, as well as methods for diagnosing and treating intestinal intussusception in a child

The head hurts, the crown just splits: possible causes, prevention and treatment features

The head hurts, the crown just splits: possible causes, prevention and treatment features

The head can hurt in a variety of places - on the sides, in the upper or lower part, in the back of the head. If it appears regularly, you should contact the medical institution for advice, and, if necessary, pass all the necessary tests. After all, a headache is a consequence, and in order to get rid of it, you should establish the cause of its occurrence and eliminate it

Symptom of otitis externa, middle and inner ear

Symptom of otitis externa, middle and inner ear

Otitis media is a common ear condition that can easily become serious if left untreated. How to recognize the symptoms in time?

Chickenpox disease in children: transmission methods, symptoms, treatment, reviews

Chickenpox disease in children: transmission methods, symptoms, treatment, reviews

If chickenpox disease manifests itself in preschool children, then so that they do not comb the rash, they should cut their nails and put on mittens at night. Also, to speed up the recovery time, babies need to be bathed several times a day in warm water, to which a little baking soda is added. It has a detrimental effect on the causative agent of the disease and significantly increases the effectiveness of antiviral drugs

Do children get chickenpox again?

Do children get chickenpox again?

Chickenpox is an infectious disease of a viral nature. The causative agent of pathology is Varicella zoster. The microorganism is one of the representatives of the herpesvirus family. If a person has had chickenpox at least once, his body has a specific immunity to the pathogen. For a long time it was believed that neither adults nor children develop chickenpox again. However, there are conflicting cases in medical practice

Wart on the foot: photo, causes, treatment

Wart on the foot: photo, causes, treatment

Many people have faced the problem of the appearance of growths. It is especially unpleasant when warts appear on the soles of the feet. Why does this happen and how to deal with them? Let's talk in this article

Azotemia - what is it? Description, symptoms and therapy

Azotemia - what is it? Description, symptoms and therapy

Azotemia - what is it? An increased presence in human blood of nitrogen-containing products that are formed after protein processing. This is indicative of developing renal failure

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy: causes, consequences, treatment

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy: causes, consequences, treatment

Thrombocytopenia during pregnancy is diagnosed in 7% of women and develops most often in the last trimester. The mechanism of occurrence of this pathology has not been fully understood. In 70% of cases, this condition is associated with changes in the body that occur after conception

Dermatitis on the hands: treatment, folk remedies and features

Dermatitis on the hands: treatment, folk remedies and features

Skin irritations are caused by a variety of agents, both external and internal. Treatment of dermatitis on the hands is based on diagnostic data, taking into account the type and extent of the lesion. In therapy, ointments, lotions, medications in the form of injections, tablets, as well as traditional medicine are used

What is fibroids: description, symptoms, possible causes and treatment features

What is fibroids: description, symptoms, possible causes and treatment features

What is fibroids, what are the signs, and how is the treatment - so many women are interested, since recently this disease has begun to occur much more often. Despite the fact that this is a benign neoplasm, it must be treated in a timely manner, as many complications can occur

The earlobe is peeling: causes, diagnosis, treatment

The earlobe is peeling: causes, diagnosis, treatment

Many people have experienced such a problem as peeling of certain areas of the skin. Sometimes it passes quickly and does not cause discomfort, in some cases it lasts for quite a long time and is accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations. There can be many causes of pathology, as well as methods of treatment. Let's try to figure out why the earlobes are peeling and what to do in this case

Knee arthroplasty surgery: reviews. Endoprosthetics of the knee joint: rehabilitation

Knee arthroplasty surgery: reviews. Endoprosthetics of the knee joint: rehabilitation

After successful knee surgery, patients report increased range of motion. The quality of life changes dramatically. Therefore, many people leave positive reviews. Endoprosthesis replacement of the knee joint in most cases passes without complications, which leads to a quick recovery of a person and a return to normal life

Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults

Treatment of streptoderma at home in children and adults

Streptoderma is an infectious disease. Most often, this disease affects people with weakened immune systems and chronic diseases, as well as children. There are several treatment regimens for this disease, it is possible to treat streptoderma at home

Pain in the neck and neck: how to treat and what is the reason?

Pain in the neck and neck: how to treat and what is the reason?

With the modern pace of life, an ordinary person has to solve several problems at once. His brain is exposed to many hours of stress, emotional pressure is growing, naturally, there is pain in the neck and neck

Pain in the hip joint when walking: causes and treatment. Why does the hip joint hurt when walking?

Pain in the hip joint when walking: causes and treatment. Why does the hip joint hurt when walking?

Many people complain about pain in the hip joint when walking. It occurs abruptly and over time repeats more and more often, it worries not only when moving, but also at rest. For every pain in the human body there is a reason. Why does it arise? How dangerous is it and what threatens? Let's try to figure it out

Therapeutic exercise for spinal hernia: a set of exercises

Therapeutic exercise for spinal hernia: a set of exercises

Therapeutic exercise for spinal hernia is designed to improve the patient's condition and cure his illness. Also, with the help of the necessary procedures, you can strengthen the muscles and stretch the spine. A set of exercises (physiotherapy exercises) can be prescribed by the attending physician in order to prevent diseases of all parts of the back corset

Hemorrhoids: prevention by various methods

Hemorrhoids: prevention by various methods

One of the most common proctological diseases today is hemorrhoids. Prevention of this disease in the conditions of the modern world seems to be simply necessary, especially for those people whose profession involves significant physical inactivity

It hurts the lower abdomen in a child: possible diseases, which doctor to contact

It hurts the lower abdomen in a child: possible diseases, which doctor to contact

Many parents are faced with situations where the child's lower abdomen hurts. Such symptoms are usually associated with the process of inflammation or dysfunction of the digestive tract, reproductive or urinary system. Stool retention, intoxication, bacterial infection, or mechanical damage can also cause abdominal discomfort. Several common causes of this condition are discussed in the sections of the article

Cause of epilepsy, classification, symptoms, treatment

Cause of epilepsy, classification, symptoms, treatment

Now epilepsy is classified as a polyetiological disease, that is, one that can be caused by many different factors. Interestingly, researchers still do not fully understand why some patients suddenly have seizures, sometimes leading to disability. This is probably why the diagnosis of “epilepsy” sounds so frightening for everyone

What is scurvy? The disease scurvy is

What is scurvy? The disease scurvy is

If you are wondering: "scurvy - what kind of disease is this?", then be sure to read our article to the end. In it, we will talk about what constitutes this disease. We will also find out what are its symptoms and treatment methods

How to treat diabetes at home: folk recipes, herbal preparations, results and doctors' reviews

How to treat diabetes at home: folk recipes, herbal preparations, results and doctors' reviews

How to treat diabetes at home, only a qualified doctor can say, as this is a rather serious disease that can provoke complications. There are many non-traditional methods that help improve well-being and normalize blood sugar levels

What to do if the leg is numb? Restoration of blood circulation in the lower extremities

What to do if the leg is numb? Restoration of blood circulation in the lower extremities

The feeling of numbness in the legs is called numbness. During this condition, the sensitivity of the skin is lost, there is a tingling sensation, a feeling of crawling, burning, as well as an unpleasant sensation of tightness. Numbness in the legs is an ambiguous symptom, since quite often it indicates poor circulation in the limbs, which can be either a full-fledged problem or a consequence of another disease

Chickenpox prevention measures in children

Chickenpox prevention measures in children

Issues of chickenpox prevention in children are relevant for both doctors and parents who want only the best for their children. Chickenpox is an infectious disease that is easily transmitted between people. The resistance of the human body to the pathogen is very low, so contact with the infection is highly likely to lead to a serious illness

The incubation period of ureaplasma in women and men

The incubation period of ureaplasma in women and men

Usually, ureaplasma parvum and ureaplasma urealiticum are found in the human genitourinary system. The microorganism is found in both male and female genital flora. Some data suggest that it is present in an average of 55% of the population. In most people, ureaplasma does not provoke the development of pathology, and some doctors believe that it is part of the normal vaginal microflora

Yellow fluid flows from the ear in a child: how to treat?

Yellow fluid flows from the ear in a child: how to treat?

If yellow liquid flows from the ear, the reasons can be very diverse. But when it comes to children, as a rule, otitis media is the cause. However, you should never cut off other options. How to treat an ailment that caused the appearance of discharge - only a doctor can answer these questions for sure

Drug poisoning: symptoms, first aid, medical advice

Drug poisoning: symptoms, first aid, medical advice

How to provide first aid in case of poisoning with drugs of different groups? All you need to know about such intoxication: causes, general symptoms, rules for providing first aid, signs of various types of poisoning, in the material presented

Myocardial ischemia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

Myocardial ischemia - what is it? Causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of the disease

What is it - myocardial ischemia, not everyone knows. This term is used to define a condition in which an organ or part of an organ does not receive enough oxygen. As a result, oxygen starvation occurs