The very word "duodenitis" comes from the Latin language (the root "duoden" - the duodenum and the ending "in" - inflammation). It will not be difficult to understand that the symptoms and treatment of duodenitis are associated with a disease such as inflammation of the duodenal mucosa. This disease is not very common, it can be found in 15% of the total adult population. In economically developed countries, it is more common, and men are most exposed to it. With regards to age, the peak incidence falls on the interval from thirty to fifty years.
Symptoms and treatment of duodenitis

Inflammation can be characterized by several main symptoms.
- A constant companion of almost all diseases is pain symptoms. And the treatment of duodenitis is directly related to what stage of the disease is observed. Pain, by the way, can be different: point, or the whole stomach will hurt.
- There may also appear such unpleasant "companions" of the disease as nausea, vomiting,bloating, loose stools, or constipation.
- Possible common symptoms such as fever up to 37-37.5oC, weakness, weight loss, lack of appetite and malaise.
As soon as the symptoms are identified, and treatment of duodenitis can begin. It is complex and consists of several stages.
- Etiotropic treatment. During it, some antibiotics are used, and a diet is also observed. You should refrain from smoking.
- Treatment is pathogenetic. Here, enzyme preparations (for example, Mezim and Pancreatin) are used to improve your he alth in order to improve digestion. Sorbents (such as Enterosgel and Phosphalugel) that bind toxins are also prescribed. Such treatment helps to reduce pain through the use of antispasmodics (for example, "No-shpa" and "Drotaverine").
Superficial duodenitis - treatment

This stage of the disease is the most easily tolerated. First of all, during treatment, you need to follow a special diet, work and rest regimen. With this type of duodenitis, medications are prescribed that help reduce the secretory work of the stomach (drugs "Metacin", "Platifillin"), as well as antacids.
Diet for duodenitis
After getting rid of the main symptoms of the disease, it is necessary to adhere to a special diet for another two weeks. As for nutrition, it should be fractional, five-six times a day. You need to temporarily exclude fried and spicy dishes, radishes, onions, meat and fish fatty broths, seasonings, radishes and garlic from your diet. Forget also for a while about baked goods and fresh bread. Cook only mucous porridges from oatmeal, rice and semolina. Low-fat boiled fish or meat, as well as fruit and berry jellies, kissels, honey and sugar should be consumed with extreme caution. As for food, it should not be either hot or cold. Often, at the end of the "acute" period, courses of treatment of duodenitis with mineral waters are prescribed. Spa treatment will also be useful. Phytotherapy will also give an excellent result.