Bronchitis is a disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the bronchial mucosa. In addition to debilitating cough, weakness and other symptoms, doctors often hear complaints of fever in adults with bronchitis.
Varieties of disease
The mechanism of the development of this disease is that the mucus produced by the bronchi to get rid of foreign particles that have entered the respiratory tract begins to be produced in excessive volumes due to inflammation. The body tries to remove its excess by coughing.

Depending on the course of the disease and its duration, 2 forms of bronchitis are distinguished:
- Acute - temporary, relatively short (less than a month) inflammation of the bronchi, which occurs mainly in the cold season and is often a complication of inflammatory processes in the upper respiratory tract. The temperature in acute bronchitis can rise to 38 ° C and above.
- Chronic - diagnosed with a protracted productive cough (more than 3 months inyear for several years in a row). The temperature in chronic bronchitis in adults may either not rise at all, or stay at a subfebrile level, not higher than 37.5 ° C.
According to statistics, acute disease can overtake people of all ages, while chronic bronchitis is diagnosed more often in patients older than 40-45 years.
Causes of disease
In our time, the occurrence of bronchitis is promoted, firstly, by the impact of negative environmental factors, and secondly, people themselves are not ready to give up addictions that lead to the disease.
What can lead to inflammation of the bronchi:
- Viral and bacterial infections. Unfortunately, no one is safe from this route of infection with bronchitis, since particles of viruses and bacteria, getting into the air with a cough of a sick person, are able to remain viable for about 2 more days. Other people, in contact with these microparticles, can get sick or simply become their carriers in case of strong immunity.
- Constant irritation of the bronchi and lungs. Irritants include cigarette smoke, household or industrial chemicals, dust, and other similar substances.
- Polluted environment. Living in conditions of constant gas pollution or smog provokes chronic respiratory diseases.
- Weak immunity. The immune system, weakened by the fight against other diseases, cannot fight back the viruses or bacteria that cause bronchitis. Also, with low immune protection, the likelihood increases that another ailment will develop into bronchitis, for exampleangina.
- Reflux disease (the release of stomach contents into the esophagus, causing heartburn). Such regular irritation of the throat can cause a person to be prone to inflammatory processes in the respiratory tract, including bronchitis.
If it is impossible to influence environmental factors and working conditions in most cases, then smoking, concomitant diseases and weak immunity can be easily adjusted if the patient wishes.
Symptoms of the disease
In order not to start the disease and see a doctor in time, you need to know the signs of bronchitis in adults without fever and with hyperthermia.
Signs of bronchial inflammation:
- frequent bouts of coughing with white to greenish sputum, sometimes with blood;
- discharge of mucus from the nasopharynx;
- sore throat;
- chest pain.

Depending on the type of fever characteristic of the acute form of the disease, additional symptoms of bronchitis with temperature in an adult may join.
Red fever symptoms:
- lack of chills;
- reddening of the skin;
- skin hot and damp;
- acceleration of heart rate and respiration;
- there is a good effect of antipyretics.
Symptoms of white fever in bronchitis:
- skin dry, cold, pale;
- the patient feels chills;
- increased heart rateabbreviations;
- may experience shortness of breath;
- decreased excretory functions of the body (sweating, diuresis).
In an adult, the symptoms of bronchitis with and without fever will always be different. Red fever is more easily tolerated by the sick, a person can be active even with a high temperature.
Hyperthermia in bronchitis
Given the large selection of antipyretic drugs, the temperature in bronchitis in adults should not cause much concern. But the thing is that it is not recommended to bring down the heat below 38.5 ° C, because in this way the body fights the infection that has penetrated. Of course, it is worth considering how many days the temperature remains high with bronchitis.
Types of fever:
- subfebrile (below 38 °C);
- moderate hyperthermia (up to 39°C);
- high (up to 41 °С);
- excessive (above 41°C).

The effect of temperature on infection:
- there is an active struggle of the liver with harmful substances;
- more antibodies are produced;
- Reduced resistance of microorganisms;
- the activity of the organs of the excretory system increases, and weakened viruses and bacteria leave the body faster.
Normal is considered to be the temperature for bronchitis in adults within 38.5 ° C for a duration of not more than 72 hours. The presence of concomitant diseases should be taken into account - it is advisable for patients with pathologies of the cardiovascular system to prevent an increase in indicators to 38°С.
Duration of hyperthermia
How long does the temperature last with bronchitis in adults? It depends on several factors.
What affects the duration of hyperthermia:
- pathogen species;
- strength of the patient's immunity;
- degree of illness.
How many days the temperature lasts with bronchitis in each case, it is difficult to answer. As for the acute form of the disease, with strong immunity, hyperthermia lasts no more than 5 days, if the cause of the disease is a virus. With the bacterial form of bronchitis, the fever usually lasts longer - up to 10 days. In an advanced stage or with a weakened immune system, the temperature may remain elevated for up to 2 weeks.
If we are talking about the chronic course of bronchitis, then the temperature rarely rises, practically not exceeding 37.5 °C, while the maximum period of hyperthermia is about 10 days.
After the treatment of bronchitis, when the condition has almost returned to normal, the patient may be concerned about how long the temperature lasts with bronchitis in adults, which is called subfebrile. Indicators of 37-37.5 ° C are considered normal for 5-7 days after recovery. If after this period the temperature is still not stabilized, you should consult a doctor.
First aid to sick people
Inflammation of the bronchi, no matter what the temperature with bronchitis, requires a visit to a doctor to prescribe a competent treatment. But if the patient has symptoms of bronchitis with fever, he needs to be givenfirst aid.
What will help the sick:
- drink plenty;
- maximum peace;
- painkillers and antipyretics;
- air humidification (using special devices, wet cleaning);
- drugs to thin and clear phlegm;
- fever rubbing water with vinegar in a ratio of 50/50;
- a compress of a towel soaked in water on the forehead.
If you can’t bring down the high temperature on your own, or the cough only gets worse after home treatment, it is recommended to immediately contact a specialist.
Diagnosis of disease
After seeking help from a medical facility, the doctor needs to confirm or refute the diagnosis to prescribe follow-up therapy.
The following methods are used to diagnose bronchitis:
- general blood and urine tests to confirm the inflammatory process;
- analysis for blood biochemistry;
- bronchoscopy (examination with an endoscope);
- bronchography (X-ray method);
- chest x-ray;

- spirography (measurement of lung volume);
- pneumotachometry (study of air flow rate during inhalation and exhalation);
- electrocardiogram;
- sputum analysis.
After ruling out more serious pathologies, the patient will be treated.
What does the therapy include
The main purpose of the visit to the doctor isfind out what is the causative agent of bronchitis. If it turns out to be a virus, the doctor will prescribe all of the above measures and will monitor the development of the disease in order to prevent negative consequences.
Drugs used in the viral nature of the disease:
- bronchodilators;
- antivirals;
- drugs that clear phlegm.
Massage, breathing practices, inhalations also have proven effectiveness.

If bacteria are found to be the cause of inflammation, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with. Also, antibiotics can be prescribed regardless of the nature of the origin of the disease, but in case of a risk of complications.
When antibiotics are prescribed for bronchitis:
- patient aged 80 or over;
- has a history of diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, lungs;
- the patient has weak immunity.
Possible Complications
The main negative consequence of bronchitis is pneumonia (pneumonia). This disease is much more difficult to treat, and antibiotics will probably be required. Complications can also be caused by high uncontrolled temperature in bronchitis in adults.
The consequences of excessive hyperthermia are as follows:
- convulsions;
- clouding of consciousness;
- problems in the work of the heart until it stops.
In the treatment of this disease, it is important how high the temperature in bronchitis in an adult is, and how long it lasts - this is less seriousindex. Excessively high marks on the thermometer may be incompatible with life.
Risk group
Given the possible ways of transmission of bronchitis, it becomes clear that anyone can become infected with this disease. But there are people who are especially susceptible to it.
Risk groups for bronchitis:
- smokers;
- people with a genetic predisposition;
- pregnant women;
- allergy sufferers;
- people working in hazardous industries or living in especially polluted areas;
- people with weakened immune systems, chronic diseases (caries, tonsillitis and others).
Significantly reduce the risk of bronchitis and the development of complications can be a change in lifestyle and living conditions, increased immunity, timely treatment of concomitant chronic diseases.
Preventive measures
The risk of getting sick with bronchial inflammation increases significantly in the autumn-winter period, when the frequency of acute respiratory viral infections increases. The causative agents of SARS can also cause the development of acute bronchitis.

To prevent this disease is worth:
- avoid close contact with people who are coughing;
- moisturize indoor air;
- carry out wet cleaning in the apartment, office;
- strengthen immunity;
- It is important for those who are already sick to cover their mouths when coughing.
To avoid chronic bronchitis recommended:
- get rid of bad habits, in particular fromsmoking;
- use a mask in case of hazardous working conditions;
- wash hands after visiting public places;
- do sports, perform water procedures;
- get he althier if possible in a sanatorium;
- vaccinate against the flu.

Following these recommendations will help protect yourself from the disease. But already the first signs of bronchitis in an adult without or with an increase in temperature are indications for a visit to the doctor.