Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Diet for polycystic ovaries. Causes of the disease, symptoms and treatment

Diet for polycystic ovaries. Causes of the disease, symptoms and treatment

What is PCOS? How should I eat with polycystic ovaries to speed up the healing process? Diet for polycystic ovaries by blood group

The xiphoid process of the sternum has increased - what to do?

The xiphoid process of the sternum has increased - what to do?

What is the xiphoid process of the sternum, where is this part of the skeleton located, and what pathological phenomena are associated with it? You will find answers to all the questions posed in the materials of this article

Why can a baby have blood in the stool?

Why can a baby have blood in the stool?

Seeing blood in the feces of a baby, many parents begin to literally panic, but this should never be done. The thing is that often inexperienced parents simply confuse bleeding with the most common change in stool to a more reddish hue. The latter, in turn, may appear due to a number of reasons

Meckel's diverticulum: diagnosis, treatment, surgery

Meckel's diverticulum: diagnosis, treatment, surgery

What is Meckel's diverticulum? This is a common question. Let's take a closer look at it. This is a disease that was first described by the scientist Johann Friedrich Meckel. The essence of this disease lies in the fact that in the process of intrauterine development of a person, under the influence of certain factors, some violations occur. This is a kind of protrusion of the lower part of the ileum. Meckel's diverticulum is one of the most common gastrointestinal diseases

Tularemia: what is it and how to fight it

Tularemia: what is it and how to fight it

Until the 26th year of the last century in Russia, tularemia was considered a "chamber" variety of the plague. Its manifestations largely coincided with the clinical plague picture, but were much less lethal. After the isolation by Californian scientists in the 11th year of the same century of the bacterium responsible for the disease of tularemia, it became clear that the recorded cases were not a mild plague at all, but another disease

Cervical myositis: symptoms and home treatment

Cervical myositis: symptoms and home treatment

Discomfort and unpleasant pulling sensations in the neck can be symptoms of myositis. The main causes of this problem can be hypothermia, being in an uncomfortable position and stress. However, only a doctor can diagnose myositis. Symptoms of the disease will be considered in this article

Diet for phosphaturia: menu planning, allowed foods

Diet for phosphaturia: menu planning, allowed foods

Diets are the most effective way to prevent the appearance of urolithiasis and alleviate the course of an already existing disease. The diet for phosphaturia consists in the prohibition of the use of sour-milk and dairy products, hot spices, fried foods and a lot of coffee

Diet for arthritis and arthrosis: list of prohibited foods, sample menu

Diet for arthritis and arthrosis: list of prohibited foods, sample menu

Following a diet for arthritis and arthrosis is an important part of the treatment process. By adhering to the recommendations for proper nutrition, patients can greatly alleviate the symptoms. The main goal of the diet is to provide access to minerals and vitamins to the affected tissues, prevent deterioration of the condition and increase the effectiveness of therapy

Focal atrophic gastritis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Focal atrophic gastritis: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Gastritis is a long-term disease that manifests itself in changes in the mucous membrane of an inflammatory, and often dystrophic nature. It causes a violation of the regeneration and atrophy of epithelial cells, as well as the replacement of he althy glands with fibrous tissue. But what is atrophic gastritis? What are its symptoms, causes, how to treat it, what could be the consequences? That is what we are going to talk about now

Treatment after paraproctitis surgery. Fistula of the rectum: postoperative period

Treatment after paraproctitis surgery. Fistula of the rectum: postoperative period

After the operation of paraproctitis, it is necessary to adhere to the special prescriptions of the doctor. The patient must carefully monitor their hygiene, as well as visit a specialist every day who will examine the wound and note the healing process

Rheumatism: prevention, causes, symptoms and treatment

Rheumatism: prevention, causes, symptoms and treatment

This disease has several names - rheumatism, Sokolsky-Buyo disease, rheumatic fever. The pathological process proceeds chronically, with a tendency to recurrent conditions, which are observed in most cases in autumn and spring. The share of rheumatic lesions of blood vessels and the heart accounts for about 80% of acquired anomalies of the heart

Appendicitis in a child: symptoms of the disease and the importance of providing timely assistance

Appendicitis in a child: symptoms of the disease and the importance of providing timely assistance

Unfortunately, there is a misconception among most people that appendicitis is an "adult" disease. It turns out that appendicitis can also occur in a child. Symptoms in young patients are somewhat deceptive and can confuse even experienced physicians. How to determine the exact cause of abdominal pain? How dangerous is a belated decision about surgery? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article

Symptom of pancreatic disease, or What signs occur with pancreatitis

Symptom of pancreatic disease, or What signs occur with pancreatitis

Surely each of us at least once in life experienced an unpleasant symptom of pancreatic disease. Modern nutrition and a passive lifestyle have a rather negative effect on the work of this important organ

Disease anemia - what is it?

Disease anemia - what is it?

Anemia - what is it? This is a serious disease in which there is a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood. For more information about the symptoms, causes and principles of treatment of anemia, read the article

Protrusions: what is it? Protrusion of the intervertebral discs: treatment

Protrusions: what is it? Protrusion of the intervertebral discs: treatment

Protrusion is the most common disease that leads to disc degradation. Typically, this form of degradation occurs in 80 percent of the population over 30 years of age

Mastopathy: signs, treatment. Preparations and compresses for mastopathy

Mastopathy: signs, treatment. Preparations and compresses for mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease of the breast. Today, many women are familiar with this disease firsthand. Many people manage to overcome it at home, but also a lot of women are forced to turn to specialists for help

Thromboembolism: what is it and how is it treated?

Thromboembolism: what is it and how is it treated?

Pulmonary thromboembolism is a common cardiovascular problem. How does it arise, and what should be done when it develops?

Difficulty breathing: causes and symptoms

Difficulty breathing: causes and symptoms

Often, physical or emotional stress makes a person feel short of breath, making it hard to breathe. The reasons may lie in any beginning or already existing pathologies. Today we will find out why such violations occur and what to do about it

Symptoms of liver disease: a description of the first signs. Diagnosis of liver diseases

Symptoms of liver disease: a description of the first signs. Diagnosis of liver diseases

The liver is the largest gland in the human body, which is a vital organ. It is located in the abdominal cavity, immediately below the diaphragm, on the right side. It participates in metabolic processes, cleanses the body of toxins, promotes digestion, synthesizes cholesterol, bile acids. It accumulates fats, proteins, minerals, carbohydrates and vitamins. It is important to keep your liver he althy

Sweating on the face of a newborn. Reasons for the appearance

Sweating on the face of a newborn. Reasons for the appearance

Miliaria is one of the skin diseases caused by excessive sweating, which manifests itself as a rash on the face of an infant or on any other part of the body. In young children, it appears due to the immaturity of the sweat glands

Explosive decompression at altitude: what happens to a person, the consequences

Explosive decompression at altitude: what happens to a person, the consequences

It is already known how low environmental pressure affects the human body. But how many people know what danger lies in explosive decompression at altitude? In a few seconds, the lungs are completely destroyed, blood pressure drops to the lowest limit, which causes inevitable death

Causes of blood when urinating

Causes of blood when urinating

Blood during urination can be in the urine for various reasons. To detect them, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. In people of different age groups and different genders, the causes may be different. At the same time, such of them as urolithiasis, pathological conditions of the kidneys, obstruction of the urethra are characteristic of all people

How does pneumonia manifest itself? Symptoms, causes

How does pneumonia manifest itself? Symptoms, causes

The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more effective the therapy will be, so it is important to know how pneumonia manifests itself. Timely treatment will relieve unwanted complications

Treatment and symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers

Treatment and symptoms of stomach and duodenal ulcers

If you constantly eat somehow, on the run and dry, then do not be surprised if very soon you begin to show symptoms of a stomach ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer. It is better to start treatment immediately so as not to get complications

From what red spots appear on the face: possible causes and methods of treatment

From what red spots appear on the face: possible causes and methods of treatment

Many women and men are wondering what causes red spots on the face. They affect a person's self-esteem and appearance. This leads to psychological problems and, as a result, interferes with communication with other people. Most often, this problem is not serious, while in other cases it indicates the occurrence of serious diseases

Signs and symptoms of whooping cough in adults. Consequences of whooping cough

Signs and symptoms of whooping cough in adults. Consequences of whooping cough

Whooping cough is a disease whose name comes from the French language and literally means "cockerel", as its characteristic symptom is a cough that resembles the sounds made by a rooster. How to treat whooping cough in adults? Let's find out in the article below

Jacksonian epilepsy: symptoms and treatment

Jacksonian epilepsy: symptoms and treatment

Jacksonian epilepsy is a variation of the underlying disease. It was first discovered in 1927 by Dr. Brave. Then carefully studied and described by the English doctor Jackson. Therefore, it was named after the name of the doctor. This type of epilepsy is not considered dangerous, as it does not lead to death

Psychosomatics of sinusitis: description, causes and features of treatment

Psychosomatics of sinusitis: description, causes and features of treatment

Sinusitis is a very serious disease in both treatment and symptoms. It is generally accepted that the disease is infectious in nature and develops when the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract is affected by streptococci or staphylococci, causing inflammation and decay of the maxillary sinuses

Seborrhea of the scalp: causes, symptoms and treatment

Seborrhea of the scalp: causes, symptoms and treatment

The skin on the head, as well as on the entire surface of the body, consists of a large number of sebaceous glands, which regularly produce a special fat that the body needs to maintain the skin in a normal state and protect it from environmental influences. If failures occur for various reasons, the amount of fat released can increase or decrease several times, which can lead to a deterioration in the condition of the skin and a significant amount of hair loss

How to find out if there are worms in the body of an adult and a child?

How to find out if there are worms in the body of an adult and a child?

If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to find out if there are worms, then the most common and reliable method of examination is fecal analysis. It does not require any preliminary preparation of the patient, however, some doctors recommend not to perform any treatment near the anal area

Rib fracture - icb code 10, symptoms and treatment

Rib fracture - icb code 10, symptoms and treatment

Fracture of the ribs (ICD code 10 - S22) is one of the most common chest injuries. They can arise as a result of direct or indirect force impact. Direct fracture refers to damage from deflection and occurs where the force acts on a limited area. If the force impact has captured a sufficiently large surface, then, as a rule, this entails a transverse fracture of several ribs, which are displaced to varying degrees

Anorexia: before and after photos. Male anorexia. What is bulimia and anorexia?

Anorexia: before and after photos. Male anorexia. What is bulimia and anorexia?

Women sometimes go too far in their desire to have a perfect figure. In an effort to get as close as possible to the ideals imposed by society or close people, they can cross the line beyond which they can no longer adequately control themselves. Anorexia is a mental illness in which the patient ceases to objectively perceive his figure, regardless of whether he looks normal or not

Sweating in babies: how to treat? Proven ways to deal with sweating in babies

Sweating in babies: how to treat? Proven ways to deal with sweating in babies

Many parents are familiar with the situation when their child develops prickly heat. The body of a peanut is designed in such a way that its sweat glands at this age work very actively, and the pores have not yet developed enough to sweat out. However, in some children, the inflammatory process on the skin appears even at an older age. Therefore, when sweating occurs in babies, how to treat it and what to do for prevention are questions that concern many parents

Drave's Syndrome. Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy

Drave's Syndrome. Severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy

Among the various manifestations of childhood epilepsy, Dravet's syndrome occupies a special place and is perhaps the most severe and life-threatening pathology for a child. This syndrome manifests itself already in the first year of a baby's life and often leads to a serious violation of his psychomotor development, and in some cases to death. We will talk about this rather rare disease, its main symptoms and methods of treatment later in the article

Miliaria in a child: causes and treatment

Miliaria in a child: causes and treatment

Miliaria is a fairly common disease. There is nothing to worry about, most mothers successfully cope with the illness of their child. It is worth remembering only that this disease is not treated by itself, it is necessary to take specific measures

Creatinine is low in the blood: why and what to do?

Creatinine is low in the blood: why and what to do?

Creatinine is lowered - such a deviation is rare, but still occurs in people. To understand why this pathology is detected in patients, it is necessary to find out what creatinine is, why it is needed at all

Acute myelitis: diagnosis and treatment

Acute myelitis: diagnosis and treatment

Acute myelitis is a very complex disease that, if not properly treated or not treated in time, can lead to disability or even death of the patient

How to remove warts quickly at home?

How to remove warts quickly at home?

Today, there are many cosmetic procedures that allow you to remove warts in a few therapy sessions. However, what to do if there is no time and sufficient funds to visit the dermatologist's office? In such situations, to solve the problem, it is enough to use proven folk methods for treating warts, which have been practiced by healers for centuries

Warts on the toes: drug treatment. How to remove a wart

Warts on the toes: drug treatment. How to remove a wart

Many people have experienced this kind of trouble. This disease cannot be ignored, since warts have viral causes. Their appearance is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous by growth and degeneration into malignant tumors. Most often, growths on the fingers are benign, but it also happens otherwise. If the blisters enlarge and cause pain, they should be removed immediately

Does it hurt to pierce the navel or not?

Does it hurt to pierce the navel or not?

Many people think about the question: "Does it hurt to pierce the navel?" There is no exact answer to it now, but some argue that it was very noticeable, while others say that this procedure is absolutely painless. There are several reasons for such mixed responses