Diseases and conditions 2025, January
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
In women and men, the thigh area hurts the same way. For each person, the causes of discomfort may be different, and they always have physiological or anatomical features. It is very important to diagnose and treat in a timely manner, as this can be a sign of various diseases
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
If the neck does not turn, what to do and how to treat it? Everything you need to know about the pathological condition: the causes of occurrence, the mechanism of development, a description of the most effective methods for eliminating pain and restoring mobility
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Legs are those limbs that are constantly subjected to various loads. For this reason, they often get injured. A very common manifestation of discomfort in the legs is pain in front above the knee. If the leg hurts in this area, what is the reason? Many believe that this symptom appears due to ordinary fatigue, but soreness can also be a signal of the development or presence of some serious disease. Let's take a closer look at this
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
It's not uncommon for people to go to the doctor complaining that their finger hurts. The ring finger on the right or left hand can be disturbed by unpleasant sensations for various reasons. Sometimes there are joint diseases, in others the root cause was trauma. Inflammatory processes, infection of tissues are possible. Self-treatment of this area is ineffective, so the doctor should select the therapy, determining what caused the pain
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) poisoning is a great danger to human life. This substance has neither color nor smell, so it is almost impossible to feel its presence in the air. In such cases, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim as soon as possible and introduce an antidote. In case of carbon monoxide poisoning, the drug "Acyzol" is used as an antidote. How does this tool work? And what other measures need to be taken to save the patient
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
How to detect kidney failure in a child, how to treat it? Everything you need to know about pathology: causes, classification, course features, diagnostic methods, treatment methods and recommendations
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
There is no diagnosis of "lingering bronchitis" in medical reference books. So doctors call the condition during which bronchitis in adults is not treated, and the person suffers from coughing for a long time. Protracted bronchitis in adults, the treatment of symptoms of which will be described in this article, is also often called chronic. You can learn more about this pathology below
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
The heart in adults makes about 100,000 contractions a day. If the organ is he althy, then the contractions are regular and uniform. However, sometimes there are situations in which a person begins to feel the wrong beat: slow or fast. This behavior of the heart is usually referred to as cardiac pathologies. Blockade of the left ventricle of the heart - what is it: a disease or a condition in which conduction or rhythm is disturbed? Read more about this in our article
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
What is an elbow injury? The main causes and factors of joint injury. Classification of injuries in the elbow joint according to the severity and their symptoms. Diagnosis and first aid for trauma. Measures of prevention and rehabilitation of patients
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
If the esophagus hurts in the chest, you need to visit a doctor: this may indicate that a serious illness is developing. Only after a thorough medical examination of the patient, the specialist will be able to identify the cause of the development of an unpleasant sensation. Based on the diagnostic results obtained, the doctor will prescribe an effective therapy
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Nasal hemangioma is the most common benign neoplasm in the face. This tumor is often found in children and adults. It not only spoils the appearance of a person, but can also adversely affect his he alth. Why are hemangiomas dangerous? And should they be removed? We will answer these questions in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Few people can immediately answer how the bladder hurts. Symptoms in women can vary greatly. But it is worth replacing this concept with a more familiar one - cystitis, and immediately everything becomes clear. This is an acute or chronic disease in which patients experience pain in the bladder area. Most often, this pathology develops in the fair sex
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
What is CAITI of the thyroid gland, how to identify it and how to treat it? Everything you need to know about the disease: causes, risk groups, diagnostic methods, classification, treatment methods and further prognosis
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Sinusitis is an insidious disease that can lead to the development of dangerous complications if the doctor's recommendations are not followed. You can walk with sinusitis only after stopping the acute inflammatory process. If it's cold outside, avoid being outside
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Parents are concerned about the he alth of their children. Many ailments are waiting for babies. Quite often there are conditions accompanied by abdominal pain, fever, vomiting in children. Possible diseases that can provoke such a condition will be described in this article. We will also discuss treatment methods that will help restore the he alth of babies
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Inflammation of the maxillary sinuses is a common occurrence that occurs in 40% of ENT pathologies. Often dizziness is diagnosed with sinusitis. In addition, patients complain of headaches, runny nose, weakness, shortness of breath. With sinusitis, inflammation of the maxillary sinuses occurs. Their main function is to equalize pressure between atmospheric and intracranial
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
We will talk about the reasons for the strange feeling in the head in the article. It is impossible to say exactly what each patient who voices such a complaint to the attending doctor means. This is how dizziness, high or low blood pressure can manifest itself, along with dull painful sensations that cause fog before the eyes and drowsiness
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Squeezing, heaviness, fog in the head, tapping in the temples, and clouding of consciousness are a signal that you need to see a doctor. Medical practice shows that such a condition can be caused by a variety of reasons. If your head is in a fog, then this may indicate the development of astheno-neurotic syndrome, circulatory disorders in the brain, as well as cervical osteochondrosis
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
If you have persistent pain in the lumbar region, you need to visit a doctor. Such symptoms can indicate a wide variety of diseases. Let us consider in more detail the features of the manifestation of pain in various pathologies and conditions
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Allergy to vitamin D, like other vitamins, does not often occur. But the excipients included in the drugs, when combined with a protein in the human body, can provoke an allergic reaction. Therefore, theoretically, an allergy to vitamin D can, in principle, exist, but only a specialist can confirm this for you
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Perhaps every person sometimes faces such a problem as a breakdown. What to do in such cases? To begin with, it is worth understanding the causes of weakness and fatigue, because they can be extremely diverse. Sometimes these symptoms are associated with diseases of the endocrine or nervous system, so you should not ignore them
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Menstruation is the main indicator of a he althy female reproductive system. The color of the secretions, their volume, consistency and cyclicity can tell a lot to the gynecologist about the various problems that a woman is concerned about. In the course of statistical studies, it was found that at least once in a lifetime, absolutely every woman observed brown discharge after menstruation
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Hiccups are an unpleasant phenomenon that occurs in adults and children. It appears suddenly and can last for a long time. Therefore, it is important to know how to stop hiccups. There are proven methods that will quickly improve a person's condition. They will be discussed in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Complaints of back pain can be heard from almost every modern person. And for many, such an unpleasant symptom accompanies almost constantly. In most cases, the cause of back problems is osteochondrosis. This is a disease in which the destruction of cartilage and bone tissue in various parts of the spine occurs. Moreover, with age, the risk of developing pathology increases significantly
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Women often have he alth problems, their body is very vulnerable, especially the female organs. How is an ovarian cyst treated and can it be cured?
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
The symptoms of derealization are very different, but all are connected with a change in a person's habitual perception of the real world, himself, his "I", the most ordinary objects, sounds, actions. Derealization is not considered a disease
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is a natural result of HIV infection. However, with early detection and appropriate medication, years pass until this point. Control and monitoring of the concentration of leukocytes in the blood in HIV infection is an important component of therapeutic treatment. Thus, it is quite possible to prevent the progression of HIV, and, accordingly, to increase the patient's life for several decades
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Umbilical hernia is a fairly common phenomenon in newborns. This pathology develops due to the fact that the umbilical ring is underdeveloped or too weak. An umbilical hernia bandage for children is an elastic belt made only from natural fabrics, in the center of which there is an applicator that puts pressure on the umbilical ring and prevents further protrusion of the organ
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Among the diseases that are unique to men at any age, varicocele is considered especially common, or in another way this pathology is called testicular vein varicose veins. This disease is formed under the influence of various factors, whether it be congenital, caused by a genetic predisposition, or acquired forms resulting from excessive physical exertion
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Osgood-Schlatter disease can manifest itself in the form of a painful bump in the area just below the kneecap. It can occur both in childhood and in adolescence, during puberty. Schlatter's disease of the knee joint in adolescents is most common in those who play sports. Especially such types as jumping, running. It also includes activities that require rapid changes in the trajectory of movement. For example, playing football or basketball
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Children often have stomach problems. Dysbacteriosis often appears. The tummy can disturb premature, weak children, as well as babies on artificial feeding. What is the treatment for dysbacteriosis in infants, described in the article
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
The article describes methods of treatment and prevention of such a disease as lichen. The main symptoms of the disease in humans and animals are indicated
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Rhinitis is a widespread pathological condition that affects the upper respiratory tract. The disease is often found among children and adults, since the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx are the first to react to infectious agents, hypothermia, exposure to all kinds of allergens. It is extremely important to treat a runny nose in a timely manner. Indeed, despite the rather frivolous nature of the disease, extremely unpleasant consequences can be felt against the background of the disease
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Zenker's diverticulum is a very rare type of pathology of the digestive tract. This disease accounts for 3-5% of all cases. Outwardly, the pathology is manifested by a saccular protrusion of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and pharynx, it can have a different shape and size. A defect in the digestive tract initially occurs on its back wall, after which it reaches the side
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
It's hard to remember yesterday's events, important family dates just flew out of my head, and phone numbers completely turned into fragments of memories … This is atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Alcoholism is a dangerous disease. Against the background of the use of alcohol-containing drinks, body tissues are destroyed. With regards to how many years alcoholics live. Men tend to die between the ages of 45 and 55. In women, death occurs, on average, 10 years after the development of addiction. There are also long-livers among alcoholics. But even they rarely "hold out" to 75 years
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Hirudotherapy has long been recognized by official medicine as an effective way to get rid of many pathologies. Leech therapy is used in many courses of treatment, including hemorrhoid therapy. Features of hirudotherapy is that it allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and harmful substances, activate the immune system
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Ice is very effective on hemorrhoids. Patients who use ice therapy for hemorrhoids may avoid surgery. Many do not even suspect that the cold is very effective in combating this unpleasant disease. For the treatment of hemorrhoids with ice, you can use cold lotions, ice candles, which alleviate soreness
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
Mercury is a very poisonous chemical element. You can get poisoned by its vapors in everyday life and at the enterprise. At home, you can get poisoned with mercury by breaking an ordinary mercury thermometer, mercury lamps or a barometer. In this case, the poisonous liquid metal spreads over the surface in small shiny balls and immediately begins to evaporate
Last modified: 2025-01-12 08:01
With proper therapy, an ulcer is not a dangerous disease - in a fairly short time, the functions of the esophagus will fully recover, and the symptoms will disappear. Sufficiently effective in the non-started form of pathology is non-traditional treatment with herbal remedies, aimed at healing the irritated and inflamed mucosa of the organ