Diseases and conditions 2024, October

Streptoderma: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention

Streptoderma: treatment, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention

Streptoderma is an infectious pathology that occurs with damage to the epidermis. The disease is easily transmitted and spreads rapidly. Most often, children of preschool and primary school age get sick. This is due to the fact that the child's immune system is not fully formed. Treatment of streptoderma should be started as early as possible, until the disease has affected the deep layers of the skin and has not passed into the chronic stage. In the early stages, this disease is quickly cured and does not leave marks on the skin

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis: effective exercises, principles and rules of implementation

Exercise therapy for osteochondrosis: effective exercises, principles and rules of implementation

Currently, there are many effective treatment regimens for osteochondrosis. Exercise therapy is one of the important stages of any of them. Regular physical therapy exercises significantly increase the effectiveness of treatment and prevent the development of negative consequences

Scalp fungus: symptoms and treatment

Scalp fungus: symptoms and treatment

Scalp fungus is a common problem in modern dermatology. And although the first stages of the development of the disease can proceed without any visible symptoms and not cause discomfort to a person, treatment is necessary here

Wasserman's symptom: concept, causes, description of symptoms, diagnosis and necessary treatment

Wasserman's symptom: concept, causes, description of symptoms, diagnosis and necessary treatment

This article will discuss such a neurological phenomenon as the Wasserman-Matskevich symptom. The issue of indications for its implementation, the algorithm of the procedure, as well as the treatment of the patient in case of a positive result was considered

Why are the lymph nodes under the armpit enlarged and how to treat them?

Why are the lymph nodes under the armpit enlarged and how to treat them?

Enlarged lymph nodes under the arm may indicate the occurrence of a number of serious diseases. After all, this peripheral organ performs the main function of a biological filter in the body, which protects a person from various infections. There are such nodes in the most important parts of the body. In the normal state, this organ is not palpable, but if it is inflamed, then this is immediately noticeable

Extrasystole is Violation of the heart rhythm - causes. Signs of heart disease

Extrasystole is Violation of the heart rhythm - causes. Signs of heart disease

Extrasystole is a fairly common disorder, especially when it comes to elderly patients. This condition is accompanied by a violation of the normal heart rhythm. And today more and more people are interested in questions about what are the causes of such a problem, how dangerous it can be to he alth

Acute renal failure in children: clinical guidelines

Acute renal failure in children: clinical guidelines

Any trouble with the baby's he alth causes a lot of anxiety for parents. Acute renal failure in children is indeed an alarming condition that requires immediate attention. Let us consider in more detail the features of the disease

What to do if the ear hurts outside?

What to do if the ear hurts outside?

It happens that the ear hurts on the outside. It hurts to touch, touch the organ even at rest. What to do in such a situation, the doctor will tell you. There are a lot of reasons for such sensations, and the option of getting rid of pain is chosen, starting from the factors that provoked it. The ear system is quite complex, so self-treatment in this case is not allowed, the danger of harming yourself is too great

Trocar epicystostomy: technique, postoperative care. Acute urinary retention

Trocar epicystostomy: technique, postoperative care. Acute urinary retention

With some diseases of the genitourinary system of various etiologies, people are not able to go to the toilet in a small way on their own. One of the most effective methods of urinary excretion is trocar epicystostomy. During the surgical operation, an incision is made in the lower part of the abdominal cavity and a special catheter is installed, which is connected to the urinal

What is a keel in humans: causes, description of symptoms with photos, hernia treatment and doctors' advice

What is a keel in humans: causes, description of symptoms with photos, hernia treatment and doctors' advice

There are some diseases in people that are cured exclusively by conspiracies. These include the so-called keels that appear on the body. It is worth noting that official medicine will try for a long time to rid the patient of the kil, which are usually very painful and unpleasant. In the event that they are cut out, after a while they will most likely appear again

Chronic rhinitis is Causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic rhinitis is Causes, symptoms and treatment

Chronic rhinitis is a disease that makes it difficult to breathe through the nose and prevent you from leading a normal life. To improve your well-being, it is important to see a doctor. The doctor will diagnose the patient and prescribe drugs that will help improve the general condition of the patient

Reduction of the coccyx: methods, technique and feedback

Reduction of the coccyx: methods, technique and feedback

Dislocation of the coccyx is accompanied by displacement of the surfaces of the sacrococcygeal joint in relation to each other. Incomplete dislocation (subluxation) is characterized by a partial violation of congruence. Dislocations and subluxations can be directed anteriorly (for example, after a person falls on the gluteal region) and backwards (for example, after delivery)

Amnestic aphasia is a lesion of the parietotemporal region: causes, symptoms and treatments

Amnestic aphasia is a lesion of the parietotemporal region: causes, symptoms and treatments

What is amnestic aphasia and how is it properly treated? Everything you need to know about the disease: features of the course and appearance, causes, symptoms, related varieties, diagnostic methods, rules for treatment and recovery

What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous. Why is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?

What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous. Why is toxoplasmosis dangerous during pregnancy?

What is toxoplasmosis and why is it dangerous? Toxoplasmosis is a disease caused by Toxoplasma gondii, which is a type of protozoan. The definitive host of this parasite is the feline. The sexual cycle of development of the pathogen is carried out in their body, as a result, oocysts are formed, further development occurs in the body of the intermediate host (human)

Why do alcoholics' legs fail? The effect of alcohol on the human body

Why do alcoholics' legs fail? The effect of alcohol on the human body

Why do alcoholics lose their legs? Because in the body of people who abuse alcohol, serious changes begin. Immunity falls, lungs fail, problems with the liver and kidneys appear. Pain in the limbs is also not unreasonable. If they swell, go numb, hurt, it means that pathological changes have overtaken them. But what exactly is the reason? How do the notorious changes occur? How harmful is the effect of alcohol on the body? This will be discussed now

Exacerbation of psoriasis: what to do, how to be treated? Diet for exacerbation of psoriasis

Exacerbation of psoriasis: what to do, how to be treated? Diet for exacerbation of psoriasis

Psoriasis is an unpleasant disease that can significantly impair a patient's quality of life. In case of exacerbation, it is required to follow a number of rules and undergo a number of relevant procedures. This allows you to minimize discomfort. What to do with exacerbation of psoriasis, what methods of treatment are the most effective, will be discussed in the article

Parasites in the brain: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

Parasites in the brain: causes, symptoms, treatment methods

It turns out that the presence of parasites in the brain is not such a rare occurrence in medical practice as it might seem at first glance. The diseases they cause are considered especially dangerous, and the consequences are very sad. The success of treatment depends on the stage of the identified disease. Incorrectly selected therapy leads to the death of the individual

Vegetative neurosis: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment and disputes of doctors about the disease

Vegetative neurosis: symptoms, causes, methods of treatment and disputes of doctors about the disease

Experiencing colossal nervous tension every day, experiencing family quarrels and lack of creative realization, a person literally drives himself into a state of prolonged stress. Depression negatively affects not only the psycho-emotional background, but also the work of the whole organism. This is how autonomic neurosis manifests itself, from the symptoms of which a huge number of people suffer

Arthrotomy of the knee joint: features of the operation, indications, rehabilitation

Arthrotomy of the knee joint: features of the operation, indications, rehabilitation

Knee arthrotomy is a surgical procedure in which the joint is exposed. During the operation, the doctor gets access to the joint with the ability to remove the intra-articular contents. This may be blood, a foreign body, purulent contents, resection of surrounding tissues, administration of medications, etc

Meat poisoning: symptoms, first aid and treatment methods. How not to get poisoned by meat

Meat poisoning: symptoms, first aid and treatment methods. How not to get poisoned by meat

Meat is one of the main components of the diet of most people, which provides the body with protein and many trace elements, including iron, as well as a number of vitamins. From meat you can cook a large number of various and tasty dishes, including those for dietary nutrition

Enzymes in pancreatitis: function, role in the body, pros and cons of taking

Enzymes in pancreatitis: function, role in the body, pros and cons of taking

In the presence of pancreatitis, enzymes must be prescribed, because they are designed to eliminate acute pain, additionally compensating for the constant deficiency of digestive proper substances. To relieve pain, drugs are prescribed in tablets, and in order to replace the lack of their elements - funds in capsules. Under the condition of a well-chosen enzyme preparation, the symptoms of pancreatitis are stopped, and digestion is completely restored

Loss of strength: causes and treatment. Constant loss of energy, drowsiness

Loss of strength: causes and treatment. Constant loss of energy, drowsiness

We constantly need to run somewhere, do something, do something. After the usual workdays, everyone complains about a breakdown. But if you began to worry about such an ailment, this is an alarm signal. So it's time to change something

Leukocytes in sputum: indications for analysis, norm, causes of pathology and methods of treatment

Leukocytes in sputum: indications for analysis, norm, causes of pathology and methods of treatment

Sputum is the secretion of the respiratory tract, which is pathological in nature and appears as a result of coughing. Expectoration is evidence of a violation of the functionality of the internal lining of the respiratory tract. Laboratory examination of sputum is widely used for diagnostic purposes in pathologies of the bronchi and lungs

Each symptom of thyroid disease depends on its cause

Each symptom of thyroid disease depends on its cause

Can you name the main symptom of thyroid disease? Most likely not, since pathology can develop in two directions. Read more about this in the article

Hiccups after alcohol: how to stop it?

Hiccups after alcohol: how to stop it?

Hiccups - involuntary contraction of the muscles of the larynx and diaphragm. As a result of this, the vocal cords close, which provokes rather unpleasant hiccuping sounds, which are sometimes very difficult to get rid of

Hand tremor: causes and treatment

Hand tremor: causes and treatment

In the article, we will consider the causes and treatment of hand tremors in the elderly, as well as in the young. What is this pathology? Hand tremor is an intense contraction of the muscles of the hands and forearms or trembling in the limbs of an involuntary nature. The occurrence of this pathology occurs during voluntary movements or at rest

Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms, treatment, causes and diagnosis

Chondrosis of the lumbar spine: symptoms, treatment, causes and diagnosis

How does chondrosis of the lumbar spine manifest itself? Symptoms, treatment, signs of the disease will be discussed below

What diet to follow for hemorrhoids?

What diet to follow for hemorrhoids?

Diet for hemorrhoids - a nutrition program aimed at minimizing bleeding, providing the body with useful components and minerals. It is important to give the gastrointestinal tract a minimum load, avoid aggressive products, the processing of which requires considerable energy costs from the body

Consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain

Consequences of a stroke on the right side of the brain

When a stroke occurs, it is extremely important to determine which area of the brain is affected by this pathology, since a lot will depend on this: symptoms, treatment of the disease, and in many cases, the consequences that a person will have to face. Despite the fact that the disease itself proceeds in the same way in both hemispheres of the brain

Dizziness during early and late pregnancy: possible causes and treatment features

Dizziness during early and late pregnancy: possible causes and treatment features

Dizziness with nausea, ringing tinnitus and weakness in the body that have appeared are most often signs of a condition close to the onset of fainting. A sharp lack of oxygen, and, in addition, nutrients that do not enter the brain due to impaired blood flow, cause dizziness, which can make a pregnant woman lose consciousness

Nutrition for liver disease: menu for the week

Nutrition for liver disease: menu for the week

You should always stick to proper nutrition, even in the absence of he alth problems. And in the presence of diseases of the liver or other internal organs, a change in diet is simply necessary

Spasm of cerebral vessels: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Spasm of cerebral vessels: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Cerebral spasm is a sudden narrowing of the lumen between the walls of blood vessels. The condition is dangerous because it causes serious disturbances in the work of the central nervous system. To prevent its onset, you need to know the reasons why it usually occurs

Kidney stone during pregnancy: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Kidney stone during pregnancy: symptoms, treatment and consequences

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting and happiest periods in a woman's life. But sometimes the expectation of a baby is overshadowed by various he alth problems of the expectant mother. In recent years, women who are in an interesting position are increasingly diagnosed with diseases of the genitourinary system. One of the most common problems is kidney stones during pregnancy. The consequences and treatment of this disease will be described in today's article

Vomiting coffee grounds: causes, treatment

Vomiting coffee grounds: causes, treatment

Why does coffee grounds vomit? The causes of this pathological phenomenon will be indicated below. We will also tell you about what diseases are characterized by a similar symptom, and how they should be properly treated

Cytomegalovirus - treatment, description, symptoms and consequences

Cytomegalovirus - treatment, description, symptoms and consequences

Today it is widespread among people. This infection is classified as sexual, but with a big stretch. True, it is transmitted precisely during close physical contact through human fluids in the form of saliva, tears, mucus, semen and blood. We will tell you more about the symptoms and treatment of cytomegalovirus below

Thrush during menstruation: symptoms and treatments

Thrush during menstruation: symptoms and treatments

Can there be thrush during menstruation, can it provoke a delay in "these days", and what dangers is this deviation associated with?

Fungus of the navel in newborns: causes, treatment, photos

Fungus of the navel in newborns: causes, treatment, photos

One of the diseases of the neonatal period is the fungus of the navel. This pathology refers to the growth of granulation tissue, which normally should not be. The disease does not affect the child's condition. However, surgical treatment is required to avoid complications

Causes and symptoms of dysentery in children

Causes and symptoms of dysentery in children

Dysentery is a fairly common disease that is accompanied by damage to the large intestine and disruption of the normal processes of digestion. Many parents are interested in the question of what are the main symptoms of dysentery in children. After all, statistics show that it is small children aged two to seven years who are most susceptible to this disease

Dysentery in a child: epidemiology, symptoms, treatment

Dysentery in a child: epidemiology, symptoms, treatment

The source of this infection can be both patients and carriers. They are contagious from day one. A sick person excretes the pathogen in large quantities along with fecal matter. With contaminated hands, he infects surrounding objects

Does the kitten's eyes fester? What to do? Treat

Does the kitten's eyes fester? What to do? Treat

Many owners of fluffy slickers (cats) often face a problem in the very early stages of their pet's life - the kitten's eyes fester. What to do in this case?