Many people are familiar with such pathological phenomena as migraines, headaches, dizziness. In the presence of such symptoms, memory impairment is often observed. All this may be due to the narrowing of the vessels of the brain. If left unattended, the problem can develop into atherosclerosis and other serious pathologies.
Let's see how the vessels of the brain are treated. Which doctor should be consulted if there is the slightest suspicion? What drugs and folk remedies give a positive effect in such conditions?

How to treat cerebral vessels? Reviews of doctors suggest that the pathology can be eliminated by taking a whole range of medicines, as well as through the use of traditional medicine methods. However, we will talk about this later. To begin with, we highlight the main reasons that contribute to the development of the disease:
- Hypertension - a sudden change in blood pressure leads to depletion of blood vessels. The result is a change in their elasticity. The development of hypertension has a particularly negative effect on the condition of small arteries. The brain ceases to be saturated with sufficient oxygen for normal functioning and suffers from nutritional deficiencies.
- Atherosclerosis is one of the main causes of vasoconstriction. An increase in cholesterol levels leads to the appearance of small neoplasms on the walls of the blood pathways that extend to the brain. With the development of pathology and the lack of proper treatment, the vessels become clogged with blood clots. Ultimately, there is a complete blockage of some ducts, which causes irreversible consequences. How to treat atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels, we will find out later in the article.
- Cervical osteochondrosis - tightness of tissues in the area of intervertebral cartilage - affects the deterioration of blood flow. This happens as a result of insufficient physical activity, combined with malnutrition, regular stressful conditions, lack of walks in the fresh air.
Stages of the disease

Narrowing of cerebral vessels develops in several stages:
- Mild - proceeds without severe symptoms. It manifests itself in people who suffer from lack of sleep, moral and physical overstrain at work. Such a lifestyle ultimately leads to a deterioration in the general condition. Diagnosis of vasoconstriction at a mild stage is extremely rare, since most people are in no hurry to go for an examination.
- Intermediate - vasoconstriction of the brain affects the deterioration of the functioning of a number of organs and systems. First of all, a person begins to suffer from a change in coordination of movements. Limbs can become numb from time to time.
- Chronic - expressed in more serious disorders of the brain. A person periodically loses the ability to control his own body. There is a slowdown in movement. Ultimately, the musculoskeletal system refuses to function normally. In the most advanced cases, visual and speech impairments are noted.
The danger here lies in the fact that many people independently select drugs that treat cerebral vessels, preferring all kinds of analgesics that only relieve pain. Therefore, serious, targeted therapy starts too late, when the patient is on the verge of a stroke or in a pre-infarction state.

Medications that treat cerebral vessels are used when the following symptoms are present:
- Regular headaches that affect the area of the temples, forehead and neck.
- Sudden jumps in blood pressure.
- Frequent dizziness.
- Fatigue, critical performance decline.
- Tinnitus.
- Violations of memory, deterioration of orientation in space.
Howfeel quick relief from vasospasm?

To alleviate the patient's condition in case of a spasm, doctors treating the vessels of the brain recommend lowering the legs for several minutes in a container of cold water. Then it is worth lying down, having washed before this with running water. If the condition has not improved, it is necessary to drink a cup of boiled water in which a tablespoon of honey is dissolved.
Massage procedures also help to eliminate negative manifestations. It is necessary to perform stroking movements in the direction from the bridge of the nose to the temporal region, and then massage the head from the forehead to the chin. You can also perform a targeted massage of the temples, lightly pressing on them with the pads of your fingers.
A good effect is the use of aromatic oils. How are cerebral vessels treated with their help? To do this, during the rest, a small amount of infusion of valerian, mint, lavender or jasmine is dripped onto the upper lip. Pleasant aromas help to relax the nervous system and, as a result, improve blood pressure.

Signs of the development of a pathological condition are determined by the therapist. This is evidenced by the presence of noise in the area of the cervical region above the carotid arteries. Identification of blood clots or atherosclerotic plaques occurs with ultrasound scanning. The same method makes it possible to estimate the speed of blood flow.
In cases where the results of these studies causethe doctor suspects the development of vasospasm, the patient is sent for angiography or computed tomography. The result of the procedure is obtaining detailed images of individual layers of brain tissue. The images allow you to assess the condition of the blood pathways in the marked area.
Among other things, pathology can be detected by magnetic resonance imaging. The results of the technique make it possible to exclude other causes of changes in the he althy blood supply to the brain. One of them may be the development of osteochondrosis, which is characterized by similar symptoms.
Elimination of manifestations of atherosclerosis
How to treat cerebral atherosclerosis? The drugs in this case are determined after consultation with a neurologist, therapist, other doctors who specialize in eliminating signs of the development of the disease. Usually, after an appropriate diagnosis, patients are prescribed products designed to clean blood vessels and restore he althy blood circulation in the brain area. These are medicines containing anion exchange resins, fibrates, antioxidants, cerebrolysin, iodine and lecithin.
Drug therapy
How to treat vasoconstriction of the brain? There are a wide range of medications that improve the condition of the blood tract. Among those it is worth noting:
- Cholesterol-lowering drugs - Zocor, Leskol, Lipitor, Crestor.
- Means with a high content of nicotinic acid - Niaspam, Nikolar.
- Medicines,contributing to the excretion of bile acid from the body - "Velhol", "Cholestide", "Questran".
- Drugs that normalize the processes of fat metabolism - "Atromid", "Trykor", "Ezetimibe", "Clofibrate".
Before resorting to the independent use of the listed remedies, it is strongly recommended to find out which doctor treats cerebral vessels and make an appointment for a consultation. Only a qualified specialist is able to choose the most effective drug in a particular case, highlight side effects, and also determine the incompatibility of individual medications.
Vitamin Therapy

How to treat cerebrovascular spasm? In addition to medications, it is important to resort to taking vitamins. The following substances contribute to the improvement of vascular elasticity:
- B vitamins;
- vitamin C;
- vitamin A;
- vitamin E;
- zinc, calcium.
The listed substances can be taken without a doctor's prescription. Vitamin complexes help strengthen blood vessels, have a positive effect on the course of lipid metabolism in the body.
Radical treatments
How are cerebral vessels treated in a neglected state? With a significant progress of the disease, when the use of medicines does not give almost any positive effect, doctors often resort to surgical interventions.
The primary method here is carotid endarterectomy - a procedure duringwhich cholesterol plaques are removed from dissected vessels. The structure of the damaged walls of the blood pathways is restored over time due to suturing. The operation is quite complicated and is performed by a qualified doctor using general anesthesia. In most cases, the patient is discharged from the hospital after a few days.
Angioplasty is also an effective method of surgical treatment. During the operation, the thinnest catheter is inserted into the artery, which moves to the area of the clogged vessel and pushes through cholesterol plaques.
Traditional medicine methods

How to treat cerebral vessels? Folk remedies can produce therapy only if a pathology is detected in its early stages of development. Among the most effective recipes are:
- Decoction based on pine shoots. A few tablespoons of raw materials are mixed with a similar amount of grated rose hips. Lemon juice, honey is added here. The resulting composition is poured with a liter of water and boiled. The tool is infused throughout the day. Take the resulting decoction of 0.5 liters per day. The product saturates the body with a complex of vitamins and acts as an excellent antioxidant.
- Decoction of hawthorn. Two tablespoons of the fruits of the plant are poured with a glass of boiled water. Alternatively, you can use ready-made hawthorn tincture. The agent must be added a few drops to tea or drinking water. The use of decoction leads tovasodilation, nutrition of the heart muscle, has an antispasmodic effect on tissues.
- Clover tincture. A liter jar is filled with plant inflorescences and filled with vodka. The composition is infused in a dark place for two weeks. Like hawthorn tincture, clover-based remedy is added 5-10 drops to various drinks. The tool eliminates the first signs of atherosclerosis, improves memory, removes the sensation of tinnitus.
Juice treatment
How to treat cerebral vessels? Folk remedies that give pretty good results are some juices. Cleaning vessels with this method requires patience, as it lasts quite a long time. At the same time, the method is absolutely safe.
How are cerebral vessels treated? In order to clean the blood ducts from cholesterol plaques, birch sap is used. It is recommended to use it several times a day, one glass. Beetroot juice has similar properties. It is mixed in equal proportions with honey. At a time, you need to consume about half a glass at each meal.
Other juices also have a positive effect on the state of blood vessels. Among them, pomace from orange, apple, pomegranate should be highlighted.
Tips for strengthening blood vessels
To never have to figure out how to treat spasm of cerebral vessels, it is important to resort to preventive measures to prevent the disease. Breathing exercises, swimming,cycling. Such actions can be combined with taking a contrast shower, hardening the body.
It is possible to prevent a decrease in the elasticity of blood vessels and their spasm by avoiding emotional, physical and mental overstrain. In order to prevent the occurrence of stress, as well as excessive stress on organs and systems, it is important not to overwork at work, to completely stop drinking alcohol and smoking.
Strengthening blood vessels contributes to proper nutrition. It is necessary to eat more unprocessed food. We are talking about fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as the rejection of fatty meat, in particular pork, lamb, all kinds of smoked meats. It is recommended to drink less coffee, strong tea. It is better to replace such drinks with decoctions of wild rose, hawthorn, St. John's wort. The consumption of fried foods, mayonnaise, chocolate, sweets, and butter can lead to vasoconstriction. In order for the vessels to remain in good shape, it is worth drinking at least one and a half liters of pure water throughout the day.
In conclusion
So we found out how to treat the vessels of the brain with folk remedies, medicines, and also with the help of surgical intervention. In order to prevent the development of a pathological condition, it is important to periodically diagnose, monitor your own he alth, maintain a balance between stress on the body and rest, and resort to disease prevention. Compliance with the practical recommendations presented in our material helps to reduce the risk of vasoconstriction and spasm.