Alternative medicine 2024, October

Marva Oganyan: golden recipes for naturopathy

Marva Oganyan: golden recipes for naturopathy

How to maintain he alth and help the body fight disease? Among the many people trying to find an answer to this seemingly eternal question, it is worth listening to Marva Vagarshakovna Oganyan, a person who has devoted most of her years to studying an important aspect of life. According to the method of Marva Oganyan, aimed at cleansing the body with natural juices and herbal decoctions, more than 10,000 people were able to recover from many diseases

Milk with cough soda: reviews. Milk with honey and cough soda

Milk with cough soda: reviews. Milk with honey and cough soda

Medical treatment has a huge number of side effects, especially with regular use. Competent and experienced doctors advise to do without such therapy if possible. For example, if a person has a cough, you can use proven folk remedies

Onion with cough milk: recipe. Folk recipes for cough

Onion with cough milk: recipe. Folk recipes for cough

How to cook onions with milk for a cold. What folk remedies based on milk will help against coughs and colds

Hemlock tincture: instructions for use, reviews

Hemlock tincture: instructions for use, reviews

It is known that in cancer, hemlock tincture can have a calming, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effect. The medicine is widely used in folk medicine for the treatment of oncological diseases of a different nature

St. John's wort herb: application and benefits

St. John's wort herb: application and benefits

St. Perhaps, you can find it almost everywhere, except perhaps the northern regions, the very south, as well as deserts. This pleasant plant grows well in well-lit, open areas, clearings and fields. But it does not like forest thickets and too wet soil

Healing herbs. The healing properties of St. John's wort and contraindications

Healing herbs. The healing properties of St. John's wort and contraindications

Our ancestors know that St. John's wort is very useful, and it is actively used in folk and traditional medicine. This plant has other names: St. John's wort, perforated, pierced. Many people know the healing properties of St. John's wort, and contraindications, and also believe that he is able to cure ninety-nine diseases

Useful properties of St. John's wort and contraindications for use

Useful properties of St. John's wort and contraindications for use

People have long begun to study the beneficial properties of St. John's wort and contraindications for use. This plant has real healing qualities, which allows it to be used in the fight against various ailments

Breast elixir: instructions for use, analogues

Breast elixir: instructions for use, analogues

Autumn and spring are characterized by the heyday of colds. Temperature changes, deceptive heat and dampness, cool breeze and too light clothing - all this causes a person to quickly catch a cold. And the first symptoms are coughing and runny nose. Breast elixir will help to quickly cope with the symptoms. It has been used with great success in children and adults

Mink fat: description, useful properties, use in cosmetology and traditional medicine

Mink fat: description, useful properties, use in cosmetology and traditional medicine

Mink is a small mustelid predator well known for its luxurious fur. However, the mink, whose photo is often used in their advertising booklets by fur manufacturers, gives people another amazing product that is used in traditional medicine and cosmetology. It's mink fat

Propolis: medicinal properties of the product

Propolis: medicinal properties of the product

Bees produce medicines from plants by processing raw materials. They produce a unique product of the plant and animal world - propolis, the healing properties of which are invaluable in the fight against many diseases. That is what this article will be about

Plantain lanceolate: description and medicinal properties

Plantain lanceolate: description and medicinal properties

Plantain is a perennial medicinal plant, often found along roadsides, on grassy slopes, fields, wastelands, meadows, clearings

Cinnamon for diabetes. Cinnamon for diabetes: how to take

Cinnamon for diabetes. Cinnamon for diabetes: how to take

Hundreds of millions of people around the world cannot imagine their lives without sweets. However, not everyone can afford to enjoy their favorite dishes. It is associated with certain he alth problems. Do not be upset, some products not only have a pleasant taste, but are also very useful, most likely, you simply do not know about their wonderful properties. For example, cinnamon in diabetes is not only allowed, but also necessary. But why? Let's try to figure it out together

Benefits and uses of Echinacea

Benefits and uses of Echinacea

The use of echinacea is a fairly common folk method to increase immunity

Folk laxatives. Folk recipes for laxatives

Folk laxatives. Folk recipes for laxatives

You can be treated in various ways. In addition to medicines created by the richest pharmaceutical corporations, there are also various folk recipes that help get rid of various problems. This article will discuss what laxatives exist: folk recipes for the preparation of effective drugs for constipation

Fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms): description of the method, features, result, reviews

Fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms): description of the method, features, result, reviews

The science that studies the possibilities of treating a person with mushrooms is called fungotherapy. In countries such as China and Japan, this method of treatment has been practiced for a long time. The mushrooms that healers use are most often rare and grow in East Asia. To date, fungotherapy (treatment with mushrooms) is considered very promising

Tourmaline belt: application, reviews. Tourmaline belt: instructions, price, contraindications

Tourmaline belt: application, reviews. Tourmaline belt: instructions, price, contraindications

The belt is made of crystal tourmaline and magnets. It consists of crystals (diameter 2 and 25 mm) and a special fabric created on the basis of "liquid tourmaline", with threads that are woven into the material. Therefore, the product was called the magnetic tourmaline belt. It helps to relieve stress after a hard day at work and restore he alth

Theta Healing: a new healing technology. Theta Healing: reviews

Theta Healing: a new healing technology. Theta Healing: reviews

Theta healing is a new healing technology that involves a person conducting meditations that completely change his reality

Calendula ointment: use for various purposes

Calendula ointment: use for various purposes

Calendula is a medicinal plant. In folk medicine, it has found wide application due to its pronounced bactericidal properties, which allow you to rid the body of some pathogens, especially streptococci and staphylococci. Medicines based on calendula flower baskets are recommended in the treatment of wounds that do not heal for a long time, burns, and fistulas

What herbs can be used to improve metabolism

What herbs can be used to improve metabolism

One of the main causes of many human diseases is metabolic disorders. In folk medicine, there are many recipes and fees that help solve this problem and do not cause side effects. Different herbs that improve metabolism are best used in courses, taking breaks between them. Fees can be purchased at a pharmacy, but it is advisable to make them yourself from those herbs that are right for you

Burdock juice: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews

Burdock juice: medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews

Such a widespread plant as burdock is probably known to everyone. Thanks to its prickly leaves, an engineer from Switzerland came up with the Velcro fastener, which is widely used today. The plant is actively used in traditional medicine. Burdock juice is especially effective, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which we will reveal in the next article

Washing with chamomile for thrush: useful properties, proportions, procedure, reviews

Washing with chamomile for thrush: useful properties, proportions, procedure, reviews

Thrush is a problem that is familiar to most women firsthand. And often the annoying fungus comes back again and again, causing a lot of inconvenience. Itching and burning, unpleasant discharge - all this suggests that it is time to undergo treatment again. One of the most popular recipes is washing with chamomile. With thrush, this method is efficient and effective, so let's discuss it in more detail

Onion in socks at night - Chinese technique for treating colds and other diseases

Onion in socks at night - Chinese technique for treating colds and other diseases

Onion in socks at night helps to remove the symptoms of colds: it lowers the high temperature and helps to cure the disease in a couple of days without the use of antibiotics

Egg in vinegar against fungus

Egg in vinegar against fungus

Egg in vinegar has been used in folk medicine for many years. Such ingredients are used to fight the fungus on the feet and hands. To date, there are many different recipes for making ointments, but the article will present only effective and proven recipes that can be made at home

Rosehip - diuretic or not? How to brew wild rose correctly in a thermos

Rosehip - diuretic or not? How to brew wild rose correctly in a thermos

Rosehip diuretic or not? This question arises in many people before drinking drinks based on it. The material given in the article will help to deal with this issue. In addition, recipes for the proper preparation of the plant in a thermos, as an infusion and as a decoction will be indicated

Useful properties of linden tea and contraindications

Useful properties of linden tea and contraindications

Linden has been serving as a home doctor for many decades. Cooking recipes have existed for a long time, but the specific beneficial properties of linden tea became known only after studies of the chemical composition of flowers and tree bark

How apple cider vinegar is used for varicose veins

How apple cider vinegar is used for varicose veins

A large number of people suffer from varicose veins. Of course, you can buy drugs in a pharmacy, but not all of them are effective and, in addition, they are quite expensive. Along with these drugs, there are folk remedies, and the most popular is apple cider vinegar for varicose veins

Chromotherapy - what is it? Non-contact method of treatment with light and color

Chromotherapy - what is it? Non-contact method of treatment with light and color

Different shades can relieve stress, treat certain diseases, purify the blood, improve skin condition and even get rid of excess weight. This direction of therapy got its name - chromotherapy. What it is will be described in this article

Katsuzo Nishi: exercises, body healing system, results, reviews

Katsuzo Nishi: exercises, body healing system, results, reviews

What are Nishi Katsuzo's exercises? Why are they good? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. To resume his work and improve the body, you can apply Nisha's gymnastics. Consider Nishi Katsuzo's exercises below

Recipes of folk remedies for boils on the body, arms and legs

Recipes of folk remedies for boils on the body, arms and legs

Abscesses with purulent contents, depending on the clinical picture, may differ in size, pain, amount of discharge. They can appear on the body area, on the arms or legs. Folk remedies for abscesses help get rid of the problem in a short time and return the skin to a clean and silky appearance. In order not to harm your he alth even more, you should follow some rules when treating at home

Hemorrhoid baths: effective recipes at home

Hemorrhoid baths: effective recipes at home

This article will tell you in detail about such a popular and effective method in the treatment of hemorrhoids as sitz baths. It will also be possible to find out what baths are and how to properly prepare them. Recipes for using sitz baths for hemorrhoids

Plant extract. Echinacea as part of a healing agent

Plant extract. Echinacea as part of a healing agent

A low perennial plant Echinacea has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time. It came to Europe thanks to the Spanish navigators. And already in those ancient times, healers paid special attention to its unique healing properties

Elecampane: reviews of medicinal properties

Elecampane: reviews of medicinal properties

What is your preferred treatment? Some people trust modern preparations, others try more to use herbal preparations and medicinal herbs. Today we want to talk about a unique plant called elecampane. It has been used by herbalists since time immemorial in their recipes

Melissa: useful properties and methods of application

Melissa: useful properties and methods of application

Lemon melissa is a perennial plant with a pronounced lemon flavor. It can grow in one place up to twenty years and reach a meter height

Healing properties of tansy and contraindications: description and methods of treatment with tansy

Healing properties of tansy and contraindications: description and methods of treatment with tansy

Tansy is a bright and beautiful plant with a strong effect. Healers have long used it in the treatment of many diseases. Consider the medicinal properties of tansy and contraindications, how useful it is and whether there is a danger when using

Amazing momordica: he alth recipe

Amazing momordica: he alth recipe

Other names for this fruit are "Indian cucumber", "Chinese bitter melon". Momordica belongs to the pumpkin family, and in appearance it resembles a cucumber, only with large warts. The plant grows in Africa, India, South America and Australia. But some varieties are already successfully grown in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. The unripe fruit is dark green in color, while the ripe fruit is bright orange

The benefits of aloe for the human body

The benefits of aloe for the human body

The benefits of aloe are known to all. In many homes, it is grown and used for medicinal purposes. This plant is native to Africa, and currently there are about 300 of its species, each of which has its own specific medicinal properties. In the article, we will consider in detail what is the use of aloe, and how it is used for various problems

Is it possible to bathe with bronchitis in the bath? Answer

Is it possible to bathe with bronchitis in the bath? Answer

Is it possible to bathe in a bath with bronchitis? It turns out yes. This procedure is very beneficial for the body. It is only necessary to follow a number of recommendations and contraindications. You can learn about them by reading this article

Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take? Useful properties, efficiency

Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take? Useful properties, efficiency

Apricot is a well-known he althy and tasty fruit. But few people know about the beneficial properties of the component of the seeds of this fruit. The article deals with apricot kernels, their use in cancer and, of course, the effectiveness of this product

Horseradish: medicinal properties, folk recipes

Horseradish: medicinal properties, folk recipes

Since ancient times, healers considered horseradish to be a healing plant. Medicinal properties are widely used in folk medicine. Thanks to mustard oil, which is part of horseradish, the plant has an irritating and stimulating effect on the human body

Japanese Sophora plant: use in traditional medicine, medicinal properties and contraindications

Japanese Sophora plant: use in traditional medicine, medicinal properties and contraindications

Nature is rich in beautiful useful plants, one of which is Japanese Sophora. What are its medicinal properties and contraindications?