Alternative medicine 2024, October

Astragalus membranous: description, medicinal properties and contraindications. Longevity Recipes

Astragalus membranous: description, medicinal properties and contraindications. Longevity Recipes

The herbaceous plant Astragalus membranosus has long been known and widely used in folk medicine. Its healing properties are simply amazing in their diversity and wide range of coverage of various diseases. For medicinal purposes, all its parts can be used: flowers, leaves, roots, and fruits

Tiger balm: properties, composition, contraindications, reviews

Tiger balm: properties, composition, contraindications, reviews

One type of ointment made in Thailand is tiger balm red (red ointment). This is the most powerful of all existing Thai ointments in terms of the degree of impact on the human body. This balm is always talked about as one of the best local analgesics on the planet. It is also the main ingredient in many Chinese ointments. But first things first

Drone homogenate. Benefit for he alth

Drone homogenate. Benefit for he alth

Drone homogenate is the most valuable biologically active natural substance. In terms of protein content, this product is close to mushrooms and meat. In addition, it contains a rich set of vitamins and amino acids, trace elements, enzymes and other useful elements

Sunflower root. Healing properties gifted by nature

Sunflower root. Healing properties gifted by nature

Sunflower root has been used in folk medicine for several centuries. The healing properties of the underground part of this medicinal plant have long been used to dissolve stones in the kidneys and liver

Kalanchoe: benefits and harms to the human body

Kalanchoe: benefits and harms to the human body

People have long studied the he alth benefits and harms of Kalanchoe. The plant is used to treat various diseases

Chamomile for hemorrhoids: purpose, application, recipes and reviews

Chamomile for hemorrhoids: purpose, application, recipes and reviews

Chamomile for hemorrhoids can be used not only for preparing decoctions and infusions, as well as taking healing baths, but also for steam treatment. This method of therapy relieves pain much better than many drugs. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to pour a hot decoction of chamomile into a metal bucket and sit on top of it

Healing and beneficial properties of propolis

Healing and beneficial properties of propolis

Propolis is one of the most valuable bee products. This substance has unique healing properties and helps to get rid of diseases when other methods remain powerless. This substance copes well with wounds, ulcers, infectious lesions of the throat, ear, nose, and mouth. The beneficial properties of propolis allow it to be used for burns, chronic diseases of the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract, as well as for prostatitis, in gynecology and not only

How to use propolis: healing properties, preparation features, rules of use and contraindications

How to use propolis: healing properties, preparation features, rules of use and contraindications

This article talks about propolis - one of the most valuable bee products, what diseases it can be used to fight, how it should be used, contraindications, and other important and interesting information on this topic

Tourmaline socks. Reviews, prices, photos

Tourmaline socks. Reviews, prices, photos

Tourmaline is a beautiful mineral that has collected the entire color spectrum of the rainbow. But besides this, it is also very useful for restoring human he alth. Tourmaline socks - that's what they began to produce for a physiotherapeutic effect. How do they affect a person?

Composition of "Monastic tea" from hypertension. "Monastic tea": reviews

Composition of "Monastic tea" from hypertension. "Monastic tea": reviews

Traditional medicine has long come to the rescue of man. And now the secret of monastic tea has been revealed, which helps in curing diseases such as hypertension, diabetes mellitus. Eco-friendly product works wonders

Folk remedies for nausea. How to get rid of nausea

Folk remedies for nausea. How to get rid of nausea

Everyone knows what nausea is. You can get rid of this condition in various ways. At the same time, natural folk remedies for nausea are among the most effective and safe

Kakalia spear-shaped: medicinal properties, contraindications and photos

Kakalia spear-shaped: medicinal properties, contraindications and photos

Kakalia spear-shaped is a perennial herbaceous plant of the Compositae family. It has horizontal rhizomes, and the stem reaches a height of 150 cm. It is straight, simple, almost naked. The leaves are three-lobed, broad-lanceolate, with sharp-toothed edges. During flowering, cream flowers appear on the plant, collected in paniculate inflorescences. And then the fruits ripen - naked achenes with a characteristic tuft. Flowering occurs in July-August

Exercises for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Methods of treatment

Exercises for inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Methods of treatment

Under the complex term sciatica is an inflammatory process that affects the sciatic nerve. With inflammation of this nerve, severe pain develops, radiating to the lower back. Sciatica occurs in cases where a person is in an uncomfortable position for a long time, during pregnancy, with trauma to the pelvis. In the absence of pinching therapy, it transforms into inflammation

Cherry leaves: useful properties and contraindications, use in traditional medicine, recipes

Cherry leaves: useful properties and contraindications, use in traditional medicine, recipes

Cherry is a tree that is known and loved by many. It is unpretentious and grows in all cities, in every summer cottage

Avran officinalis: medicinal properties, description, application and reviews

Avran officinalis: medicinal properties, description, application and reviews

Avran is medicinal, and at the same time is poisonous. The plant is common in Europe, Siberia and Asia. It is also called apothecary, grace, fish grass, deer grass, horse tinder and bloodwort. The name "Avran" came from the Turkic language, which means "sick" in translation. Let's talk about this plant in more detail

Chinese breathing exercises. Basic exercises

Chinese breathing exercises. Basic exercises

The growing interest in the ancient traditions of the East every year is fully justified. The knowledge that the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire have been honing for centuries reveals to us the secrets of he alth and longevity. Chinese breathing exercises help to prolong youth

Breathing exercises. Strelnikova will help everyone

Breathing exercises. Strelnikova will help everyone

Strelnikova's breathing exercises have been wildly popular for years. It is used by professional athletes in their training, and it also helps with serious diseases

Treatment with honey. The use of honey for various ailments. Recipes and recommendations

Treatment with honey. The use of honey for various ailments. Recipes and recommendations

Since time immemorial, bee products have taken a strong position in the treatment of various ailments, whether serious diseases or simple cosmetic defects. Today, honey treatment is recognized even by official medicine and is prescribed by doctors in parallel with medications. Especially often it is used to prevent or improve immunity after past illnesses

Spanish moss: medicinal properties, uses, contraindications

Spanish moss: medicinal properties, uses, contraindications

Spanish moss: chemical composition and beneficial properties for human he alth. Harm and contraindications for use. The history of the origin and place of growth of this plant. Description of the appearance and features of cultivation

Nasturtium flowers: application, useful properties, photo

Nasturtium flowers: application, useful properties, photo

For a long time, nasturtium flowers have been valued not only for their natural beauty, but also for their beneficial properties. A large number of recipes based on this plant have been preserved, which are used today in cooking, in folk medicine and in cosmetology

What are the benefits and harms of celery?

What are the benefits and harms of celery?

The benefits and harms of celery have long been studied. Today it is widely used in folk medicine as a healing agent that helps to cope with many diseases. And in the fight against excess weight, celery is also indispensable

Ledum: medicinal properties. Ledum for cough

Ledum: medicinal properties. Ledum for cough

Traditional medicine quickly appreciated wild rosemary. The medicinal properties of the plant allow you to get rid of a strong cough. After all, grass is a good expectorant. This plant has many useful properties: it can reduce pressure, disinfect and soothe

Brazilian wasp venom - a cure for cancer

Brazilian wasp venom - a cure for cancer

Brazilian wasp venom is widely used in medicine as an alternative cancer treatment. The poison affects prostate cancer cells, bladder cancer cells and other affected areas

Sap - what is it? Application, useful properties and reviews

Sap - what is it? Application, useful properties and reviews

In the harsh climate of Siberia, mighty cedars have been growing for hundreds of years with excellent wood for the production of furniture and construction, very useful and tasty nuts, as well as tree resin, popularly referred to as resin. So, resin is a resin that got its name due to its beneficial properties, due to the fact that during photosynthesis, cedar produces negatively ionized oxygen

Mnemotechnics: memory exercises for adults and children

Mnemotechnics: memory exercises for adults and children

The article will talk about simple mnemonics exercises available to everyone to improve the memory of children and adults

Adam's apple: application and useful properties

Adam's apple: application and useful properties

This fruit is widely used in traditional medicine. All kinds of tinctures are made from it, which are used both externally and internally. It should be noted that the Adam's apple, or maclura, is completely inedible, and some even consider it poisonous. Milky juice appears on the mature fruit, it tastes very bitter and causes numbness of the tongue for a while. Ripe apples are yellow-green. It is these fruits that must be harvested for the preparation of tinctures

Purslane garden: description, medicinal properties, recipes, contraindications

Purslane garden: description, medicinal properties, recipes, contraindications

Purslane is an unpretentious plant belonging to the purslane family. This plant has other names: dandur, buterlak, pine, flea. This unique annual is used in folk medicine, and is also used to prepare a variety of dishes. It is used to make mashed potatoes, salads and more

Medicinal roots of Potentilla white: use and contraindications

Medicinal roots of Potentilla white: use and contraindications

Since ancient times, the roots of Potentilla white have been used in alternative medicine to treat various diseases. And now this medicinal plant has not lost its popularity, it can be purchased at a pharmacy

Exotic feijoa fruit. Useful properties and contraindications

Exotic feijoa fruit. Useful properties and contraindications

At the end of the autumn season, unusual exotic fruits, known to few people, appear in stores. This is feijoa. Useful properties and contraindications of this product, we will learn from this article

How to increase the pressure of folk remedies? Foods and herbs that increase blood pressure

How to increase the pressure of folk remedies? Foods and herbs that increase blood pressure

Dizziness, weakness and low concentration are all symptoms of low blood pressure, or hypotension. Today we will talk about how to increase the pressure in folk ways, with the help of herbs, proper diet, as well as moderate physical activity

Which herbs to reduce appetite are safe for the body

Which herbs to reduce appetite are safe for the body

The desire to lose weight has recently become more and more popular not only among women, but also among men. At the same time, not everyone can afford regular training, physical activity and strict diets

Estragon - what is it? Properties and uses of tarragon

Estragon - what is it? Properties and uses of tarragon

Asking the question of tarragon - what it is, people are far from aware that this intricate word means the well-known tarragon - a fragrant and tasty spice that has been used for culinary and medical purposes for a long time

Sesame oil: the benefits and harms of the product

Sesame oil: the benefits and harms of the product

Recently oils have become very popular. Sesame oil is one of the most sought after. It can be used in many ways: added to food, rubbed into the skin, mixed with other oils, or just drink a tablespoon a day

Information for thought: the beneficial properties of birch buds

Information for thought: the beneficial properties of birch buds

Birch is not only a very beautiful tree, sung by many generations of Russian poets. Among the people, birch sap, bark and kidneys are actively used to treat a variety of diseases. The beneficial properties of birch buds are described in detail in this article

Useful properties of thyme - Bogorodskaya grass

Useful properties of thyme - Bogorodskaya grass

The beneficial properties of thyme, this fragrant medicinal plant, have been known to man since antiquity. It is needed in the first aid kit and in the kitchen, in the wardrobe and on the alpine hill

The most effective folk antifungal agents: recipes, applications, reviews

The most effective folk antifungal agents: recipes, applications, reviews

Fungus on the feet and nails can be a real problem. There is an opinion that infection of the feet is a common pathology of disadvantaged segments of the population. It's a delusion. Anyone can become infected - regardless of age, gender and lifestyle. Folk antifungal agents can bring relief if used correctly

Dill tea: composition, pharmaceutical preparation, homemade recipe, application and reviews

Dill tea: composition, pharmaceutical preparation, homemade recipe, application and reviews

Dill tea is familiar to all new mothers, because it effectively prevents various digestive problems in babies. Symptoms of the disease appear immediately after feeding. The child cries, blushes and draws his legs. In this situation, a tool proven over the years comes to the rescue - dill tea

What kind of tea to drink with high blood pressure? Recommendations for hypertensive patients

What kind of tea to drink with high blood pressure? Recommendations for hypertensive patients

Currently, one of the most common diseases is hypertension. Moreover, this disease affects not only adults, but even young people. The disease is characterized by high blood pressure, has rather unpleasant symptoms: tinnitus, overwork, headache, chills, shortness of breath, etc. Today we want to tell you about how different types of tea affect high blood pressure and give advice on which product is better to choose

Hemp oil. Useful properties for the body

Hemp oil. Useful properties for the body

In modern medicine, hemp oil is widely used. The beneficial properties of this product make it possible to recommend its use in a wide range of various ailments. Moreover, its use is not only expedient, but sometimes it is simply necessary

Gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory

Gynecological collection of herbs anti-inflammatory

A woman should take any inflammation of a gynecological nature very responsibly and immediately begin its treatment. In addition to drug therapy or after it, you can take a course and drink a gynecological anti-inflammatory collection. But how can it help, what herbs are in its composition and how to take it correctly?