Autumn and spring are characterized by the heyday of colds. Temperature changes, deceptive heat and dampness, cool breeze and too light clothing - all this causes a person to quickly catch a cold. And the first symptoms are coughing and runny nose. Breast elixir will help to quickly cope with the symptoms. It has been used with great success by children and adults.

General Description
Most often it is used in pediatric practice. In children, immunity is not sufficiently developed, so they often suffer from acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. The disease is most often expressed in fever and cough. When treating, it is very important to choose a drug that does not harm he alth. There are safe, natural-based medicines that successfully cope with all symptoms. These include a chest elixir, which is used in the treatment of coughs of various etiologies.
What is this drug? ATunlike most others, this is a complex tool, which easily explains its high efficiency. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, works as an antiseptic, antihistamine, antispasmodic.
Main Components
What is the composition of the breast elixir and provides an effective impact? The main active ingredients are licorice root and anise oil. In addition, the composition includes ethyl alcohol and an aqueous solution of ammonia. The use of the drug is due to the fact that it causes expectoration due to the liquefaction of sputum. In the process of this, sputum begins to leave the upper respiratory tract in the process of coughing. The breast elixir is also a great immune booster.

Licorice and its effects on the body
This plant is famous for its healing properties. Many of you will remember the sweetish syrup that your parents gave you as a child. This is the main component of the breast elixir. The roots of the plant provide a whole range of effects on the patient's body. Inflammation is quickly removed, the growth of pathogenic microflora is suppressed. The plant relieves bronchospasm, which allows you to establish sputum discharge. All these are important points, without which recovery is very difficult.
Anise oil
The second important component of the composition, which ensures the effectiveness of the chest cough elixir. Oil is added to all mixtures for inhalation. It includes dozens of biologically active substances and chemical elements. Aniseis an excellent sedative, provides an antispasmodic effect and dilutes sputum. Its ability to quickly stop inflammatory processes is also known.
Auxiliary components
Aqueous ammonia or ammonia. It contains very little, but enough to treat a cough. We are used to using it in everyday life, but in small quantities it resists inflammatory processes, stimulates the respiratory center of the brain, and stimulates nerve endings in the airways. All this creates the conditions necessary for a quick recovery.

Indications for use
Breast elixir can be prescribed for almost any disease of the respiratory tract and lungs, which are accompanied by heavy sputum discharge. Do not forget that self-medication is unacceptable. First, the doctor must assess the patient's condition and make the correct diagnosis.
According to the instructions, its use can seriously help in the treatment of pharyngitis and laryngitis, bronchitis and bronchial asthma. Often it is prescribed for the treatment of influenza. The specialist may suggest monotherapy with an elixir. If the patient's condition is severe, then antibiotics are connected. In this case, the drug can be used as an aid.
Most often, a drug based on natural, herbal ingredients is prescribed for the treatment of children and younger students. But adults often use it too.
For babies
Breast elixir for children is an excellent remedy for variousrespiratory ailments. The drug shows high efficiency in bronchitis, which is characterized by a protracted course. The drug greatly alleviates the manifestations of bronchial asthma.
Judging by the instructions, the chest elixir is prescribed for children with a dry cough, when it is necessary to start the process of sputum formation and discharge as quickly as possible. In some cases, the appointment is justified for patients with a productive cough. This is necessary if the sputum is very thick, and its discharge is very difficult. Not always parents can determine the nature of the cough in their child. In order not to make a mistake and not harm, it is best to show the baby to the doctor.

Age thresholds
From what age is the use of breast elixir acceptable? Children can be prescribed it from the age of two. At an earlier age, it is required to select analogues that will not only effectively fight cough, but are also safe.
The fact is that during the first 24 months the human bronchi are still very weak, and the diaphragm is imperfect. Increased secretion can lead to the fact that the child simply chokes on his own sputum. In addition, the drug contains alcohol, which is undesirable for babies. Finally, licorice and anise can cause severe allergic reactions in children.
How to use
Breast Elixir is available as a thick and very sweet oral solution. It is sold in glass bottles, the cap of which is a measuring container. Dosing the drug is very convenient.
- If the child is between 2 and 6 years old,then he can be given no more than 15 drops at a time. You can repeat the procedure three times a day.
- Children from 6 to 10 years old, a single dosage is up to 20 drops.
- From the age of 12, you can switch to an adult dosage. It is 20 to 40 drops at a time.
This information is indicated in the instructions for use. But doctors can calculate the dosage differently. They are based on age, that is, one drop for every year of life. If the child is three years old, then you need to give three drops at a time.

Probability of an allergic reaction
This product contains extracts which may cause a severe reaction. It can manifest itself both in the form of skin rashes and Quincke's edema. Therefore, you need to be very careful. The first dose should be minimal, not more than a third of the total dosage. This will allow you to see if there is a reaction to the components of the drug.
The course of treatment should be determined by the attending physician. On average, it is 5-7 days. The elixir should be taken 30 minutes after a meal. For children, it is bred in a small amount of sweet tea. But don't use milk.
Is the drug safe
This is a very common misconception. If it is plant-based, then it cannot harm. That is why, instead of going to the doctor, some parents prefer to buy a breast elixir. Reviews of doctors indicate that despite the high efficiency, the drug should be taken with caution. There are a number of side effects to be aware ofknow:
- Digestion problems. While taking the drug, diarrhea or vomiting may develop. If the child is older, he may complain of abdominal pain.
- Allergic reaction. It may be different. It's rash and itching, coughing and burning.
- Edema. This is not a very common complication. Such a reaction can be if the patient takes the drug for too long, without medical supervision.
- Irregular heart rhythm. This could be a reaction to an overdose.

Patient action
Any of these symptoms require immediate discontinuation of the drug. Be sure to contact your doctor and describe in detail all your observations. If an allergic reaction develops rapidly, then you need to call an ambulance. You can not hesitate if there is a violation of breathing. It is also worth acting if an arrhythmia begins.
With great caution, the drug should be given to children with brain disorders, problems in the liver and kidneys, after TBI. Be sure to constantly monitor the doctor throughout the course of treatment.
In the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza, a whole complex of medicinal substances is often prescribed at once. Not all of them normally interact with the breast elixir. For example, in combination with antibiotics and antiviral drugs, it is prescribed quite often, contributing to a speedy recovery. But with corticosteroids, it cannot be prescribed.
Categorically you can not take the elixiralong with antitussives, which are designed to block or reduce the cough reflex. Otherwise, the following situation will turn out: a lot of liquid sputum is produced in the bronchi under the influence of one drug, and it does not find a way out because of another, which prohibits coughing. You can not take the elixir and in conjunction with other mucolytics. This can lead to excessive bronchial secretions.

Similar drugs
There are so many of them on the market today that only an experienced doctor can choose the most suitable among them. Analogues according to the method of exposure are the drugs "Bronchipret" and "Gederin". Their cost is much higher, but judging by the reviews, the effectiveness is in no way inferior to the breast elixir. It is prescribed less frequently for adults, since today there are a lot of local and general remedies that can very quickly put you on your feet. After all, adults often cannot afford a long sick leave. But if you want to do without serious medications and their effects on the body, then it is quite possible to use a breast elixir.
Instead of a conclusion
The drug has a low cost and has proven itself in the treatment of cough. Breast elixir is worth having in every home first aid kit. It is able to quickly alleviate the condition of children and adults, regardless of the cause that caused the cough. At the same time, the drug is quite cheap, and if used correctly, it is safe.