Hemorrhoids are one of the oldest diseases. The first mention of the disease is found in the records of mankind even before our era.
Hemorrhoids cause discomfort that prevent a person from living a normal life. Therefore, doctors recommend taking action at the first symptoms and not delaying treatment.

There are many ways to treat this disease, ranging from proven folk remedies to cutting-edge ones. However, a method such as sitz baths for hemorrhoids is the most popular. It is this method that will be discussed in this article. Next, you can find out how to make baths for hemorrhoids, which ones are the best and what effect they can have.
Description of the disease
Hemorrhoids is a disease that is associated with the expansion, thrombosis and inflammation of the hemorrhoidal veins. Knots form around the rectum that prevent blood from circulating normally through the veins.
The disease is common among bothmen as well as among women. Symptoms of hemorrhoids include:
- pain, which may be during bowel movements or constant;
- bleeding;
- itch;
- prolapsed hemorrhoids;
- mucus secretion;
- feeling of incomplete emptying;
- perianal edema;
- discomfort.
The disease develops gradually, ranging from itching and infrequent constipation, ending with the prolapse of hemorrhoids, bleeding and constant pain. It is necessary to deal with this problem in the initial stages, since advanced cases often cause the development of colon cancer, thrombosis or necrosis.

In order to determine what steps to take to get rid of hemorrhoids, you should consult a doctor who will recommend the best treatment option. Often in complex therapy, doctors prescribe baths for hemorrhoids. It is worth considering what they are.
What helps with hemorrhoids baths at home
Baths are useful for inflammation of the hemorrhoid. In general, the following number of advantages from their use can be distinguished:
- Efficiency. Baths for hemorrhoids after the first use are able to relieve such unpleasant sensations as itching, pain and discomfort. They have a healing effect, relieve the inflammatory process. When herbs are added, there is also an anesthetic effect. During the course of procedures, a cumulative effect occurs.
- Accessibility. With hemorrhoids bathsabsolutely everyone can do at home. The procedure is available not only by the technique of its execution, but also by the components that are used to relieve pain and discomfort. In order to make a bath, you will need a basin or bath, water and a more suitable medicinal component, which can be potassium permanganate, chamomile or other herbs.
- Simplicity. To make a bath for hemorrhoids, you do not need to have any in-depth knowledge in the field of medicine. All additional healing ingredients are available from pharmacies.
- Safety of the procedure. When a doctor prescribes baths for the treatment of hemorrhoids, as well as subject to elementary rules, it is simply impossible to harm the body. Of course, there are some contraindications, but they will be discussed below.
Baths are of great benefit at the initial stage of development of hemorrhoids. A small number of procedures will allow you to get rid of unpleasant symptoms and cure the disease.

Methods of preparation and varieties of baths
There are several types of baths that can be prepared for hemorrhoids at home. Baths are available:
- cold;
- warm;
- hot;
- steam and smoke.
Cold baths are recommended for exacerbation of hemorrhoids. Cold water helps to stop bleeding, can reduce pain and improve blood microcirculation. For cooking, you need water, the temperature of which does not exceed 20degrees. Water must be boiled, as, for example, tap water contains elements that contribute to infection.
Warm baths help to relax the sphincter muscles, eliminate itching, and also help to strengthen the vascular membranes and heal cracks. The temperature for such baths should be equal to the natural temperature of the body.
In hot baths, the water should not exceed 40 degrees. It is important to remember that such procedures can only be carried out during the “fading” of the disease or in its initial forms. Do not use them during an exacerbation of hemorrhoids. A hot bath reduces pain, relieves inflammation, promotes the regeneration of damaged areas.
In order to understand how to take baths for hemorrhoids, you should know the basic rules:
- Water must be boiled.
- The basin should only be half filled with water.
- Before pouring water into the basin, you should prepare the ingredients in advance (a decoction of herbs, a solution of potassium permanganate, etc.).
- After the procedure, it is necessary to remove the remaining water from the skin with a soft, clean, lint-free cloth, it is better to refuse terry towels.
How to make baths with potassium permanganate for hemorrhoids?
The procedure with a manganese solution is very popular in the treatment of this disease. However, it is worth remembering that if you prepare the solution incorrectly and overdo it with the main component, you can get a skin burn.
In order to make a manganese bath withhemorrhoids, first you need to prepare a solution. In a small amount of warm water, potassium permanganate must be diluted so that the liquid turns crimson. Next, the resulting solution is poured into a basin or bath filled with warm water through gauze. This step is important because not all crystals can dissolve. As mentioned above, high concentrations of manganese can cause burns. If the undissolved crystal gets on the area of the skin affected by hemorrhoids, serious complications may occur.
The treatment bath should have a pinkish tint. It is worth noting that the properties of manganese evaporate at high temperatures, so it is necessary to make a solution in warm or cool water.
After the procedure, the skin must be wiped with a gentle, soft cloth. You can also treat the anus with natural coconut oil - this will help accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.
Chamomile baths
With hemorrhoids, chamomile baths relieve inflammation, eliminate itching and promote rapid healing of the affected areas. This plant is a storehouse of nutrients, so it is used in the treatment of hemorrhoids as often as manganese.

To prepare the solution, pour 3 tablespoons of chamomile into a glass of boiling water and leave closed for 60-80 minutes. Next, the strained broth is poured into prepared warm purified water and the procedure is carried out. For the best effect, it is recommended to do such baths 2-3 times a day.
Onion bathshusks
Onion perfectly fights inflammation and helps relieve itching, so a decoction of onion peel is used to treat this unpleasant disease. First, to prepare a decoction, you need to soak the husk for 10 hours in cold water. During this time, the liquid should turn yellowish brown. Next, the broth should be boiled for 5 minutes.
Strained broth is added to a bowl of warm water and a bath is taken. At home, with hemorrhoids, it is easiest to make such a bath, as it is prepared from improvised means, but at the same time it has a good healing effect.
Nettle bath
Rutin contained in nettle has a hemostatic effect. In addition, the plant has a positive effect on the elimination of itching and discomfort.

To prepare a decoction, take 2 tablespoons of dry nettle, pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 60-80 minutes. Then the resulting broth is filtered and poured into a basin and a bath with cool water.
Garlic bath
For cooking, you need to grind one medium head of garlic with a blender or a regular grater, pour 5 liters of purified water and leave for 5-6 hours. After a while, the solution must be filtered to get rid of the cake.
Take garlic baths in cool water. It is important to remember that garlic can cause serious irritation during cracks or during an exacerbation of the disease. Therefore, this option will be really useful only at the initial stage.hemorrhoids. In general, the antibacterial properties of garlic can relieve itching and eliminate discomfort.

Herbal infusion steam bath
This procedure is very effective, but it should be carried out with great care, as you can get a burn, which is absolutely undesirable for hemorrhoids. To carry out the procedure, it is necessary to take a container, the volume of which should be at least 3 liters. Next, you need to choose a wooden lid that fits the size of the container with a hole of about five centimeters (for steam to escape from the container).
It is necessary to pour a hot decoction of medicinal herbs into the container and sit down so that the steam falls on the anus. The procedure should take 10 to 15 minutes to complete.
Smoke bath
It is prepared as follows - pour a dry collection of herbs or grated garlic on red-hot bricks or stones and place it so that the outgoing smoke enters the anus.
It is worth noting that such baths can be inconvenient to use, and in some cases dangerous. Therefore, they should be prepared and received with extreme caution.
Herbal baths
Medicinal herbs allow you to have a healing, hemostatic and soothing effect on the affected area. In addition to the already mentioned nettle and chamomile, doctors recommend preparing infusions from herbs such as calendula, sage, string, burnet, St. John's wort and yarrow.
It is not necessary to mix all herbs at once,you can take, for example, sage and chamomile, succession and St. John's wort, or any other combination of herbs. To prepare the infusion, it is recommended to use 2-3 tablespoons of herbs purchased at the pharmacy, pour them with a glass of boiling water and insist for 60-80 minutes. Then the liquid is filtered, poured into a basin of warm water and taken a sitz bath.

Any medical procedure has its own number of contraindications. In the case of using baths, there are not many of them. However, it is worth remembering that hot baths are contraindicated for thrombosis, bleeding and infringement of nodes. And also such procedures should not be carried out by pregnant girls.
Cool baths are contraindicated for those who suffer from problems with the genitourinary system. Do not take cold baths in the presence of an infection in the genitals. Just like hot procedures, cold procedures are contraindicated for pregnant women.
It is worth noting that warm baths have absolutely no contraindications. In this case, the most important thing is to choose the right ingredients for a decoction or infusion.
Experts note that it is almost impossible to cure hemorrhoids with baths alone. However, their use has a positive effect on the overall dynamics of treatment and an increase in the remission period. Therefore, they can be considered a good concomitant remedy to help deal with this unpleasant problem. Doctors recommend that the procedure be carried out in a more traditional way, in the form of sitz baths, and without unnecessary need not to resort to steam orsmoke. This is due to the fact that if the procedure is carried out incorrectly, the situation can be aggravated even more.
You can often find positive reviews about baths for hemorrhoids from patients suffering from this disease. Many note that when they are used, itching disappears and pain decreases.
As noted earlier, baths are an effective adjunct to the main drug therapy. Making them is absolutely not difficult, and anyone can cope with such a task.
At a consultation with a doctor, you should find out which baths for hemorrhoids will be more useful in a particular situation, when and how to use them. The specialist will talk in detail about the effect of this procedure and recommend one of the more suitable components, which may be herbs, manganese or other beneficial agents.
The most important thing when using baths is to observe the regularity of the procedure, as positive changes may not be felt the first time. After two or three applications, itching will noticeably disappear, and after two days, pain and discomfort will disappear.
No matter how useful such procedures are, you should not self-medicate and neglect visiting a specialist. Only a doctor can determine the severity of the problem and prescribe the appropriate course of treatment for the individual.