Many exotic fruits and vegetables confidently settle in our gardens. Now, few people will be surprised by the gazebo of kiwi, feijoa and many other plants that were previously considered exotic. So momordica - either a vegetable or a fruit - is increasingly appearing on our shelves. And for some housewives, canned momordica is a familiar dish.

Momordica: general information
Other names for this fruit are "Indian cucumber", "Chinese bitter melon". Momordica belongs to the pumpkin family, and in appearance it resembles a cucumber, only with large warts. The plant grows in Africa, India, South America and Australia. But some varieties are already successfully grown in the southern regions of Russia and Ukraine. The unripe fruit is dark green in color, while the ripe fruit is bright orange. Momordica is translated as "biting". And it is no coincidence: the stem, leaves of the plant and green fruits are covered with hairs,which cause skin irritation. But as the fetus matures, the hairs fall off and no longer cause any harm.
Momordica: application
In many southern countries, Indian cucumber is widely used in cooking, and absolutely all parts of the plant are suitable. Unripe fruits are eaten (since they are less bitter). They are boiled, stewed, fried along with other vegetables and fruits. When momordica ripens, it opens like a lily. Inside the ripened fruit are bright red berries, in appearance resembling something between a dogwood and a pomegranate. They taste sweet and juicy. These berries can be eaten raw, as well as cook jams, preserves and compotes from them. But this plant is not only used in cooking, it also helps in the treatment of certain diseases.
Momordica plant: traditional medicine recipes
Momordica is widely used in oriental medicine, but now more and more often in our country they resort to the healing power of Indian cucumber. The chemical composition of the plant is quite rich. It includes saponins, alkaloids, some amino acids, oils, phenols. The berries of this fruit contain a lot of vitamin C, carotene, B vitamins and calcium. So, calcium is the key to strong bones and teeth. Vitamin B is simply necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, and vitamin C helps the body fight stress, infectious diseases and is also a very powerful antioxidant. Carotene is processed by our adrenal glands and converted into vitamin A in the liver.

Momordica recipe for insect bites
Crushed Indian cucumber leaves help relieve itching and swelling after insect bites. In southern countries, snake bites are also treated in this way. It should also be emphasized that leaf pulp mixed with honey helps to cure gasoline burns.
Momordica: decoction recipe
Decoction of seeds and fruit of momordica helps reduce blood sugar levels in diabetic patients and increase insulin production. And the decoction can be taken during a flu epidemic. Preparation of decoction: take a handful of seeds or other parts of the fruit and pour a glass of water. Then boil for a few minutes and cool the broth. Take 50 g several times a day.
Momordica: a recipe for hemorrhoids
Decoction of momordica seeds successfully treats hemorrhoids. In addition, the work of the kidneys and urinary tract improves due to the diuretic effect that this fruit has. Prepare the infusion according to the recipe above.
Momordica: a recipe for facial rejuvenation
Extracts, infusions and masks from Indian cucumber fruits reduce wrinkles and increase skin turgor.

Momordica: medicinal recipes and contraindications
There is evidence that decoctions of this plant kill bacteria such as streptococci and staphylococci, and are also effectively used to treat cancerous tumors. The root of the plant is used as a powerful aphrodisiac. But despite the positive effect on the body, there are still contraindications forthe use of momordica. It should not be used by pregnant and lactating mothers, as some of the substances that make up the plant can cause premature birth or vaginal bleeding.