Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take? Useful properties, efficiency

Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take? Useful properties, efficiency
Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take? Useful properties, efficiency

Apricot is a fruit whose country of origin is still unknown. So, some scientists suggest that the plant originally grew in Armenia, others lean towards Kazakhstan. Now the trees of this fruit can be seen where there are appropriate climatic conditions for them.

apricot kernels for cancer how to take
apricot kernels for cancer how to take

A little information about the fruit

For several hundred years, a number of varieties of this plant have been bred, which are well adapted to the frost-resistant climate. Trees can be up to a hundred years old. They can be seen in warm countries. Apricot fruits are somewhat reminiscent of peach, which are also similar in color. The orange color of the fruit indicates that it contains carotene, which is necessary for the human body. It contains useful trace elements, vitamins, tannins, phosphorus, calcium, essential oils.

As a rule, apricots are eaten fresh or dried. It should be noted that inin any form, the fruit is very useful and retains all the useful substances.

What is the composition of apricot kernels?

One of the main components of the fruit is amygdalin. Today, there are a lot of questions and opinions about whether the treatment of cancer with apricot kernels is a myth or a reality. So, the content of B17 in the fruit is compared with the procedure of chemotherapy, but not harmful to he alth. Therefore, most people have a question: "Apricot kernels for cancer - how to take them in the fight against this disease?". You will see the answer to this question in our article.

apricot kernels from cancer myth or reality
apricot kernels from cancer myth or reality

In addition, the bone of this fruit contains such components as proteins and acids, phospholipids and essential oils, various microelements.

Also, amygdalin itself contains hydrocyanic acid, which harms the human body when consumed in very large quantities. One of the interesting facts about kernels is that the more bitter they taste, the more toxic substances they contain. In this case, it is advised to take bones with a sweet component, as they are the most useful and valuable in quality.

Can I eat apricot pits?

There is a judgment that states that there was a Tibetan settlement. Here, the inhabitants took several kernels of fruit every day. As researchers know, none of the settlers had cancer. And women gave birth at the age of 55, which was not forthem outlandish and unhe althy, despite their rather large age.

cancer treatment of cancer with apricot kernels
cancer treatment of cancer with apricot kernels

According to statistics, those who consume these components of the fruit, even in adulthood, have excellent physical condition and mind.

Regarding the effectiveness of cancer treatment with apricot kernels, traditional medicine has been using them for quite a long time. And not only with this disease. But, as well as pneumonia and asthma. In addition, apricot kernels are an excellent way to satisfy hunger. A few pieces are enough for a person to be able to work actively without thinking about food for three hours.

Why do apricot pits taste bitter?

Having tried several types of grains of this fruit, it can be noted that some of them have a sweetish aftertaste, while others are vice versa. But even in the first case, the presence of bitterness is felt.

Scientists say that this is a consequence of the presence of toxic substances in them. Only their concentration is different. In the case when the apricot kernel is sweet with a slight bitterness, it can be eaten in the absence of contraindications.

If you come across a bone with a very bitter content, then you do not need to eat it. Since it is this terrifying aftertaste that indicates a large amount of hydrocyanic acid in it.

What is the difference between an almond and an apricot kernel?

It would seem that this is the same thing. But by telling a representative of Central Asia about this, you will make them smile. Yes, because they are absolutely two different things, althoughthey are similar in composition of useful substances.

apricot kernels benefits and harms beneficial properties
apricot kernels benefits and harms beneficial properties

The difference between them is as follows:

  • almond kernel is elongated and oval, while apricot is slightly flattened and roundish;
  • almonds are larger than the grain of our fruit;
  • the color of the first core is more saturated compared to the first core.

Almonds are more popular than apricot pits. They can be purchased at any chain store. It also contains slightly more beneficial trace elements than orange fruit kernels.

Apricot kernels: benefits and harms, beneficial properties

The kernels of this fruit are considered interesting in various discussions by scientists because of its heterogeneous composition. Most people, after eating the pulp of an apricot, throw away their seeds along with the contents, not understanding their benefits.

The kernels of this plant are used both in perfumery and in medicine and cooking. They are used for pneumonia, bronchitis, cancer. The treatment of cancer with apricot kernels is not a well-studied topic, therefore, in traditional medicine, the substance is used in small quantities.

Cookers usually use kernels to decorate a dish and to give it a specific taste.

wild apricot pits personal experience
wild apricot pits personal experience

Urbech is made from this content of apricot seeds in folk medicine. It consists of grains, honey and butter. This remedy is very good for colds and is used to strengthen immunity.

Harmapricot kernels is that it contains a lot of sucrose. For this reason, people with diabetes and those prone to obesity should not use it. Another contraindication is the presence of cyanide in it, which later turns into hydrocyanic acid. By eating apricot pulp and nuts, this poison can be neutralized. But if consumed in large quantities, you can get food poisoning.

Also, doctors do not recommend using this product for pregnant women, people with thyroid problems, with liver diseases. Children should not eat more than ten kernels per day, provided that they do not have allergies. In this case, you should consult a specialist and take an antihistamine.

Apricot kernels for cancer: how to take them for prevention and illness?

The amygdalin and pigmatic acid contained in the fruit kernels are those substances that have a detrimental effect on cells affected by oncology. Scientists have proven that moderate consumption of grains leads to inhibition of the growth of affected tissues and their regeneration.

effectiveness of cancer treatment with apricot kernels
effectiveness of cancer treatment with apricot kernels

Despite the fact that some researchers talk about the dangers and the likelihood of toxic nuclear poisoning, this phenomenon is rare. As mentioned, they should be taken in small quantities. Apricot kernels for cancer, how to take them? First, kernels are needed only from wild plants that grow away from the road. Secondly, for the effectiveness of apricot kernels, they are destroyed beforedirect acceptance. You only need raw kernels. And the brighter their color, the more useful substances they contain.

How much apricot kernels for cancer how to take? The number of grains depends on the mass of the human body. There should be one core per 5 kg. If the patient has unpleasant symptoms, then the number of grains should be reduced. They must be eaten on an empty stomach.

Reviews on the use of apricot kernels in the treatment of cancer

People who fought cancer on their own with the help of grains of this fruit are surprised by their effectiveness. According to official data, preparations made on the basis of nuclei have a positive trend in 65% of cases.

Thus, wild apricot pits help most patients cope with this ailment. The personal experience of such people is an example for others with this diagnosis. When eating grains, you just need to remember that they contain not only useful, but also toxic substances that kill cancer cells. Therefore, eating them in unlimited quantities is strictly prohibited.
