What is elecampane? Reviews of herbalists and folk healers will definitely say that this is one of the very first helpers studied by mankind in the fight against various diseases. In Russia, it has long been considered a remedy for ten ailments, in general, this is where the name came from. Various tinctures and decoctions were made from it, and the dried stems were used to stuff pillows. Today, buying fees with this plant is not a problem. We want to consider what elecampane is. Reviews of phytotherapists say that it can be used to solve a variety of he alth problems. Our task is to determine the scope of its use and give the reader recommendations for use.

Description and chemical composition
Let's look at what elecampane is. Reviews of herbalists say that it can be distinguished among dozens of other plants. It is a perennial, medicinal herb, and the root is most often used, although the leaves also have a certain power. Elecampane belongs to the Compositae family, it is easy to understand by looking at its basket - the sun. Widespread inSiberia and also in Europe. Its stem is powerful and thick, by the middle of summer a bush is formed. The flowers are very large, bright, in the form of a yellow basket, which is very reminiscent of a small sunflower. The roots are very well developed, so the plant survives in almost any area. The fruit is a capsule with small seeds. In the people it is sometimes called a wild sunflower, although it has nothing to do with it. In its composition, the plant contains essential and fatty oils, inulin and vitamin E. That is, with various diseases, simple grass can support well.
Wide range of uses
Today, the plant is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for the production of inulin. It is a very important ingredient in the food industry. It is used to produce drugs for diabetics, and is also very popular among adherents of a he althy lifestyle and a slim figure.
Elecampane is also used in cooking. Pieces of the stem can be boiled in sugar syrup. Delicious candied fruits are obtained. Grass is added to jams and compotes, it ennobles the taste and reduces the risk of an "explosion" of the jar. It is also a common ingredient in vegetable soups and stews. Sometimes celery is replaced with elecampane in recipes.

Medicinal properties
What is elecampane so famous for? The reviews of many generations indicate that they began to take it with almost any ailment. Today, its abilities are already well studied, and a list of the main medicinal properties can be given. This plant can replace a good tenmedicines. Regular intake allows you to remove swelling, as the herb has a diuretic property. Bactericidal properties help with any inflammatory processes. In addition, it is an excellent choleretic and expectorant, natural antiseptic.
This is why doctors love and value elecampane. However, the list is far from complete. It is widely known that the tincture of this herb has a beneficial effect on the digestive tract. This is very important in the correction of gastritis. In addition, the drug effectively slows down intestinal motility. At the same time, it activates the secretion of bile. Thus, we have already outlined a number of problems that this amazing herb can solve.
The root of elecampane is especially widely used. Medicinal properties, reviews of which are very good, allow the plant to be used in pediatrics, in preparation for surgical interventions. Essential oils are especially valuable in the composition of the roots. They allow you to treat the entire digestive system as a whole. Preparations prepared on the basis of elecampane suppress a number of harmful bacteria. Among them are Staphylococcus aureus, Trichophyton and Salmonella.

Traditional medicine
Official medicine widely uses this medicinal plant, but the list of appointments is much narrower than that of herbalists. Folk healers, in addition to bronchitis, treat with the help of this plant lack of appetite and helminthic diseases, hemorrhoids, gum disease and stomatitis. With the help of a decoction of elecampane, weak children were put on their feet. Elecampane tincture is widely used to treat skin diseases. Elecampane on vodka was given to patients with tuberculosis to ease the course of the disease.
This plant is also useful in the treatment of the reproductive system. Women regularly take elecampane root with a delay in menstruation. Reviews confirm that the method works well, but do not refuse to go to the doctor. The delay can be of a different nature (inflammatory, hormonal), and if you are pregnant, then you should absolutely not use this herb. But to increase the potency of a man, the herb is very useful.

Do not rush to the pharmacy, first you need to read the list of contraindications and consult your doctor. Everyone wants to be he althy, but most importantly, do not harm your body. There are a number of contraindications that must be taken into account, and even better, consult a doctor. Do not use preparations based on elecampane during pregnancy and lactation.
In pediatrics, tinctures and decoctions of this herb are also used very often, but there is a limit of up to 2 years. In case of serious violations of the internal organs (kidneys and heart), you must first consult with your doctor. Do not refuse professional advice, even if you are sure of the diagnosis.

Irregular cycle and its violations
This is familiar to almost every woman. Sometimes this is a short-term problem, the cause may be stress or a violation of the daily routine. But if it comes back, then you need to take action. Is it possible immediatelyuse elecampane? Reviews (if you delay, do not forget to exclude pregnancy first) emphasize that in some cases this herb helps no worse than hormone therapy. Now another important fact. If the delay lasts several months, then any herbal medicine is already powerless. But if the deadlines are exceeded by only a couple of days, and there are no direct contraindications, you can use this herb to induce menstruation. In addition, drinking it every month is very dangerous. So don't procrastinate and go to the doctor.
How elecampane helps in solving a delicate problem
Do not forget that any self-medication can be dangerous. Is no exception and elecampane. Reviews during the delay are very different, some women say that a decoction or tincture helped a lot, others did not notice the effect, and for others, on the contrary, the condition became even worse. But most women still manage to achieve their goal. Here is the most popular recipe used by hundreds of women to induce their period.
You need to take a dry root and grind it strongly. Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a cup of boiling water and bring to a boil. Within 15 minutes, the composition must be boiled over low heat. It is best to do this in the evening. The broth is removed from the stove and left for 5 hours under a towel. The resulting remedy should be taken in a teaspoon before meals.
There is another option, how to take elecampane with a delay in menstruation. Reviews of doctors, however, warn women that the uncontrolled use of this remedy can change the cycle and intensity of discharge. This may lead toa variety of consequences, up to uterine bleeding.
So, you will need to prepare the same decoction as in the first recipe. Dosage difference. Per day, you can take 50 ml at a time or divide into two doses. Menstruation should start on the same day. Elecampane is strictly contraindicated for pregnancy. Reviews say it can lead to miscarriage.

Amazing is near: elecampane for infertility treatment
This is a proven fact. For expectant mothers, this weed is dangerous, but for those who have long dreamed of a baby, it can be of great benefit. To do this, you need vodka tincture. This recipe has been used since the time of our great-grandmothers. You will need elecampane roots, dandelion leaves, and burdock leaves. In order not to carry out long calculations, take them in equal shares. It will take two tablespoons of this mixture to pour 60% alcohol. It should be insisted exactly three weeks. Write down the date of the bookmark on the bottle. This infusion is taken in 50 ml twice a day, immediately before and during ovulation. After this, the treatment must be stopped. If pregnancy has not occurred, it is recommended to repeat the course next month.
Elecampane for infertility
If you are diagnosed with infertility, then you can periodically take a decoction of this magical herb. If, against the background of this, the cycle is broken, then it is very useful to use the root of elecampane with a delay. Reviews suggest that such a course of treatment has helped many people become a mother. Take a decoction in the second phase of the cyclea tablespoon 3 times a day. Be sure to under the supervision of a doctor to prevent the use of herbs during pregnancy. This course of treatment promotes the attachment of the embryo to the wall of the uterus.

For the strong half of humanity
If a married couple has difficulty conceiving a child, then problems can be not only with the woman's he alth. Male infertility is not uncommon these days. Very often, the representative of the stronger sex does not want to admit that a woman cannot become pregnant precisely because of him. However, this may even be the result of colds, so no one is immune. Are you afraid of long trips to hospitals and complicated treatment? There is a way out, try elecampane. Reviews for men are very encouraging.
Decoction is made from the roots of the plant, which contains the most useful substances. Its recipe is quite simple. A tablespoon of pre-shredded raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water and brought to a boil. Boil for 15 minutes over low heat. Let the broth cool down and take it warm, 1 tablespoon 4 times a day. This procedure is performed for three days, then take a week break and repeat the procedure. For the male body, such a decoction does not pose a danger. Elecampane changes the composition of the seminal fluid, due to which the spermatozoa become more tenacious and mobile. Thus, the likelihood of conception is greatly increased.
Family planning experts recommend the followingscheme. For two or three days you abstain from sex and drink elecampane, then for two days you try to conceive a child. The course is a month. If conception did not occur, then take a break for a month and repeat the procedure.

Treatment of acute respiratory infections and colds
It is widely used elecampane for coughs. Reviews suggest that all parts of the plant help strengthen immunity and cure bronchitis and even pneumonia much faster. Elecampane is a source of many trace elements. The tincture of this miraculous plant is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties. It not only allows you to effectively remove sputum, but also improves blood circulation in the lungs and bronchi, neutralizes pathogenic bacteria and significantly speeds up recovery.
An alcohol infusion is used to treat cough. To prepare it, you will need a glass of fresh, high-quality raw materials. It needs to be finely chopped, pour 0.5 liters of vodka and insist 9 days. Take this tincture should be 2 teaspoons, 3-4 times a day.
If you decide to use elecampane to treat a cough in a child, then alcohol infusion will not work. You need to prepare a water decoction. To do this, a tablespoon of dry raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and left to infuse. This decoction should be taken 100 g, three times a day. This is an excellent prophylactic and tonic. It helps a lot during epidemics. In the off-season, regular intake avoids beriberi. But, of course, contraindications must be excluded.

Instead of a conclusion
If there is an excellent, folk remedy to fight many diseases, then this is elecampane. Medicinal properties and contraindications, reviews - all this is useful information for each of you. Write prescriptions in your notebooks and use them to treat your family. But keep in mind that self-medication can seriously harm your he alth. Be sure to seek professional diagnosis and advice from a doctor. When the doctor knows exactly what needs to be treated, he will select the optimal therapy for you. If drugs can be replaced with herbs, he will definitely do it. Therefore, no matter how strong the temptation is to simply buy and drink weed instead of going to the doctors, try to overcome yourself. We told you about the wonderful elecampane root. Reviews of doctors fully confirm its effectiveness.