What are Nishi Katsuzo's exercises? Why are they good? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Today, more and more people are becoming victims of civilization. Discord between man and nature entails moral exhaustion.
In addition, many people have become accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, which provokes problems in the activities of all systems and organs. The spine is especially susceptible to negative influence. To resume his work and improve the body, you can apply Nisha's gymnastics. Consider Nishi Katsuzo's exercises below.
Author of gymnastics
It is known that Katsuzo Nishi created a system for improving the spine. He was not a doctor, but he was “closely” familiar with medicine: from early childhood, he was constantly healed first from one, then from another ailment. He himself later wrote about his childhood as follows: “I was the most sickly and frail among my peers. One famous doctor gave me a death verdict, saying that I would not live to be 20 years old. And I really lost weight day by day and suffered greatly physically and spiritually. I was thirstypassionate he alth.”
This desire helped him not only to stay alive, but also to become he althy. Without giving up, he got acquainted with the he alth philosophies and systems of different states and cultures, went in for sports and was constantly in an independent search for a recipe for he alth.
As a result of practice and research, he realized that there are no ailments of individual organs - they are all the result of transformations of various systems, and one of the reasons for their appearance is moral exhaustion.
Based on these views, he developed a healing mechanism known as the "Nisha He alth System". Nishi considers four components as the basis of he alth: limbs, skin (including mucous membranes), psyche and nutrition.

He alth System
Nishi Katsuzo's exercises are becoming more and more popular today. Although this man did not have a medical education, he was looking for methods that could cope not only with the symptoms of the disease, but also eliminate its causes. Nishi studied the philosophical teachings of many countries, as we discussed above, and concluded that human organs should be analyzed in close correlation with each other. This system does not recognize the use of medicines.
The value of Katsuzo's technology lies in the combination of a systematic, thorough approach to healing many ailments with wellness accessible procedures that are suitable for babies and the elderly.
Nishi considers problems in the activity of the spine to be the most important reason for the development of pathologies. That's whyto normalize the state of the body, you need to perform gymnastics for the spine. Moreover, this method helps to eliminate many problems, including herniated discs.
Great importance in technology is given to peripheral hemodynamics. The Japanese claims that any defectiveness is based on disorders in the work of capillaries. It offers uncomplicated techniques for renewing vessels. Air baths will help here, as well as vibration exercises by Nishi Katsuzo.

An important element of the healing mechanism is nutrition, because it gives energy to cells. Breathing exercises are also of great importance.
The cause of chronic pathologies is also weakness of the spirit. A person in a depressed state experiences emptiness and fatigue, as a result, interest in life disappears.
Golden Rules
Let's look at the golden rules of he alth and Nishi Katsuzo's exercises. The basis of his technology is six canons. The exercises must be done naked. Thanks to this, skin breathing is stimulated, and the body is freed from toxins. So, Nishi suggests following the following rules.
Using a soft pillow causes dislocation of the vertebrae, which causes inflammation in the joints. As a result, the neck loses its mobility, and pain occurs in the back of the head. A solid pillow, on the other hand, standardizes the state of the spine, with its help it is possible to resume the activity of the nasal septum, to ensure typical cerebral circulation, which is to prevent the occurrenceatherosclerosis. It is recommended to give preference to a pillow-roller.

As the body ages, the muscle tissue that holds the vertebrae loses tone. As a result, the nerves and blood vessels are compressed, blood circulation is disturbed. Sleeping on a firm bed helps distribute body weight. Therefore, it is possible to eliminate the curvature and relax the muscles.
Now let's analyze Katsuzo Nishi's "Goldfish" exercise. It must be done in the morning and evening every day. And then you will be able to cope with curvature of the spine and improve posture, improve bowel function, improve blood circulation, and correct the functioning of the nervous system. To implement the exercise, you need:
- lie down on a hard surface;
- straighten the limbs, feet should be on the heel;
- stretch to stretch your spine in all directions;
- place the palms under the neck, connect the legs, and pull their fingers to the face as much as possible, then vibrate with the whole torso.

It is also necessary to perform an exercise for the capillaries. Thanks to him, you can improve the functioning of capillaries and saturate tissues with nutrients. For this you need:
- lie on your back, place a roller under your neck;
- raise limbs up, feet should be parallel to the floor;
- Shake your limbs for one to three minutes.
This exercise is a great substitute for jogging. However, it allows the exclusion of stress on the heart and joints, and in fact in many peoplethere are just such contraindications.
Closing feet and hands. Promotes coordination of movements and a significant improvement in the condition of the spine:
- lie on your back, place a roller under your neck, connect your palms and feet, and spread your knees apart;
- press the fingertips, then do the same with the palms;
- stretch your arms above your head and hold them to your waist, placing your fingers in the direction of your head;
- turn your hands to your feet and move along the course from the groin to the navel;
- stretch the joined hands far and hold them over the body;
- put hands over solar plexus;
- move your palms back and forth.
Charging for the tummy and back. With this exercise of the Katsuzo Nishi system, you can normalize the work of the central nervous system and improve bowel activity. First you need to sit on your knees, then place the pelvis on your heels, straighten your back and perform such actions - raise and lower your shoulders, tilt your head in all directions. Then tilt your head to the right side, then imperceptibly, stretching your neck, as if rolling it towards the spine. Raise your arms, then bend them, and clench your hands into a fist. Tilt your head back, pull your elbows back, and stretch your chin to the ceiling.
Nisha's gymnastics is a real way to cope with the pathologies of internal organs and improve your body. It is only important to clearly follow all the recommendations and systematically perform the exercises.

Few people know Nishi Katsuzo's 4 exercises for the spine and improving the blood supply to the brain. By the way, they slow down the aging process. Do these exercises daily and you will reposition your vertebrae, improve your posture, and relax your blood vessels. All this will provide the brain cells with a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients. Top Benefits of Exercise:
- release blood vessels from compression;
- straighten the spine;
- improves blood flow to the brain.
The spine is the frame of the body, the axis of the body, so it must be strong and he althy.
Exercise 1: Tree Leaf
The first exercise for the spine of Katsuzo Nishi is called “Tree Leaf”. It straightens the spine, improves the blood supply to the brain, relieves blood vessels from compression.
Starting position: lying on your back on a flat hard surface. Every muscle must be relaxed. Imagine that there is a peaceful, calm emptiness inside you, and from that a light body floats in weightlessness.
Performing the exercise: slowly bend your knees, pulling your heels towards your buttocks, but without lifting them off the floor. Raise your head off the floor without lifting your spine, and reach your knees with your hands.
When the fingertips touch the knees, fix the position for a couple of minutes. Imagine that the most powerful stream of life-giving Energy is pouring through the whole body. Then return to the starting position and relax completely for two minutes.
Exercise 2: Willow Branch
This exercise is called Willow Branch. It reduces back pain, heals the spine, improves heart function.
Starting position: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet should be placed parallel to each other. Focus all your attention on the body. As in the previous exercise, feel your weightlessness and emptiness inside.
Performing the exercise: put your palms in the area of the kidneys on your back, fingers should touch in the region of the sacrum. Begin to slowly tilt your head back, imperceptibly bending in the spine.
When you feel the limit of your resources, just freely lower your arms down, maintaining the backbend. Your torso will spontaneously sway like a willow branch bending over a lake.
Stay in this position as long as you feel comfortable, then return your palms to the lower back and take the starting position, gently straightening the spine.
Task 3: Bow String
This exercise is called "Bowstring". Cleanses s alt deposits in the spine area, improves blood circulation.
Starting position: kneeling, arms at your sides.
Performing the exercise: gently bend backwards in the spine and grab both ankles with your hands. Fix the position for 5 seconds. Return to your original position. Repeat the exercise 4-10 times, starting with fewer repetitions and increasing it as you master it.
Task 4: Flexible Vine
This exercise is called "Flexible Vine". Improves spine flexibility and blood circulation.
Starting position: standing, legs relaxedshoulder width.
Performing the exercise: massage the lumbar area with your hands, imagining how the spine becomes plastic and flexible. Then perform an energetic forward lean, but without sudden movements and jerks. Try to reach the floor with your hands. Do not bend your legs at the knees, but do not strain them either - they should be soft. Return to starting position. Then do a couple of vigorous but gentle tilts to the right and left.
Perform 4 exercises every day and you will see noticeable results.
Exercise for women
And what are the 7 exercises of Katsuzo Nishi for women? They are easy to do and useful for ladies at any age. They form the perfect outlines of the female body - remove excess fat, tighten sagging muscles, help create an attractive figure. This exercise also prevents the deposition of s alts, strengthens the joints, maintains their elasticity.
To perform a set of exercises for women Nishi Katsuzo you will need only 15 minutes a day. In order not to rush anywhere, it is only important to choose the right time for yourself during the day.
Don't put off exercising until late in the evening so that your circadian rhythm is not disturbed. Always accompany movements with motivation and good emotions, then there will be more benefit from gymnastics. Exercises should be performed in loose clothing so that it does not hinder your movements. Before starting, wash your face and hands with cool water.

Let's consider one of them: lie on your back and relax. Imagine yourself in a blooming green meadow withgentle sun. Extend your arms to the sides. Bring your legs together and bend at the knees. Pull your knees up to your chest. Take a deep breath and turn your knees to the right until they touch the floor. Turn your head to the left and exhale slowly.
The left cheek should touch the floor, while the arms and shoulders remain motionless. Return to the starting position and inhale deeply again. But now turn your knees to the left until they touch the floor, and turn your head to the right. The right cheek should touch the floor. Exhale.
This exercise on the first day should be repeated no more than 5 times. In the following days, increase the number of repetitions up to 25 times. Remember that by practicing the Nishi system, you improve your body.

What do people say about Katsuzo Nishi's gymnastics? He is considered by many to be a he alth expert. They believe that if you follow all six canons, you can be cured of serious ailments.
Some people report having severe spinal problems that have not responded to conventional treatments. They say that thanks to the Nisha technology, their back pain has disappeared and they now feel great.
Often people learn Nishi's system and start following his canons. Most of them say that they did the exercises twice a day for twenty minutes and as a result began to feel much better. Many people write that charging Nisha works real miracles.