No matter how sad it may be, but in the modern world there are a huge number of diseases that negatively affect the human body. Some can even lead to death. I am glad that medicine does not stand still and new medicines appear every year to combat ailments.
Hemlock has long been considered a real panacea for various diseases. This drug has been known to our ancestors since ancient times. It is the strongest and most valuable immunostimulant that increases resistance to various infections and diseases. It is known that in oncological diseases, hemlock tincture can have a sedative, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsant effect. The medicine is widely used in folk medicine to combat various types of cancer. It is also worth remembering that hemlock is a terrible poison. It should be handled with extreme care. Previously, drugs were widely used in medicine, the main active ingredient of which was hemlock extract. They were treated with oncology, however, due to the increasing cases of poisoning,this ingredient has been discontinued as a medicine.
At the beginning of the 21st century, a patent was obtained for several treatments for sarcoma and other tumors using a medicine such as hemlock tincture. The use of this drug allows you to achieve a positive effect even in severe cases.

Hemlock is also known by the following names: mace, omega, puzzler, poison umbrella, speckled hemlock. The plant belongs to the umbrella family. In height, it can reach two meters. It has tall tubular branched stems with brownish spots and a bluish bloom. The leaves are quite large, bare and pinnate. In appearance, the fruits of the hemlock are similar to dill seeds. They are greenish and have an elliptical shape. This plant is characterized by a large number of white flowers, grouped into small umbrellas. A characteristic feature of the culture is an unpleasant odor when rubbed in the hands. Spotted hemlock usually blooms from June to August. Herbs picked in the first two months of summer are best for making medicines.
Hemlock tincture for cancer can have a positive effect due to the action of the following substances:
- Alkonoids: coniine, conhydrin. Conicein, methylconiine, pseudoconhydrin.
- Essential oils.
- Coffee and nettroseledic acid.
Also, the tincture contains a large amount of carotene, provitamin A and ascorbic acid. In hemlock inflorescencesquertecin and kaempferol are present. The fruits of the plant are also distinguished by a high content of coniine, alkonoids, conhydrin, methylconiine and other important compounds. Hemlock juice in high concentration contains tannins. Properly prepared tincture is characterized by a high immunobiostimulating effect.
Oncologists have recently been actively calling for the use of natural medicines to prevent the development of oncology. However, doctors warn that these poisonous plants should be used with extreme caution. The chemical components that make up the hemlock can cause a secondary immune response. This can lead to sad consequences. In the case of prolonged exposure to hemlock, immunity and resistance to stimulation with antitumor antibiotics and cytotoxic drugs may appear.
If we consider in more detail the processes occurring in the human body when using tincture, then we can single out the effectiveness of such a component as coniine. In fact, this substance is an antigen that is foreign to the body. It, penetrating into the bloodstream, contributes to the activation of immune reactions. As a result, special proteins are formed that are present in immunoglobulins. When trying to destroy the antigen, these antibodies provoke the death of cancer cells. They effectively act on free biological bodies, which are formed in metastases and in leukemia. It is for this reason that doctors today recommend undergoing treatment with hemlock tincture in the presence ofadvanced stages of cancer.
Side effects

Doctors warn the crop is poisonous. Many cancer patients today are interested in the question: how to drink hemlock tincture? Despite the fact that its use is recommended for cancer, all parts of this plant are not safe for the body. This fact is due to the high content of alkaloids. Koniin is characterized by the greatest toxicity. This substance is a poison that can paralyze the nervous system. Coniine in small and medium doses can increase blood pressure, speed up the rhythm and increase heart rate. Hemlock tincture should be used with great care. In case of an overdose, nervous excitement may first be observed, and then respiratory arrest. In cancer, you can combine the use of hemlock with other plants that are effective against tumors. These are plants such as cinquefoil, catchment, hellebore and marin root.
What are the symptoms of poisoning
The use of hemlock tincture is almost always associated with such a complex issue as calculating the dosage. After all, with an incorrectly calculated amount, you can get poisoned. The grass and rhizomes of a young plant are somewhat reminiscent of parsley and carrots. Poisoning with hemlock may cause ascending paralysis. Some patients complain of a coldness of the whole body and a feeling of "goosebumps" in the arms and legs. Difficulty breathing and pallor are also common.
There are other symptoms:
- pupil dilation;
- burning in the mouth;
- vomit;
- nausea;
- excessive salivation;
- Gastrointestinal disorders often occur in mild stages of poisoning.
In the most severe cases, ascending paralysis occurs. In rare cases, everything can end in death.
Help with poisoning

Treatment with hemlock tincture should be done with extreme caution. It is necessary to take the drug in accordance with the recommended prescriptions.
If you overdose and characteristic symptoms appear, then you must act as follows:
- Take 30 charcoal tablets.
- Drink a solution of 3% hydrochloric acid.
- Take a saline laxative.
- Drink caffeine, camphor or other heart remedies.
- Get the patient access to fresh air.
- Make a wrap.
- Perform ventilation if necessary.
There is one proven and effective method, using which you can easily remove toxic substances from the body. To do this, take warm water and olive oil. Cannabis can also be used. Such a remedy must be poured into the patient's stomach using a funnel and tube. This action should be performed until vomiting begins. This method is suitable even when a person is unconscious. It helps to quickly bring the victim to his senses and cleanse the body of poisons. After such procedures, it is necessary to give the poisoned person warm water with honey. Make sure thatthe patient felt better.
Treatment of cancer with poisons
Today, even professional doctors recommend drinking hemlock to get rid of cancer, but only if traditional medicine is ineffective. The substances contained in this plant are able to have a mild effect on living cells of the body. After a short period of time, they "get used" to the components contained in the plant. Hemlock acts on atypical cells that form a tumor. It is for this reason that folk remedies based on this plant will be useful in critical situations. It is not for nothing that this healing culture has long been used to treat oncology. Even with cancer of the breast, stomach, intestines, liver, recipes for decoctions and tinctures were used. In order to achieve good results with therapy, you need to know how to properly use hemlock. This will avoid side effects and overdose.
Tincture in the treatment of breast and stomach cancer

In folk medicine there is even such a recipe. However, according to oncologists, their treatment is unacceptable. You can simply apply alcohol tincture of hemlock. To prepare it, you can take the flowers of the plant in crushed fresh form. It is enough just to fill them with a suitable vessel. After that, the container is filled to the top with vodka and closed. This is how hemlock tincture is made. Cooking instructions involve keeping the composition for 18 days in a cool place.
Use for a malignant tumor suchthe drug is necessary in strict accordance with the recommended doses. If all the rules of preparation are followed, hemlock tincture helps to cure even the advanced stage of stomach cancer. On the first day, immediately after waking up, you need to drink 1 drop diluted in a glass of water on an empty stomach. The next day, the dosage of the tincture can be doubled. Increase daily by one drop. Tincture is recommended to drink strictly at the same time. When the dose reaches 40 drops per 100 ml of water, you can repeat the process, gradually reducing the dosage. To obtain a positive result, the full period of treatment must be repeated from increase to decrease two to three times. The break between courses is 1-2 months.
How else can hemlock tincture be taken? Application for breast cancer is carried out in a similar way. The dosage is increased to 20 drops, and then reduced to 1. It is recommended to take such a course at least three times with a break of a couple of months.
Use for lung and liver cancer
At various stages of oncological diseases, hemlock tincture is effective. How to take this folk remedy? To achieve a positive effect, it is necessary to take into account the condition of the patient. The fact is that taking a solution for cancer is not always safe. Dosing is important.
If the body is too weak, then it is enough to take a water tincture inside. For its preparation, 350 ml of boiling water and 0.6 g of crushed dried hemlock are used. Grass is brewed in the evening and drunk in the morning, divided into two times. It is recommended to use the tincture on an empty stomach and after meals before going to bed. If the patient's condition allows, then alcohol tincture of hemlock can also be used. Instructions for use in this case will be about the same as for stomach cancer. Drink the remedy according to the slide method, bringing the concentration to 40 drops per 150 ml of water. If the patient's condition worsens while taking, then the dosage will need to be reduced by 3-5 drops, and then try to increase it again.
Thus, hemlock tincture is used for oncology. In a similar way, this remedy is used for lung cancer. The main thing is to take into account the state of the body and monitor the appearance of symptoms of an overdose. In this case, you can avoid harm.
How to treat the intestines with hemlock?

Young hemlock works best for this process. The tincture, reviews of which are mostly positive, is prepared according to a fairly simple recipe. It is necessary to collect hemlock shoots and keep them on vodka or alcohol, filling a third of the container with crushed raw materials. In this state, the tincture should be kept for 18 days in a dark and cool place. In the treatment of cancer, the shoots of a young hemlock do not have an irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract. This tool has an instant analgesic effect, which helps to significantly improve the condition of the patient's body. In the treatment of bowel cancer, the tincture is used according to the slide method, increasing the dosage to 15 drops. Can be continued until swelling is reducedin sizes. Such an optimal scheme is characterized by a gentle effect. At the same time, the regular functions of he althy cells remain in a normal, undepressed state.
Main recommendations
Today it is officially confirmed that hemlock tincture is an effective remedy for cancer treatment. Use in cancer, reviews and side effects are the questions that patients most often worry about. In any case, before using this tool, it is recommended to consult a specialist. This is the only way to prevent a negative reaction of the body or severe side effects. Doctors recommend that when treating a hemlock, follow a certain diet. The diet must include foods containing complete protein. These are meat, lean fish, vegetable fats, baked goods, cereals and milk.
It is also important to provide the body with foods high in pectin. These are fresh fruits and vegetables. Smoked, fatty and fried foods and alcohol should be excluded from the daily diet. A complete protein helps to stimulate the synthesis of antibodies. Pectins absorb decay products of atypical cells and poisons. At the same time, they are excreted from the body naturally. Thanks to the tincture of hemlock today, many patients have managed to stop the growth of atypical cells in the body. Patient reviews indicate the high effectiveness of this folk remedy. Hemlock tincture is really able to prolong the life of cancer patients. However, like any medicine, it should be used with caution. Quite often there are casesoverdose of the poisons of this plant. Before starting a course of treatment, be sure to consult with your doctor. He will help you choose the dosage and draw up a treatment regimen.

How is hemlock tincture prepared correctly? The application and reviews of specialists are what patients usually are interested in. However, the method of use is also important. There are several simple but effective methods.
Let's look at them in more detail:
- Tishchenko method. This method allows you to get rid of malignant tumors in the body. Treatment should begin with one drop of tincture in a glass of water. Gradually, the concentration of the solution is adjusted to 40 drops. After that, the amount of funds should be lowered again. If the body is severely weakened, then the maximum dosage of the tincture will be only 20 drops per day. The remedy for cancer is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach. The liquid is not recommended to be swallowed in one gulp. This approach allows you to achieve the maximum effect from the use of hemlock. The full course of treatment includes 2-3 such cycles. Breaks between them should be approximately 8 days. After 6 months, it is recommended to repeat the full course of treatment to consolidate the result.
- Yermolchik's method. Hemlock tincture is used along with other healing decoctions - oregano, licorice, oats. A decoction of oats is prepared from 200 grams of dry grains. They need to be filled with a small amount of water overnight. The oats should swell. In the morning it is worth adding enough water so that the grain iscompletely covered. The resulting mixture is boiled for 1.5 hours. After that, you can remove the pan from the heat and strain the resulting liquid. A decoction of herbs is prepared from one tablespoon of crushed ingredients and 240 ml of boiling water. Infuse the resulting mixture for 20 minutes. In this case, the medication regimen will be as follows: 4 days, one drop 6 times a day. The dose of tincture increases every four days. This technique can be used only in severe stages of the disease. It cannot be used for prevention.
Today, many are interested in whether hemlock tincture is effective. Patient feedback indicates that when used correctly in combination with traditional treatments, this remedy can be very effective. However, the tincture should be used with extreme caution. An overdose often leads to serious consequences, such as intoxication of the body and poisoning.

One of the most effective means to combat the disease is hemlock tincture for cancer. The use of this medicine is not particularly difficult. You just need to choose the method of use and calculate the dose. However, it is better not to self-medicate. Before using this folk remedy, be sure to consult your doctor. Always take care of yourself and your he alth.