Alternative medicine 2024, October

Sage for ovulation. Sage: medicinal properties and contraindications

Sage for ovulation. Sage: medicinal properties and contraindications

Sage officinalis has long been used in alternative medicine. It is used for the symptoms of many diseases. Women, for example, use sage to ovulate. The treatment of infertility with the help of the above plant has become very popular in our time

Kolgan root - from forty diseases

Kolgan root - from forty diseases

The healing properties of galangal were known to our distant ancestors, so it is very important that they have come down to our generation in their truth. What is the secret of this plant? Read for yourself

Compresses for sore throats at home: effective recipes

Compresses for sore throats at home: effective recipes

Compress for angina is as effective as inhalation, rinsing and resorption of propolis. However, such a procedure must be carried out very carefully, otherwise you can get burned, increase body temperature, thereby causing complications. In this article, we will tell you whether compresses are effective for angina and whether they can be done

Red root: medicinal properties and contraindications, instructions for men

Red root: medicinal properties and contraindications, instructions for men

Currently, many resort to traditional medicine, in particular, to the therapeutic qualities of plants. Among the latter, the red root, which has a lot of useful qualities, is quite popular. Its extracts, containing many vitamins and minerals, are able to normalize the work of the male body

Can children have rose hips?

Can children have rose hips?

When children get sick often, parents look for ways to boost their immunity. Pharmaceutical companies produce various vitamin complexes for different ages. But natural methods are considered more effective, besides, they have few contraindications. Is it possible for children to use rose hips as a remedy? This topic will be covered in the article

How to do inhalation with soda at home

How to do inhalation with soda at home

Soda is a natural remedy that has been famous for its universal use for years. Some use sodium bicarbonate only for baking or household use. But those who are convinced firsthand of the beneficial properties of baking soda now keep it at home for the treatment of various diseases

Monard plant: photo, medicinal properties and contraindications

Monard plant: photo, medicinal properties and contraindications

Plants with medicinal properties are found both in the wild and in household plots. Many of them have been known for centuries. Some have become available in recent times as interest in traditional medicine has increased. One of them is a monarda plant, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which are described in this article

Anise Lofant: photo, useful properties and contraindications

Anise Lofant: photo, useful properties and contraindications

Licorice mint or anise lofant is a plant that has a strong mint flavor with a slight hint of anise. It has unique medicinal properties. The plant is originally from North America and is a relative of catnip and lemon balm

Folk remedies for parasites: description, application

Folk remedies for parasites: description, application

There are many varieties of parasitic diseases. Unfortunately, even the emergence of modern effective hygiene products does not eliminate the risk of infection. Moreover, according to the estimates of American scientists, only in the prosperous United States every second person is a latent carrier of the infection. You can fight parasites of various forms using both medical and folk remedies

Hyperextensions are a physical exercise to develop the erectors of the back, hip flexors and glutes. Hyperextension Technique

Hyperextensions are a physical exercise to develop the erectors of the back, hip flexors and glutes. Hyperextension Technique

In this article we will learn everything about the technique of performing hyperextension, understand what it is and why many athletes recommend doing this exercise not only in the gym, but also at home

"Infusion of Matryona": reviews of real people

"Infusion of Matryona": reviews of real people

Every woman dreams of maternal happiness. But unfortunately, modern ecology, regular stresses and worries, illnesses and an unhe althy lifestyle have a very strong impact on human he alth

What will help from the common cold: essential oil and its varieties

What will help from the common cold: essential oil and its varieties

Rhinitis, familiar to everyone firsthand, is swelling of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by the separation of secretions accumulating inside and narrowing of the nasal passages

Burdock, uses and beneficial properties

Burdock, uses and beneficial properties

Burdock, otherwise known as burdock (Arctium in Latin), is a biennial plant of the Compositae family with large fleshy leaves. It grows almost everywhere, and sometimes people treat it too dismissively, considering it a useless weed. This is a completely wrong point of view. Burdock, which is used both in medicine and in cosmetology, is a very valuable drug, useful in solving a number of problems

Blueberries: useful properties and uses

Blueberries: useful properties and uses

In modern medicine, blueberries are quite popular. The beneficial properties of this berry allow it, products and preparations based on it to be widely used for the treatment of various diseases

What are the he alth benefits of blueberries?

What are the he alth benefits of blueberries?

Many nutritionists recommend including vegetables, fruits and various berries in your daily diet to replenish the body with useful vitamins and minerals. Most antioxidants are found in dark-colored plant products, this fact makes blueberries an indispensable tool in the fight against many diseases

Meadowsweet meadowsweet - do not pass by

Meadowsweet meadowsweet - do not pass by

Relatively recently it became known that meadowsweet can have a beneficial effect on cerebral circulation, thin the blood and thus prevent the formation of blood clots. That is why herbalists recommend using decoctions, infusions or tinctures for the consequences of a stroke, traumatic brain injury, in old age, especially with memory loss

S alt lamp: contraindications, benefits and harms. S alt lamps - expert reviews

S alt lamp: contraindications, benefits and harms. S alt lamps - expert reviews

S alt lamps are becoming more and more popular every day. Reviews of experts indicate that they can successfully replace visits to the s alt treatment room in a he alth center or spa

Marmot fat: instructions for use and reviews

Marmot fat: instructions for use and reviews

Everyone wants to be he althy and do a lot in life, but there are days that are knocked out of the usual rhythm due to illness, and you have to spend a lot of time lying in bed or, even worse, in a hospital room. To strengthen the immune system and be he althy, there is one reliable remedy - marmot fat. Consider its properties in more detail in this article

What is iodine prophylaxis for?

What is iodine prophylaxis for?

Iodine prophylaxis is a regulated process for the use of drugs and foods containing iodine. It is a necessary element of the life of the body, as its positive effect on metabolic metabolism and endocrine organs, in particular on the thyroid gland, has been noted

Kidney collection: composition of herbs and application rules

Kidney collection: composition of herbs and application rules

Kidney fees in pharmacies are in high demand. And in some cases, they completely replace drugs for the treatment of the urinary tract. In other cases, they are an excellent addition to them. This measure allows you to reduce the amount and dosage of antibiotics, due to which a more gentle effect on the body is achieved. But the concept of "kidney collection" is very broad. What herbs should be included in its composition, and what effect can be expected from it, is described in the article

Rhodiola liquid extract: medicinal properties and contraindications

Rhodiola liquid extract: medicinal properties and contraindications

Rhodiola rosea is a medicinal herb that has long been used in folk medicine. In different nations, it is customary to treat various diseases with it, from severe fatigue to impotence and tuberculosis

The use of licorice root: medicine and cosmetology

The use of licorice root: medicine and cosmetology

Previously, the use of licorice root was considered the prerogative of Eastern shamans and healers, but today it is used by housewives, modern drug manufacturers, and adherents of non-traditional methods of treatment

Acupuncture points on the ears. Points on the ear for weight loss

Acupuncture points on the ears. Points on the ear for weight loss

The science of acupuncture came to us from the Ancient East and every year it wins more and more fans among Europeans, as well as Russians. Still, such a tempting prospect - you relax, enjoy a massage and at the same time get rid of your diseases or lose weight! Acupuncture massage professionals claim that by finding certain points on the ear and having the right effect on them, you can lose extra pounds and gain a slender figure. Is it really so

Plantain. Useful properties and recipes

Plantain. Useful properties and recipes

In folk medicine, a large plantain has long been used, the beneficial properties of which are known to many people - well, who has not applied its leaf to wounds? The use of leaves and seeds of this plant is recognized as traditional medicine, they are used in the preparation of many medicines

Lemongrass tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use

Lemongrass tincture: benefits and harms, instructions for use

Schisandra is a tree-like vine with leaves that have a pleasant lemon scent. The plant can be found in Asia, in the Far East. Not only leaves are used, but also fruits

Nettle during pregnancy. Can nettles be eaten during pregnancy?

Nettle during pregnancy. Can nettles be eaten during pregnancy?

Nettle takes pride of place in folk medicine. It is known for its beneficial properties. Nettle is highly recommended during pregnancy. But in this case there are many exceptions. This will be discussed

"Holosas", raisins, senna" - recipe. Drink to cleanse the body

"Holosas", raisins, senna" - recipe. Drink to cleanse the body

So, you have firmly decided to cleanse your body or help it lose weight, and for this you bought Holosas, raisins, senna. The recipe for making a drink for weight loss is very simple

Folk treatment with bears: diseases, application features and reviews

Folk treatment with bears: diseases, application features and reviews

Medvedka is well known to any vegetable grower. Sometimes it is called cabbage. This is one of the worst enemies of vegetable crops. However, in some situations, she can become a very useful friend. After all, the insect has excellent healing properties. That is why, since ancient times, treatment with bears has been practiced. Insects help to heal from serious ailments

Tarragon. Useful properties of medicinal herbs

Tarragon. Useful properties of medicinal herbs

Etarragon herb, the beneficial properties of which are widely used in the recipes of folk healers, is recommended to improve the functional abilities of the stomach, normalize sleep and appetite, and also to reduce foci of inflammatory processes

Benefits of apricot kernels. Should I throw them away or can I use them somehow?

Benefits of apricot kernels. Should I throw them away or can I use them somehow?

For the past couple of years, we can constantly hear scientists claim that metabolic disorders are the cause of most cancers. Most of the deviations in impaired metabolism occur due to an imbalance in the patient's body between minerals and vitamins. In this case, the benefits of apricot kernels are manifested

Linen flour with kefir. Cleansing the body with flaxseed

Linen flour with kefir. Cleansing the body with flaxseed

Today, proper nutrition is gaining more and more popularity. Food should provide daily caloric content, as well as give our body the necessary nutrients that contribute to its cleansing, proper functioning and recovery. One such he althy product is flaxseed flour

St. John's wort herb - a cure for many diseases

St. John's wort herb - a cure for many diseases

Traditional medicine has always been distinguished by the use of medicinal plants. For many centuries, curative recipes have been collected for many diseases. Specially trained people, usually healers and healers, were engaged in fixing the methods of treatment and preparation of medicines from natural components, and thanks to their work, valuable methods of getting rid of various diseases have come down to us. Modern medicine recognizes the indispensability and usefulness of medicinal plants

Kalina: medicinal properties and contraindications

Kalina: medicinal properties and contraindications

The healing properties of viburnum have been known since ancient times. This berry is harvested with the advent of frost, when other plants go to sleep. But if the berries are harvested after the first frost, then the bark, leaves, flowers throughout the growing season

Hemlock grass: photo, description, medicinal properties

Hemlock grass: photo, description, medicinal properties

Hemlock grass is one of the few medicinal plants with high toxicity. Despite this, since ancient times it has been used by healers and healers in the treatment of a number of diseases. Today we will talk about this plant, its medicinal properties and contraindications

Sickness bracelets for children: reviews, instructions, photos

Sickness bracelets for children: reviews, instructions, photos

Reviews of motion sickness bracelets for children are mostly only positive, as this product helps to get rid of the main signs of motion sickness

Dog rosehip: photo, description, application

Dog rosehip: photo, description, application

What is dog rosehip? Description, properties and application of this plant can be found in the article in question

Spiky rosehip: description, medicinal properties and photos

Spiky rosehip: description, medicinal properties and photos

Spiky rosehip is a shrub common in domestic latitudes, the fruits and rhizomes of which are distinguished by a number of healing properties. The plant is widely used in folk medicine. The structure of the rosehip contains an abundance of flavonoids, catechins, essential oils and tannins useful for the body

Lemon for heartburn: methods of application and medicinal properties

Lemon for heartburn: methods of application and medicinal properties

What are the miracle cures for heartburn? Lemon - will it help with this ailment? What are the he alth benefits of this citrus? What are the contraindications for using this product? What other recipes are there to help get rid of heartburn? You can find answers to all these questions in this article

Allergy herb for children. Collection of medicinal herbs for allergies

Allergy herb for children. Collection of medicinal herbs for allergies

Today, allergies in children are a fairly common problem that causes concern among parents. An increase in the number of children with allergies may be due to a polluted environment, the use of household chemicals, attempts by relatives to create sterile living conditions for the child

Vinegar from toenail fungus: reviews, application features and effectiveness

Vinegar from toenail fungus: reviews, application features and effectiveness

Fungus is definitely an unpleasant disease, from which, alas, no one is immune. It occurs suddenly, causing a lot of problems, ranging from unbearable itching and ending with an absolutely unaesthetic appearance of the legs