Since ancient times, healers considered horseradish to be a healing plant. Medicinal properties are widely used in folk medicine. Thanks to mustard oil, which is part of horseradish, the plant has an irritating and stimulating effect on the human body. This component provides an effect on the glands of the gastrointestinal tract, the stimulation of which increases appetite. Positive dynamics was noticed when taking horseradish tinctures by people suffering from diseases of the intestines and gallbladder.

Plant composition
Amazing properties are attributed to horseradish for a reason. He deserved the status of a healing herb. What is so useful horseradish? The medicinal properties of the plant are due to its rich composition. At the same time, you should know that the main part of microelements, vitamins and healing oils is in the juice of a burning culture.
The scope of horseradish as a medicinal plant is very extensive. It is taken for colds, coughs, joint diseases, and slow hair growth.
The plant has earned the attention of healers thanks to the followingFeatures:
- Horseradish differs simply by a colossal amount of vitamin C. It is almost five times more than in everyone's favorite lemon. Surprisingly, such a burning and not very pleasant plant is much more useful than the beloved citrus. In addition, horseradish contains other vitamins: folic acid, E, B1, B3, B2, B6.
- The culture is rich in mustard oil. In addition, it contains a large set of mineral s alts. These components, together, determine the specific taste and aroma of the plant.
- Horseradish has a high content of trace elements: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese, copper.
- In addition to the main trace elements and oils, the culture contains organic compounds, carotene and amino acids, lysozyme, fiber, starch, phytoncides, various organic acids and much more.
The root and pre-root system of the plant has the highest concentration of useful properties. Therefore, it is these parts that are most often used for tinctures, lotions and ointments. However, you should know that all parts of such an amazing culture as horseradish are useful. The healing properties of the root, leaves and even flowers have been used in the fight against a wide variety of ailments.
Useful properties
Most folk recipes use horseradish.
The healing properties of the plant are very extensive:
- Horseradish has an expectorant effect. Therefore, it is often used for colds.
- It is considered a natural antibiotic. It is able to protect a person from various infections.
- The culture has excellent choleretic and diuretic properties.
- It improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Provides increased appetite.
- Regulates blood sugar levels.
- Protects against caries.
- Promotes healing of skin ulcers and festering wounds.
- Eliminates muscle pain.

And this is not a complete list of useful properties that the plant has.
Let's consider, under what pathologies is it recommended to take a burning culture?
Indications for prescription
For many different diseases, healers use the healing properties of horseradish.
Traditional medicine recommends the use of culture to combat such ailments:
- kidney disease (not acute);
- cold pathologies (bronchitis, otitis media, rhinitis);
- diabetes mellitus;
- hypertension;
- asthma;
- tonsillitis (chronic);
- rheumatism;
- atherosclerosis;
- sciatica;
- cardiac pathology;
- VSD;
- asthma;
- lung disease;
- cold.
It is worth noting that any disease should be treated taking into account all contraindications, as well as the specifics of this plant. It is important to adhere to the recommended dosages and use the culture correctly. Otherwise, you can earn a burn. Which, of course, cause serious harm to the body.
It should be noted that not only healers, but also scientists have appreciated the positive effects of horseradish on the body. Especiallythe plant is in demand in the treatment of the digestive system, diseases of the kidneys, bladder, colds.
Oncology Therapy
Few people know that horseradish blooms. Of course, this happens quite rarely, and under certain conditions. And, of course, the healing properties of horseradish flowers are practically unknown to the population. Meanwhile, this is an excellent medicine that helps with cancer.

To make a healing tincture, use the recommendations of healers:
- To collect the color of horseradish is necessary during the old moon. Carefully cutting off the arrow, it must be cut finely and placed in a glass jar (1 l). Stack the raw materials without reaching the top of the container.
- Pour the contents of the jar with vodka or 40% alcohol.
- After nine days, the tincture is ready. No need to strain or pour into another container.
- It is recommended to take one teaspoon diluted. You can dilute the tincture in a glass of water or in any decoction of herbs.
- This remedy can be rubbed all over the body of a cancer patient after taking a bath or bath.
Cleansing the body
The plant perfectly rids the body of harmful substances. Cleansing of the body occurs through the digestive system. The positive effect of burning culture on these organs has long been proven. For excellent cleansing of the body, the healing properties of horseradish leaves are used.
Traditional medicine recommends this remedy:
- Cut off the ground part of the horseradish. Rinse wellleaves.
- Chop them finely and put them in a glass jar.
- Grass needs to be poured with moonshine. If alcohol is not available, plain water can be used.
- Infuse the remedy for a week.
- Take by mouth, before meals, 30 g twice a day.
With the help of such a tool you will provide cleansing to the whole body. Get rid of harmful substances not only the digestive tract, but also the liver and lungs.

Rheumatism treatment
To combat such an ailment, you need a horseradish root.
The healing properties of the plant are applied as follows:
- You need to grate 70 g of horseradish on a fine grater.
- Pour gruel 0.5 tbsp. vegetable oil. Best of all - olive.
- Mixture will be ready to drink in two hours.
- The resulting gruel should be placed in a makeshift gauze bag and lowered into a hot bath.
- Water treatments last 20 minutes. Then rinse off the remaining oil in the shower.
To achieve a positive effect, the procedure must be carried out every day before bedtime for two weeks.
Spurs on the heels
To relieve pain, you need to take a sheet of horseradish. The healing properties of the culture will be significantly enhanced if it is pre-rumpled in the hands. Then attach the sheet to the heel. You can wear a sock on top. Walk like this until the sheet is completely unusable.
Now replace it with a new one. Change horseradish leaves until the pain is gone.stop. As practice shows, after 5 days there will be an improvement.
If your goal is to get rid of a heel spur, then you need to apply not a leaf, but a horseradish root grated on a fine grater. Place polyethylene on top. Secure with a bandage and wrap your leg. This procedure is done at night. It is important that the gruel does not get on he althy skin, otherwise a burn cannot be avoided.

Liver disease
For those who experience pain in this organ, the following remedy is recommended:
- A few horseradish roots must be grated on a fine grater. It is important that the gruel is thoroughly crushed.
- Put the raw materials in the jar. Fill the rest of the container with boiling water and seal tightly.
- After cooling, the infusion can be used.
- Must be taken three times a day before meals, stirring 2 tbsp. spoons of medicine in 100 ml of cold water.
To fully manifest and act on the body of a plant such as horseradish, medicinal properties, tincture should be taken for 10 days. Then there is a short break. And then they look at the state of he alth of the patient. A slightly lower dosage is recommended.
Freck removal
Horseradish is in great demand in cosmetology. Root tincture will help get rid of freckles.
To make a tonic you need:
- 1 tbsp a spoonful of ground horseradish root pour 1 tbsp. cold water;
- insist for 4 hours;
- after thatstrain the infusion and periodically wipe the skin of the face.
Getting rid of acne
In cosmetology, horseradish root is used to fight acne.
To prepare the product you need:
- 1 tbsp l. sour cream;
- 1 tbsp l. horseradish juice.
Grate the root of the plant. Squeeze out the juice and add sour cream. Insist in a dark cool place for a couple of days. You need to rub the mixture at night, after washing your face with warm water.

To achieve the desired effect, you need to carry out 3 procedures.
Use for joint pain
To relieve pain in the joints, you need to apply a sheet of horseradish to them, after scalding it with boiling water.
Make a compress out of it and wrap the sore joint overnight. Discomfort will disappear after a few treatments.
Contraindications and side effects
Before using the above recipes, be sure to consult your doctor. It is important not to forget that such a healing plant as horseradish has medicinal properties and contraindications. And if you do not take into account the restrictions on its use, then you can harm the body.
The most serious side effect is the culture's ability to burn both skin and mucous membranes. Therefore, you should never abuse the burning plant.
Contraindications for horseradish therapy are:
- some ailments of the gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, colitis, chronic gastritis);
- kidney pathology;
- childishage;
- pregnancy;
- individual intolerance.

The substances that make up the culture can increase bleeding, increase pressure. Doctors do not recommend combining the use of horseradish (in any composition) during therapy with Levomycetin. It has been proven that the antimicrobial properties of the plant can neutralize the effect of the drug.