Lemon melissa is a perennial plant with a pronounced lemon flavor. It can grow in one place up to twenty years and reach a meter height.
The beneficial properties of lemon balm have been known to mankind for more than two thousand years, and references to it as a medicinal preparation are already found in large numbers among ancient Greek doctors.

Melissa - useful properties and methods of treatment through this plant are found in the works of the world-famous doctor - Avicenna. He believed that the infusion of this plant has a very beneficial effect on the heart muscle and helps to dispel the "black melancholy" - as depression was called at that time. Then it was also recommended to use it as a compress from the bites of various insects.
Melissa is widespread in nature and has a very wide habitat. It can be found both in Europe and Africa, and in North America. It can grow both in a lot of sun and in strong shade. This will affect its aromatic properties, but not the healing ones. Melissa propagates in all possible ways: by division, cuttings and seeds, however, it is most advisable to grow thisplants from seed, as it does not produce flowers in the first year, which improves the quality of the leaves.

In a plant like lemon balm, the beneficial properties are not limited to a pleasant smell and taste. The leaves of this plant are incredibly rich in various essential oils. Until recently, it was widely used in perfumery, extracting and using essential oils from the leaves, however, in recent years, due to the invention of cheaper substitutes, its use has significantly decreased.
Melissa, whose beneficial properties include the action of substances that perfectly tone the skin, is in demand among women. To prepare a decoction, you need to take two tablespoons of a dry, crushed plant, pour half a liter of boiling water over it and boil for 30 minutes. After cooling, you can wipe your face with a decoction. The procedure must be carried out several times a day. It is necessary to store the resulting composition in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. After the expiration date, it must be poured out and a new one prepared.
In folk medicine, lemon balm, whose beneficial properties allow it to be used as a natural pain reliever, is used to relieve toothache or headache. To do this, the plant is mixed with alcohol or vodka in a ratio of 1 to 3 and infused for a week.

Decoction of lemon balm is very useful for poisoning. In this case, lemon juice is added to it and the patient is given water every 30 minutes. For rheumatism attacks, this decoction can help relieve pain. Also goodcompresses from crushed lemon balm on painful areas of the body help.
The use of this incredibly useful plant can be found in a wide variety of branches of medicine. Here, both its use for the treatment of various depressions, and the use of enemas with lemon balm to relieve pain and discomfort during exacerbation of hemorrhoids. However, it is worth remembering that before self-treatment it is always necessary to visit a doctor and listen to his recommendations.