Onychomycosis is a disease that brings with it a lot of problems and discomfort. As a rule, the disease affects the legs, the disease is popularly called a fungus. What to do if there is a fungus on the legs? Vinegar, an egg, a little cooking time, and the problem will be solved. These ingredients will be excellent companions in the treatment process. To date, there are many different recipes that use an egg in vinegar to treat a number of diseases.
Tips for treating fungus using common products
In folk medicine, there are many recipes that use ordinary products, but if you combine some of them, you can get an excellent medicine that fights various diseases. For example, an egg in vinegar can deal with toenail fungus. It is these products that are very popular among fans of non-traditional methods of treatment.
According to the reviews of people who had a fungus, eggs and vinegar gave results after the first days of using ointments and other recipes. With the first application, itching, burning, as well as other symptoms are reduceddiseases.

In order for the treatment with vinegar and egg to be of the highest quality, you need to follow certain rules:
- All products containing eggs must be kept in a refrigerator only.
- Products should always be applied to prepared feet. In other words, you need to wash them, and use only household soap as soap, in which there is an alkali that kills the fungus. Next, the nail is processed, keratinized tissues and white plaque are removed, and the nail itself is trimmed.
- Feet after washing and treatment are wiped with disinfectants, you can use medical alcohol. And only then apply a product based on egg and vinegar.
- All tools used to treat feet should always be disinfected or discarded. It is better, of course, to use one-time devices.
Preparation of ointment
Ointments containing eggs and vinegar have been used for a long time. They are mainly used to combat diseases of the limbs, namely the legs. Many people know what will happen if you hold an egg in vinegar. The shell, which includes calcium, will dissolve and after a while there will be no trace of it.

Vinegar and fungus egg work on a similar principle. The presented recipe is very effective:
- To prepare the ointment, put one raw egg into a glass container (jar). Then pour table vinegar to the level that the eggcompletely drowned.
- After this, the jar is closed with a towel and left in the dark for three days. In the allotted time, the shell will be dissolved, and the egg itself will remain only in a thin film.
- After the specified time, you need to get the egg and remove the hymen that is on it. You should first prepare a container where the liquid will drain.
- Then you will need to put butter in the resulting liquid, its amount should be such that the ointment becomes very thick after stirring. Thickness allows the medicine to stick better and lubricate the affected areas.
- When the liquid and oil are mixed, you need to add more vinegar, in which the egg lay.
Use this medicine every day. The ointment is applied to disease-prone areas, preferably at night, so that the legs can be wrapped in a woolen scarf. Socks can be worn for fixation.
Recipe using vodka
You don't always have to wait for the vinegar to dissolve the egg. There are other effective prescription drugs. For cooking you will need:
- Vodka - 2 tablespoons
- Vinegar Essence - 2 tbsp
- Egg white - 3 pcs
Cooking is very simple and fast.

All ingredients should be mixed to get a uniform consistency. The fungus is lubricated with such an ointment twice a day until the plates on the nails are completely renewed.
It should be noted that the use of vinegar is allowed if there are no abrasions, butas well as open wounds. When acid enters the wound, severe pain and burning will be caused. When applying such a medicine, you need to be prepared for a slight tingling sensation, which will indicate that the acid has begun to act and the bacteria die. Depending on the skin, it may start to peel off, as well as redden, but this is nothing to worry about.
It is possible to exclude the appearance of fungus if preventive measures are taken:
- Combat sweaty feet.
- Change socks or tights daily.
- Also wash your feet daily, preferably with laundry soap, and in the summer, increase the procedure.
- Wear a change of shoes at work, the same rule applies at home. It should be light and breathable.
- If you go to the pool, sauna and other public places, then take your personal slippers with you.
- After bathing and showering, dry your feet.
The fungus can be dangerous not only for the wearer, but also for others, so you need to take action right away and start treatment.

Having studied the tips and recipes for preparing folk remedies against the fungus, you can not be afraid if the first signs of the disease begin. Using one of the homemade ointments, the disease will be stopped and destroyed in just a few days. Moreover, the ingredients for making medicine can always be found in any kitchen.