Hundreds of millions of people around the world cannot imagine their lives without sweets. However, not everyone can afford to enjoy their favorite dishes in unlimited quantities. This is usually associated with certain he alth problems. Do not be upset, some products not only have a pleasant taste, but are also very useful, most likely, you simply do not know about their wonderful properties. For example, cinnamon in diabetes is not only allowed, but also necessary. But why? Let's try to figure it out together.
Empirically proven effectiveness
Treatment of diabetes mellitus with cinnamon is by no means a traditional medicine method. The effectiveness of this product has been proven by Chinese scientists during a long, large-scale experiment. The essence of the experience was that people suffering from this severediseases, regularly consumed cinnamon. Depending on the group, the subjects received either a different amount of such a supplement, or a placebo. Parallel to this alternative treatment, standard medicines were given to diabetics.

Summing up, we can say that cinnamon really helps with diabetes:
- lower glucose levels;
- ensure long-term blood sugar control;
- normalize triglyceride levels.
The placebo group did not improve their he alth scores.
How to use cinnamon?
Cinnamon for diabetes should be ingested regularly, you can and should use the product in parts, adding it to food for breakfast, lunch and dinner. For convenience, you can use the following scheme:
- breakfast - add cinnamon to porridge;
- lunch - use the powder to sprinkle fruit served for dessert, or add to pumpkin or other vegetable soups;
- dinner - cinnamon pairs perfectly with chicken.
In between meals, you can treat yourself to a special tea, which already includes this useful natural ingredient. You can also use cinnamon for sprinkling pastries made with whole grain flour. At the same time, you should know that it is most convenient to use such a product as part of various drinks, both hot and cold. It can be coffee, compote or fruit drink.

Main contraindications to the use of spices
Is cinnamon always good for diabetes? Contraindications, of course, exist, and they must be taken into account. Take a look at the following list. If you fall into any of the categories listed here, cinnamon should be discontinued or significantly reduced:
- pregnancy;
- breastfeeding period;
- problems with bowel function, constipation;
- bleeding;
- tumors in the digestive organs;
- hypertension;
- allergies and individual intolerances.

Additional benefits of cinnamon
Cinnamon is really good for diabetes, but it is a very versatile product with many uses in cooking and medicine. So, its regular use will allow you to:
- minimize pain in the stomach;
- protect the body from peptic ulcer in the future (reliable prevention);
- kill fungal infections;
- reduce body fat;
- lower cholesterol;
- improve body metabolism;
- reduce pain in muscles and teeth;
- lose weight;
- treat Alzheimer's and more.

Mechanism of action of cinnamon in the treatment of diabetes
So how does cinnamon work for diabetes? One of the mainThe components of this wonderful spice is phenol - a substance that helps reduce glucose levels. Regular use of such a supplement for 30 days will allow you to adjust the level of this indicator downward by 30 percent. In addition, the spice may have a beneficial effect on a number of diabetes-related problems. Cinnamon does an excellent job of reducing internal inflammation and speeding up the metabolism, which leads to the normalization of the patient's weight.
Rules for using cinnamon
Now you know how cinnamon works for diabetes. How to take this product for maximum effectiveness? If you have never eaten such a spice before, start introducing it into your diet as gradually as possible. Start with 1 gram per day, methodically increasing the dose to 5 grams. Do not use cinnamon in its pure form, be sure to add it to various dishes or drinks. Let these be the dishes served first of all, because the spice perfectly improves the appetite. The effectiveness of cinnamon lasts for several hours after adding it to a dish. After a certain period of time (4-5 hours), the supplement will become absolutely useless, but there will be no harm from it either.

Interesting facts about the amazing spice
There are several interesting secrets that are associated with the treatment of this wonderful spice. Here are the main ones:
- follow regular use (courses), a single use will not allow you to help your he alth;
- introduce the product into your diet gradually, take your time and watch the internal sensations;
- Maximum daily dose may be 7 grams, do not exceed this amount;
- do not use the full amount of the dosage one time, break it into several visits: morning, afternoon and evening;
- cinnamon will not replace special medicines, it is only a secondary treatment, do not give up pills and doctor's supervision.

About type 2 diabetes
Why is cinnamon needed for type 2 diabetes, and what is this type of disease? First of all, it is determined by the following characteristics:
- decrease tissue sensitivity to insulin;
- normal or active insulin production at first;
- gradual decrease in insulin production;
- appearance of primary complications.
If you are diagnosed with the second group of diabetes, be careful, you need regular monitoring and proper treatment. However, additional help at home will also not be superfluous. Remember that the most effective is an integrated approach. Use the following recipes to improve your condition:
1. Brew a teaspoon of cinnamon with 200 ml of boiling water, then add 2 tablespoons of honey. The drink should absorb all the beneficial properties of its components. After a few hours, the decoction can be drunk.
2. A mixture of half a teaspoon of spice and a glass of kefirwill not only help in the fight against diabetes, but also help to keep warm and reduce fever.