Thrush is a problem that is familiar to most women firsthand. And often the annoying fungus comes back again and again, causing a lot of inconvenience. Itching and burning, unpleasant discharge - all this suggests that it is time to undergo treatment again. And since the fast pace of life usually does not imply the ability to immediately seek help from a doctor, most of us try to solve the problem on our own, with folk remedies.
One of the most popular recipes is washing with chamomile. With thrush, this method is effective and efficient.

Problem number one
Indeed, candidiasis affects most of the world's population. Contrary to popular belief, this is not an exclusively female disease, men also suffer from it. They just have symptoms.more smooth. Why does treatment give only temporary results, while unpleasant symptoms return again and again?
In a he althy human microflora there are a large number of microorganisms. Some of them are very useful, others are hostile and suppressed by cells of the immune system. But it is impossible to completely destroy them, since they are part of the habitat. This is how the Candida fungus lives on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes without harm to a person, until his immunity weakens. This can happen for a number of reasons:
- Hypercooling.
- Physical and emotional stress.
- Long-term use of antibiotics.
- Hormonal failure.
Antifungal therapy is prescribed depending on the severity of the lesion. In some cases, washing with chamomile for thrush allows you to survive an unfavorable period and wait until a strengthened immune system again takes control of the number of the fungus.

Special occasions
Most often, treatment occurs according to a proven scheme. If a woman has already gone to the doctor several times with this problem, then she knows what drugs to buy and what to do with them. Of course, antifungal drugs are most often prescribed, as they give a quick result. These are Pimafucin, Fluconazole and others. And in what cases will washing with chamomile with thrush be more acceptable?
The use of powerful drugs of general or local action is highly undesirable during pregnancy. But it is future motherssuffer from a decrease in immunity, against which candida flourishes. Therefore, you need to choose gentle means that will achieve good results without unnecessary risk, that is, they will be effective for thrush. Washing with chamomile just refers to such methods.
Mechanism of action
Why does pharmacy chamomile have such an effect on pathogenic microflora? One mechanism operates here, namely the creation of an unfavorable environment in the area of \u200b\u200bthe spread of the fungus. Violating the natural habitat, we cause the death of the fungus, which also affects the natural microflora of the vagina, but not in a too critical way. In various cases, chamomile is used as a primary or prophylactic treatment for candidiasis.

Do not self-medicate
This is especially important during pregnancy. Washing with chamomile with thrush will not harm the body, but there is another danger. Treatment with folk remedies should also not be based on guesswork. Candidiasis will easily develop into a chronic phase, and treatment will become long and very difficult.
But this does not detract from the merits of the medicinal plant. The well-known chamomile contains a large number of active substances that have an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, chamomile accelerates tissue regeneration. In gynecology, chamomile decoctions are used for douching, washing and therapeutic baths. Each method is good in its own way and allows you to achieve good results if you follow all the recommendations of the attendingspecialist.
Useful properties and contraindications
Treatment of thrush with chamomile has been practiced for quite a long time and gives good results. Moreover, if more serious diseases develop against the background of thrush, the medicinal plant will provide very significant assistance. It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory property, is an excellent antiseptic and is endowed with soothing properties.
Thanks to these properties, the treatment of candidiasis can take place without the use of antifungal drugs. This is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, when the mother is in dire need of help, but the choice of medicines is very limited.

First Aid
If the symptoms are mild, then gynecologists recommend washing with chamomile for thrush. Expert reviews emphasize that, despite its apparent simplicity, this is a fairly effective way to prevent deterioration.
To prepare a medicinal infusion, pour 3-4 g of dried flowers into a glass of boiling water and let it brew for several hours. It is best to do this in a thermos so that the water does not have time to cool. Ready-made raw materials can be used for washing with thrush. You may not cure Candida with chamomile, but the body has to constantly interact with this fungus. You just need to buy time and give immunity to get stronger. After that, he will already suppress the growth of the fungus.
How to perform the procedure
Wash with chamomile for thrushrecommended 2-3 times a day. In this case, a therapeutic effect is observed. To achieve the best effect, it is recommended to mix chamomile and calendula flowers. In this case, 2 tablespoons should be poured with boiling water (0.5 liters) and allowed to stand for several hours. Use as directed.
This infusion perfectly relieves redness and itching, burning and redness in the genital area, has a disinfecting effect. It is necessary to treat candidiasis with this drug for at least a week. If during this time the condition has not improved, and you are still worried about itching, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Warm baths
Chamomile helps with thrush in almost all cases, which is why it is so often prescribed by gynecologists. Therapeutic baths are a great way not only to solve the problem, but also to enjoy the procedure. To take a warm bath, you need to fill it with boiling water by about a third, and then put 7 tablespoons of chamomile flowers wrapped in a cloth or bandage into the water. After cooling the liquid to a comfortable temperature, you can take a bath.
When pregnant, permission for such a procedure must be given by a doctor. If there is a threat of miscarriage, then baths will have to be completely abandoned. The duration of one session is 25 minutes. It is recommended to take baths until the unpleasant symptoms disappear.
For therapeutic baths, you can use a decoction of chamomile. In this case, the consumption of raw materials and water will be much less. Approximately 3 tablespoons of flowers need to be pouredliter of water and let stand for 40 minutes. After that, filter through a bandage, and you can use it for its intended purpose. And pour 10 liters of water into a basin and dilute the broth in it. Sitz baths in a basin should be taken for 25 minutes. Usually 10 sessions are enough to completely forget about the problem. If the result is not achieved, then you need to see a doctor for further diagnosis.

Douching with a decoction of herbs
This is one of the most popular procedures prescribed by gynecologists. With thrush, you can douche with chamomile, this is a safe and effective method of dealing with pathology. To prepare a medicinal decoction, you need to boil 400 g of water and pour 6 g of dried flowers with it. Put the mixture on the fire and let it boil, then cool to a warm state and strain.
For douching, you need to purchase a special pear. Fill it with a decoction, insert the tip into the vagina and press on the pear. At the same time squeeze the muscles and try to hold the liquid for 30 seconds. This will have a more effective effect on the mucous membranes.
Judging by the reviews, this procedure is the most effective. The result is noticeable immediately, itching and burning disappear, curdled discharge disappears. Do not calm down after achieving the first results. If douching is interrupted prematurely, thrush will again make itself felt. It is best to visit a doctor periodically to monitor the positive dynamics.
Be careful
Despite good reviews, you need to remember aboutthat douching with chamomile is contraindicated for expectant mothers. Such self-medication can lead to infection of the fetus or even to termination of pregnancy. Therefore, despite the apparent safety of such an herb as chamomile, a doctor should treat thrush during pregnancy. Washing is usually prescribed, as therapeutic baths can also be dangerous for the unborn baby, especially in the early stages of pregnancy.

Instead of a conclusion
Dry chamomile flowers should be at home for every housewife. Decoctions are great for fighting colds and flu, and work well as disinfectant solutions for treating wounds. The article examined the use of chamomile to combat thrush. True, this remedy should not be considered a panacea. In one case, it will help cure candida without a trace, in others it will only have an auxiliary effect. Therefore, a prerequisite for successful therapy is a timely visit to the doctor.