Rosehip is not only a beautiful plant, but also very useful for any person. Not only the fruit of the plant has healing properties, but also its roots, petals, flowers. All of them can maintain human he alth at the proper level, as well as fight various diseases. Rosehip diuretic or not? This question can be heard from many people, so this issue will be discussed in detail in the material and some cooking recipes will be given.
Useful properties
The fruits of the plant themselves have a general strengthening effect on the human body, the drink tones and strengthens the immune system. Whether rosehip is diuretic or not depends on how it is brewed. In general, such drinks are a mild diuretic. It is especially useful to drink decoctions in winter, when the body is most susceptible to colds. Since rosehip is a diuretic, but does not remove useful substances from the body, its decoctions are often used to treat the kidneys, digestive system, and also for inflammatory diseases.processes.

Doctors advise to use teas as an additional remedy for high blood pressure and vascular diseases. Rosehip is the record holder for the amount of vitamins and minerals that a person needs every day. It has several times more useful elements than any berry or herb.
Collecting and drying rose hips
All fruits of the plant must be harvested before the onset of cold weather. Even small frosts can kill all the useful properties of the plant. If the collection is carried out independently, then it is better to do it as far as possible from the road and factories. It is recommended to collect in your garden or forests.
Drying of fruits is possible with the help of dryers, as well as in the oven at temperatures up to 100 degrees. The main thing is not to fry the fruit.
Plant for weight loss
The fruits of the plant are rich not only in vitamins and minerals, but also help to cope with excess weight. As part of the fruit there are elements that can speed up metabolism. To get the desired result, you should drink decoctions based on the plant 3-4 times. Not everyone knows if rosehip is a diuretic, so with such a large intake of infusion, one should be prepared for frequent urination.

For weight loss, the course of admission is from 14 days to 1 month. To get a positive effect, you need to know how to drink rose hips, so consider the recipe:
- For 3 tbsp. l. dried fruit will require a liter of boiling water.
- Ingredientsmixed and left for 12 hours.
- Further, the infusion can be consumed half an hour before meals.
Using such a simple recipe, you can lose a few extra pounds, and if you supplement the course with certain exercises, the effect will be amazing.
Decoction during pregnancy
Pregnant women can not always use different decoctions and teas based on plants, herbs and other natural products. But rose hips are even recommended for pregnant women. Knowing what rosehip is (diuretic or not), we can say that its decoction allows you to relieve swelling that often accompanies pregnant women. Additionally, its infusions will normalize the functioning of the kidneys, and also contribute to the removal of excess fluid.

Thanks to the plant, pregnant women will not have toxicosis, and if you drink teas on a regular basis, the immune system will be strong, which will reduce the risk of various diseases. In the first 3 months, drinking teas with such fruits is not recommended, and subsequent intake should be in moderation, according to the dosage. For a pregnant woman, it is allowed to take an infusion or decoction of no more than a liter per day, otherwise the drink will negatively affect the body.
Proper brewing of fruits
To get the maximum benefit from the drink, you need to know how to brew rose hips correctly, in a thermos or in a cup. In addition, it is important to observe the correct proportions. Therefore, various recipes for preparing such a plant will be presented below.

In general, there are no secrets and everything is simple:
- The ratio of water and fruits should be 1:10.
- Before preparing the infusion, the fruit can be cut into pieces, then the time for infusion will be less.
- If preparing a decoction, you will need to bring the drink to a boil, then close the container with a lid and leave for 10-12 hours.
- Sugar is not recommended, but if you can't drink a drink without it, then you can put a small portion.
Not everyone knows how to drink rose hips correctly. It must be remembered that after taking the decoction, you will need to rinse your mouth with water - this will save tooth enamel.
Recipe in a thermos
Rosehip, the recipes for brewing which can be very diverse, will enrich the body with the necessary vitamins for the whole day. In order to learn how to brew rose hips correctly in a thermos, it is recommended to use this recipe:
- It is better to prepare a drink in the evening so that it can properly infuse for 10-12 hours.
- You will need to chop the fruits and pour boiling water over them.
- Approximately 1 tbsp is taken per liter of water. l. crushed plant.
- Left overnight in a thermos.
- In the morning, the drink is filtered and drunk throughout the day. The recommended dosage is about 300-400 grams per day.
This drink can be stored no more than two days in a cold place. You can add lemon, cranberries and other berries to the drink. If the infusion is strong, it can be diluted with plain water.
Decoction is made according to the same proportions as in the above recipe. The fruits are poured with cold water, put on fire and brought to a boil, after which they are boiled for another 10 minutes. Then the drink is left for two hours, then filtered. After that, it can be consumed.
Fruit based syrup
It's not uncommon to hear about rosehip syrup being sold in pharmacies, but it's very easy to make at home.

For cooking, you need to follow these rules:
- 1 kg of fruit should be washed and pitted, then the hairs removed and minced through a meat grinder.
- Next, the fruits are poured with 1.5 liters of water, and the ingredients are sent to the fire. You need to boil the fruits for 10 minutes.
- 1 kg of sugar is placed in boiling water, and the syrup is boiled for an hour, while constantly stirring the dish.
- After 30 minutes, the syrup is filtered and poured into jars.
This dish is suitable for all family members at any age. Syrup is especially useful for colds.
After studying the material, we can say for sure whether rose hips are diuretic or not. After the above information, the answer is obvious: the plant is diuretic, but it does not flush out beneficial substances from the body, unlike many others. In addition, it can be used not only to cleanse the kidneys or treat diseases. A drink based on fruits is recommended to drink to strengthen the immune system and for preventive purposes.