St. Perhaps, you can find it almost everywhere, except perhaps the northern regions, the very south, as well as deserts. This pleasant plant grows well in well-lit, open areas, clearings and fields. But it does not like forest thickets and too wet soil. This plant is collected from the end of spring (from May) to the end of summer. It is during this period that the flowering time falls. To collect St. John's wort, you need to cut off its upper part, that is, flowering, along with all the flowers, twigs, buds and leaves. Moreover, it is necessary to collect fresh plants, young and not withered, without faded branches already with fruits.

The medicinal herb St. John's wort is so famous and widely used that it is difficult to find a pharmacy where it would not be sold. Hiscan be found in the form of herbs, and in the form of tinctures, and even in tablets.
What does St. John's wort herb treat? This magical plant, as scientists have proven, affects the body from a variety of sides and is useful for a whole range of diseases. First of all, St. John's wort is an anti-inflammatory agent, and very effective. In addition, it has an antimicrobial and softening effect. It has, however, a small side effect - it acts as a mild laxative. In pharmaceuticals, it is used not only by itself, but also as an additive to various drugs. So, in particular, one of the substances contained in St. John's wort (hypericin, which has sedative properties) is used in remedies for depression and a number of mental illnesses.

St. I must say that the stomach generally loves this herb very much and reacts extremely positively to it. Pain decreases, ulcers and wounds heal. In addition, the infusion of St. John's wort will relieve heartburn, nausea, colic, bloating, stool disorders. In addition, this herb is also used to alleviate the condition of the heart when there are some problems with it. In particular, it improves its general tone, it is useful at high pressure. And, of course, most often, St. John's wort is drunk for colds (flu, sore throat, fever, just a cold). It is also good for wound healing, in the treatment of bruises and various injuries:powerful antimicrobial and regenerative action allows wounds to heal much faster. By the way, St. John's wort is good and just with regular use by a relatively he althy person. The fact is that it quite noticeably improves the overall tone of the body, mood and condition, removes anxiety, helps to cope with stress, an active lifestyle and overwork.

St. John's wort, which is so widely used, is very easy to prepare at home. First of all, it can be drunk as a simple tea. To do this, one teaspoon of herbs should be brewed with 300 grams of boiling water, insist for half an hour, strain and drink. You can not store the infusion, you can use it only immediately after brewing, fresh. Well, if you want this useful plant to be stored for a long time, not only in dried form? Then there is another way to cook. St. John's wort, the use and preparation of which is so simple, can be infused with oil. To do this, a small jar is filled to the brim with dried and chopped grass, and then poured with hot oil (vegetable). Then the jar is tightly closed with a lid and left for several weeks. As soon as the tincture turns red, you can open the container, filter the contents and use it to treat abrasions, wounds and scratches. Keep the infusion closed in a dark place.