A low perennial plant Echinacea has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time. It came to Europe thanks to the Spanish navigators. And already in those ancient times, healers paid special attention to its unique healing properties.

The plant is rich in a variety of useful substances. It contains silver and magnesium, zinc and aluminum, molybdenum and iron, as well as calcium. The root part of echinacea contains many valuable acids, polysaccharides and vegetable oils. The flowers of the plant are also healing. They contain essential oils.
The use of the plant gives excellent results in the treatment of many ailments. In Russia, a medicinal plant extract has become widespread. Echinacea, which is used for its production, has an amazing ability to stimulate cellular immunity. The plant is endowed with this feature due to the presence of a large number of polysaccharides in its composition. This extract is an excellent natural modulator. Echinacea can help both adults and children. herbal medicine,which can be purchased at pharmacies, is almost indispensable for those who have unstable immunity. It is also recommended for the elderly in connection with a decrease in their protective functions of the body.

The healing extract has a unique composition. Echinacea endowed it with antioxidant properties. It contains plant polyphenols, betaines and phytosterols. Polysaccharides, which are rich in echinacea, have immunostimulating properties. In combination with polyamides, chicory acid and alkamides, these components are involved in the production of antibodies. For a long time, the peoples of North America, from where the medicinal plant was brought, used echinacea for toothache and fever, epilepsy and sore throats. She also helped with snake bites. In other words, echinacea was used to treat all kinds of inflammatory processes that occurred in the human body.
Many preparations include a medicinal extract. Echinacea, which is present in medications, is a guarantee of their non-toxicity and non-allergenicity. External use of such drugs never causes irritation of the skin. Traditional medicine pays special attention to how each of us needs echinacea in the cold season. The extract, the use of which during epidemics of colds and viral infections is an effective preventive measure, will help to avoid many diseases.
There are different types of medicine. The network of pharmacies sells not only its liquid form. Many manufacturersechinacea extract is also available in tablets.

This form is very user-friendly. Tablets can be taken anywhere and anytime. They are made from the juice of purple echinacea. Moreover, this dosage form has the same pharmacological properties as the plant extract. Tablets should be taken according to the instructions that come with them.