Folk laxatives. Folk recipes for laxatives

Folk laxatives. Folk recipes for laxatives
Folk laxatives. Folk recipes for laxatives

Each person is individual and not like someone else. The same applies to the body. Everyone has at least small, but nuances, which, however, do not even make a person sick in the overall picture. In this article, I would like to tell you what laxatives exist, folk and non-drug.

folk laxatives
folk laxatives

Massage will help

If a person absolutely does not want to take anything orally, to cope with the problem of constipation, he can simply do a simple massage. You only need to know a few simple moves. So, we must remember the children's massage of the tummy and, according to this principle, massage yourself the place where the colon passes - in circular motions exactly clockwise. Do this for about a minute. Now with both hands you need to make longitudinal movements from the ribs to the legs (stroking the stomach on the sides). Last movements: you need to run your hands along the sides of an equilateral triangle, for the basetaking the pubis. Allocate about a minute for each movement. Such a simple massage should be done every night before going to bed, thus improving intestinal motility. It is also good as a preventive measure for possible constipation.

Dried fruits

But if the problem of constipation still remains, you need to start taking laxatives. Folk recipes are suitable for those who do not want to be treated with medications. So what can you take? Figs, dates or prunes work well in this direction. They need to be soaked overnight, and eaten in the morning, washing down everything with the infusion that has been created. This is an excellent laxative medicine, which, by the way, does not require special preparation and does not bother a person at all.

laxatives folk recipes
laxatives folk recipes


What other laxatives are there (folk)? So, an excellent medicine is aloe, which will help to cope with many problems, including constipation. To prepare the medicine, you need to cut the leaves of this plant and put them in the refrigerator for about 15 days for biostimulation. Next, you need to squeeze the juice from aloe, mix with warm honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Take the medicine every morning on an empty stomach. After a few days, the dose can be reduced, because the stomach and intestines will begin to work properly. It is also important to remember that the medicine should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Collection with buckthorn

Let's go further, considering laxatives (folk). So, buckthorn bark, as well as crushed seeds, will perfectly help a person suffering from constipation.cumin and chamomile flowers. Everything is poured with a glass of boiling water and boiled for 10 minutes in a water bath. The medicine is taken in full at bedtime. By the same principle, you can prepare a slightly different medicine, which will feature buckthorn bark, flax and dill seeds.

fast acting folk laxatives
fast acting folk laxatives


If a child or a young person suffers from constipation, then rhubarb will help them perfectly. To prepare a medicine, a syrup, decoction or powder must be made from this plant. Take at least one tablespoon per day. The result will not be long in coming.

Rowan not only from pressure

Considering folk laxatives, it is important not to forget also about mountain ash. To prepare the medicine, you need to process the berries with sugar and put them in the sun to form a syrup. Then the berries are squeezed well, and alcohol (25 grams) is added to the syrup (500 grams). The medicine is taken on an empty stomach until the stool improves. Next, you need to take a short break and repeat the course again to consolidate the result.

Regular carrots

Freshly squeezed carrot juice also works well as a laxative. It is worth noting that this folk medicine can also be used to prevent constipation.


Great, burdock can also help. Namely, his spines. A lump of such burdocks should be poured with a glass of boiling water and the infusion should be steamed for about two hours. The medicine is taken in one dose, it is better to do this before bedtime.

folk laxatives
folk laxatives


What other laxatives are there? Folk recipes suggest that horse sorrel can be used for treatment. So, to prepare the medicine, you need to pour half a liter of boiling water into two tablespoons of sorrel root, then everything is boiled for half an hour in a water bath. To get rid of the problem, you need to take a glass of medicine before bedtime.


As a laxative, a plant like snapdragon works great. To prepare the medicine, you need to take ten grams of the plant and pour boiling water over them, brew. Taken hot before bed.

Cowberry and its infusion

The following laxatives (folk recipes) also work: you need to collect water after soaking lingonberries. That's it, it is an excellent medicine for getting rid of such a problem as constipation.

The well-known plantain

There are also quick-acting folk laxatives. To prepare such a medicine, you need a plantain. Its seeds must be poured with boiling water and brewed (10 grams of seeds per half a glass of boiling water). Everything is infused, filtered and drunk at a time. Better to do it in the morning.

folk laxative recipes
folk laxative recipes

Almond butter

For those who suffer from constipation, a simple remedy like almond oil is also suitable. For a good result, you need to take it one to two tablespoons before meals three times a day. The result will appear soon enough.


Helps with chronic constipationthe next remedy, which, by the way, is very pleasant to your taste. To prepare the product, you need to take 60 grams of raisins and prunes, pour everything with a liter of water and cook over low heat, evaporating the liquid by about half. The remedy is taken one tablespoon every one and a half to two hours.

Peach leaves

There are also such popular laxative recipes that still help get rid of worms. To prepare the medicine, you need about 50 grams of dry chopped peach leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water and insist everything in a warm oven from evening to morning. In the morning, the medicine is brought to a boil two or three times, everything is filtered, honey is added (about one tablespoon). Everything, the medicine is ready. It is necessary to take it half a glass three to four times a day for half an hour before meals.

Oil and honey - tasty and he althy

To get rid of constipation, you can also prepare a very simple remedy. To do this, you need vegetable oil and honey. The ingredients are mixed in equal amounts, everything is taken 3-4 tablespoons in the morning on an empty stomach.
