Alternative medicine 2024, October

Reiki, what is it?

Reiki, what is it?

In 1922, Dr. Mikao Usui founded the Reiki system. What it is? It is unlikely that anyone can give an exact answer to this question, because it is something more than the human mind can accommodate. For some, Reiki is universal energy, for others it is universal love. Others think it's a lifetime

Use and contraindications of onion peel

Use and contraindications of onion peel

A good housewife puts much less waste in the trash - they often turn out to be not superfluous, but surprisingly useful. For example, take onion peel - we throw it away almost every day, since onions are used in frying, soup, salads, meat, and its collection begins only by Easter. But this is not just a wonderful natural dye, it is also a good remedy against various diseases, problems with appearance, and ailments

Energy bracelets Power Balance, reviews of experts and consumers

Energy bracelets Power Balance, reviews of experts and consumers

Whether or not to use Power Balance bracelets is a personal matter for everyone, but you should not criticize this invention of American scientists if you have not had a chance to experience its miraculous power. After all, these bracelets really helped many, and within a few days after wearing them, they felt a surge of energy and strength

Diuretic herbs: list, rules of preparation and use

Diuretic herbs: list, rules of preparation and use

Diuretic herbs can have the most positive effect on patients suffering from kidney disease. They are virtually harmless to he alth. It is easy to prepare the fees yourself, but they are always sold ready-made in pharmacies

Medical leeches. Contraindications for use

Medical leeches. Contraindications for use

Recently, modern society is increasingly turning for help not to traditional medicine, but to folk, rooted in antiquity. Herbs, infusions, leeches. Every remedy has contraindications, even such an ancient one as hirudotherapy

Kolganov root - a medicine from Russian epics

Kolganov root - a medicine from Russian epics

One of the oldest medicinal plants, which was mentioned in ancient Russian chronicles, was kolgan root. His miraculous healing properties were written in epics. It was he who helped the Russian heroes cope with ailments after hard battles

Quince is the best cough remedy for a child

Quince is the best cough remedy for a child

When children get sick, when they cough at night, mothers just go crazy, they don’t know how to help their dear child. Any means are used: both medical and folk. This article provides several options for various remedies with which you can cure a cough

Ozokerite rock. Application in medicine

Ozokerite rock. Application in medicine

Ozokerite, the use of which is associated with its mechanical and thermal action, is a natural material. It is a natural mountain wax of petroleum origin. According to its physical properties, ozokerite is a wax-like mass. Depending on the degree of purification, it can be black or yellow, green or white

Arsenicum iodatum: composition, properties, uses, contraindications

Arsenicum iodatum: composition, properties, uses, contraindications

What is the drug "Arsenicum iodatum". Chemical composition and distinctive properties. Indications for use and possible contraindications. For whom is the drug intended and the effectiveness of its use

Why peach oil: instructions, properties and reviews on the application

Why peach oil: instructions, properties and reviews on the application

How many people are interested in milking what peach oil is used for. This tool is used for cosmetic purposes to strengthen hair, nails, as well as improve the condition of the skin. However, it is worth noting that this remedy has certain contraindications that must be taken into account

Melissa tincture: instructions for use, medicinal properties and reviews

Melissa tincture: instructions for use, medicinal properties and reviews

Medicinal plants occupy a special place in alternative medicine and are widely used in modern pharmacology. One of them is Melissa. The tincture prepared on its basis has many useful properties. This is a storehouse of useful substances, because it contains various elements that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This article is devoted to this topic

Gynecological collection "Anastasia": composition, instructions for use

Gynecological collection "Anastasia": composition, instructions for use

Since ancient times, people have known the healing power of certain herbs and actively used them in the treatment of various diseases. Mother nature has created many such medicinal plants for women. Using several types of herbs at the same time, you can achieve good results in the treatment of female diseases. One of these means is the gynecological collection "Anastasia"

Field artichoke: useful properties and contraindications

Field artichoke: useful properties and contraindications

There are a large number of plants in nature. Some can be talked about and talked about, but there is nothing to tell about others. The second is the field artichoke. Let's study it together. Let's find out what it looks like and how it is useful

Olive oil for constipation: methods of application, dosage, reviews

Olive oil for constipation: methods of application, dosage, reviews

Constipation occurs not only in adults, but also in babies. If the first can use the help of drugs for emptying the intestines, then for newborns, many drugs are prohibited. They can only use natural products. Olive oil for constipation is an indispensable remedy for getting rid of unpleasant symptoms

Chamomile for diarrhea in adults and children: preparation features and medicinal properties

Chamomile for diarrhea in adults and children: preparation features and medicinal properties

Chamomile decoctions and teas are effective remedies for diarrhea in both adults and children. Often, doctors themselves prescribe chamomile as an additional remedy for the complex treatment of various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Recipes for infusions and decoctions of chamomile for diarrhea. Who should not take such funds?

Grass s altwort hill: instructions for use and medicinal properties

Grass s altwort hill: instructions for use and medicinal properties

This medicinal plant has several folk names - "camel's thorn", "Tatar thistle", "yandak", "Russian thistle". Salsola grass is a hepatoprotector - substances that protect liver cells. The plain-looking annual subshrub got its official name because of its s alty taste

Encephalopathy of the brain: treatment with folk remedies. Recipes and recommendations

Encephalopathy of the brain: treatment with folk remedies. Recipes and recommendations

Cerebral encephalopathy is a syndrome that occurs in a variety of diseases. In a pathological condition, brain cells suffer, as a result of which its functioning is disrupted. Most often, the syndrome develops slowly. A characteristic feature is the ease of treatment of cerebral encephalopathy with folk remedies and methods of traditional medicine

Holm solyanka: reviews, composition, application, recipes

Holm solyanka: reviews, composition, application, recipes

According to reviews, hill hodgepodge is an unusual plant with medicinal properties. Moreover, scientists do not deny the fact that it contains many useful substances. Numerous experiments have proven that hodgepodge can improve liver function and not only

Buckthorn bark: instructions for use, indications, medicinal properties and contraindications

Buckthorn bark: instructions for use, indications, medicinal properties and contraindications

Buckthorn bark: instructions for use, indications for use. Useful properties and contraindications. When and how to harvest raw materials for medical purposes, especially growing on the site. Popular recipes for diseases

Egg butter: recipe and methods of application

Egg butter: recipe and methods of application

Egg butter is a mixture of butter and crushed, hard-boiled eggs. This is one of the most popular snacks in Estonian and Finnish cuisine. In Finland, the oil in question was used to make Karelian pies. In addition, the egg-oil mixture is actively used in cosmetology for the preparation of nourishing masks for skin and hair. In our article, we will consider how to properly cook butter, how much to boil eggs after boiling, and what is the use of this mixture

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis with folk remedies: recipes, instructions for use, reviews

Treatment of seborrheic dermatitis with folk remedies: recipes, instructions for use, reviews

Seborrheic dermatitis is a chronic skin pathology caused by a fungal infection. The disease affects those areas of the skin where a large number of sebaceous glands are located. The substance produced by them contributes to the reproduction of the fungus, provides it with vital functions. Based on this, it is clear that pathology can affect any part of the body, not only the scalp, but also the face, chest, and back. Seborrheic dermatitis is treated with folk remedies, as well as various medicines

Waste product of wax moth: properties, method of obtaining, benefits and harms

Waste product of wax moth: properties, method of obtaining, benefits and harms

The waste product of the wax moth is a natural substance that is produced in apiaries. It is formed due to the unique properties of the moth butterfly, whose body is able to digest beekeeping products, primarily wax. Wax moth feces have amazing beneficial properties. In this article we will tell you what diseases it is recommended to use them for, about the benefits and harms of this remedy

Is it possible to have raspberries at a temperature: medicinal properties, temperature reduction and admission rules

Is it possible to have raspberries at a temperature: medicinal properties, temperature reduction and admission rules

Can raspberries be used at temperature? Chemical composition and useful properties of raspberries. How to make a medicinal tea from the berries or leaves of the plant. Raspberries at a temperature of 37, 38 and 39 degrees. Why is she helping?

Dead Sea mud: home use

Dead Sea mud: home use

The healing properties of the Dead Sea mud have been used for many centuries. The use of this product allows you to achieve excellent cosmetic results, gives a rejuvenating, healing effect. A positive action does not require proof, but one can talk about them ad infinitum

Metabolic therapy - what is it? Ways to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system

Metabolic therapy - what is it? Ways to detoxify the body and strengthen the immune system

Metabolic therapy - what it is and what it is used for. The main methods of detoxifying the body and a set of necessary procedures to strengthen the immune system. Practical recommendations, preparations and prevention

How to drink a decoction of sage for infertility?

How to drink a decoction of sage for infertility?

How to use sage in the treatment of infertility. The chemical composition and useful properties of this plant. Rules for the preparation of decoctions. Contraindications and side effects. How to take a decoction. Causes of infertility. User Reviews

Lemon from high pressure and for cleaning vessels: recipes and instructions for use

Lemon from high pressure and for cleaning vessels: recipes and instructions for use

Many people, having heard about the miraculous effect of citrus fruits, wonder how many lemons can be eaten per day. After all, it became known that these fruits are able to lower blood pressure due to the effect on blood vessels. At the same time, they are simply contraindicated for some categories of patients

Effective home remedies for the common cold

Effective home remedies for the common cold

Respiratory diseases are among the top three most common infectious diseases along with gastrointestinal pathologies and sexually transmitted infections. The nasal cavity is a hollow organ that is divided by a septum and lined with mucous membranes from the inside. It provides the amount of air inhaled and its quality

What is licorice: description of the plant, useful properties, use, contraindications

What is licorice: description of the plant, useful properties, use, contraindications

What is licorice known to everyone, as this plant is widely used to treat coughs. However, not everyone knows that it helps in the treatment of many other diseases. It is very important to know how to use licorice medicines correctly, as well as what indications and contraindications there are

Chinese balm and ointment for colds

Chinese balm and ointment for colds

The most effective Chinese ointments and balms for colds. Methods of application and medicinal properties of drugs. The composition of the funds and the form of release. Side effects and contraindications to the use of drugs

Cold is a symptom of many diseases

Cold is a symptom of many diseases

As young Albert Einstein said in one of his sayings, cold is the absence of heat. From this point of view, it is enough to put on warm clothes or take cover under a duvet, so that this unpleasant feeling goes away and warmth reigns. But there is another side to this feeling. Feeling cold - this can be the first bell to a variety of diseases. Consider the possible causes of constant chilliness

Homemade potions: viburnum tincture. Cooking recipes. Indications for use

Homemade potions: viburnum tincture. Cooking recipes. Indications for use

Healing properties of viburnum have long been used by traditional healers. A decoction and juice prepared from its fruits are good for coughs, colds, stomach ulcers, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, colitis, nose and internal bleeding. Viburnum tincture soothes headaches, migraines, relieves bronchial asthma, and if you make a 15-20% solution, then the juice can be used for acne, ulcers, skin diseases

Echinacea herb: useful properties and healing recipes

Echinacea herb: useful properties and healing recipes

Echinacea or rudbeckia is a garden plant of the Asteraceae family. This beautiful flower is unpretentious in care and can grow in the garden. Echinacea occupies an honorable place in medicine. Its beneficial properties are miraculously strong, the plant has established itself as an excellent remedy for cleansing the lymphatic system, liver and kidneys

Phytotherapy: the use of hop cones

Phytotherapy: the use of hop cones

Hop is a plant that has been known to people since ancient times. It is valued for its unpretentiousness and useful properties. Cones (female inflorescences) of this plant are used to make beer and kvass. Previously, they were used to make sourdough for bread. Very important is the use of hop cones in folk medicine

Badan thick-leaved: photo, description, medicinal properties and contraindications

Badan thick-leaved: photo, description, medicinal properties and contraindications

Healing properties of bergenia thick-leaved have long been known to traditional healers. Preparations based on it are used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gynecological pathologies and a number of other ailments. The plant has been cultivated since 1927

Sea buckthorn oil: properties and contraindications, reviews

Sea buckthorn oil: properties and contraindications, reviews

The well-known sea buckthorn berry is widespread in almost all areas of human life. It is used in medicine, cooking and cosmetology. The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil make it possible to use it in the complex therapy of many diseases. The article will discuss the benefits and contraindications of this tool

Geranium: useful properties and contraindications

Geranium: useful properties and contraindications

The geranium family, which includes numerous varieties of plants from Asia and Europe, pelargoniums from Africa, has long attracted the attention of people. Not only decorative indoor geraniums were popular, the beneficial properties of flowers with lacy or figured dissected foliage and flowers of various shapes and colors, fragrant and odorless, were known in ancient Greece

Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications for the body

Beets: beneficial properties and contraindications for the body

Recently, beets have been gaining global popularity as the new superfood. This is all thanks to studies that claim that this root vegetable is ideal for athletes, is able to normalize blood pressure and has a beneficial effect on blood flow. But is it true? In this article, we will learn all the beneficial properties of beets, contraindications, indications and a direct effect on the body

Reishi mushroom: medicinal properties and contraindications

Reishi mushroom: medicinal properties and contraindications

Reishi mushroom, or varnished Ganoderma, has long been famous for its medicinal properties. The properties of this plant have been actively used in traditional oriental medicine for more than two thousand years. Even in ancient treatises there were references to the fact that he grants longevity and eternal youth

Useful properties of red viburnum. Indications, prescriptions

Useful properties of red viburnum. Indications, prescriptions

Kalina red is called a drug that can cure many serious ailments, improve the body's resistance by restoring the immune system. The plant is used in folk medicine for the preparation of medicinal compositions. The useful properties and contraindications of red viburnum are described in the article