Bee products have been valued by mankind since time immemorial. It's not just honey or pollen. Even dying, the bees continue to save people and treat numerous diseases. The tincture on their bodies is called dead bee. According to its medicinal properties, it overtakes even propolis. Today we will consider the features of preparation, as well as the use of this beekeeping product for the effective treatment of various diseases of organs and systems.

What is this
Bee subpestilence is dead bees. These insects do not live long. The maximum life expectancy is a month. Therefore, the bodies of dead insects can be collected from the landing board almost all year round. Treatment with this medicine has become so popular that its manufacture has been put into production.
Sometimes gardeners decide to make it themselves. To do this, a container with a small amount of honey and water is installed in the garden. They drown in itbees, as well as other insects. The resulting tincture is called dead bee. Sometimes the container is left in the garden during the entire summer season, after which the contents are filtered and used for compresses. In fact, the healing properties of such a drug remain in question. The bodies of bees dried in a special way are used for the original tincture.
Collecting raw materials
It's rare to find a beekeeper who would deliberately kill his bees. Most often, insects that died naturally are used. This is very important, because at the moment of danger, bees usually use the poison contained in their stings. And he should go to the tincture. Therefore, you can collect raw materials in the following ways:
- In September, collect the bodies of workers from the bottom of the hive. If you have several hives, then the harvest will be quite rich.
- After the onset of stable heat, that is, when you release the bees, you can collect those who have not woken up after hibernation.
- During each cleaning of the hives, the bodies are removed using a sieve.

General Requirements
Bee death is used for treatment, and is used both for compresses and inside. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the quality of the collected raw materials. Podmore should not have mold, bad smell or signs of decay. If water gets on the bodies, they can no longer be used.
The quality of raw materials will directly depend on how carefully the summer resident takes care of his houses. At the same time, it is enough to store the producteasily. To do this, you just need to find a ventilated and dry room. They are placed in a cloth bag and hung up for storage.
Useful properties
Each dead bee is a source of trace elements. Not a single summer resident will allow such an important raw material to be lost. If a person regularly takes a cold, then toxins are removed from the intestines, beneficial bacteria multiply. This tool allows you to normalize cholesterol. External application in the form of compresses and lotions heals ulcers and deep wounds.
Tincture of dead bees has a very good effect on the work of the heart and in some cases helps to prevent a heart attack. This product is not affected by heat treatment, so a decoction and tincture for alcohol are prepared from it. Regular intake improves sleep and appetite, dilates blood vessels and increases hemoglobin.

What provides such an impact
Thanks to what does the tincture of dead bees have such a beneficial effect on the body? Of course, thanks to the unique composition. The composition of the frayed subpestilence includes such a number of trace elements that not a single pharmacy dietary supplement can be compared with it. Podmore includes:
- Particles of almost all bee products. These are honey and pollen, propolis and wax, royal jelly.
- Chitin and melanin.
- Unique bee venom.
- Fats and dietary fiber.
It is already becoming obvious that such a rich composition cannot be useless for the human body, it would be very stupid not to use it. Each one separatelythe bee product is unique, but almost all of them are collected here at once, albeit in small quantities.
That is, the body is enriched with essential vitamins and microelements. These are potassium and calcium, magnesium and iron, as well as a number of others. The composition is enriched with organic acids and many other healing substances. The use of dead bees gives you strong immunity, a charge of vivacity and strength for many years.
Chitin, fat and bee venom
Vitamins and minerals are very good, but we get them from food every day. I would like to pay attention to the rarer and more valuable elements that bee death on vodka gives our body:
- Chitin. It is quite often used in oriental medicine. It is not only a source of calcium, but also heparin, which is an essential compound for the normalization of the heart. It promotes the removal of metal s alts. Its healing effect on the endocrine system has been proven.
- Bee venom. It has been used in folk medicine since time immemorial. The use of bee subpestilence is largely due to the fact that bee venom is included in its composition. It is a powerful anesthetic that has healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
- But even more surprising is that fat is listed among the beneficial substances. Of course, in small doses, but it is even more valuable than fish oil. It is thanks to him that submora can be used to treat diabetics. It does not cause blood sugar fluctuations.
- Dietary fiber. Today you can find advertisements for inulin, which is sold innice packaging at a great price. This is a dietary fiber that can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. It is also contained in the sea.

The most popular way is to use tincture of dead bees. It's easy to make and lasts a long time. It is prepared in the following way:
- In a coffee grinder, you need to grind 60 g of raw materials.
- Fill it with alcohol or other strong alcohol.
- Let stand for 10 days in a dark and cool place.
Apply tincture in the form of compresses, applying to the affected areas. But for internal use, tincture of dead bees on vodka is also used. For what diseases can this remedy be recommended? The list is pretty impressive. It helps to normalize the patient's condition with cancer, normalize blood pressure and sugar levels in diabetes.
The second option is to prepare a decoction. Why this method has not gained much popularity is because it must be prepared daily, otherwise the healing properties will disappear. It is prepared as follows:
- Bring raw materials to a boil over low heat. For 500 g of broth you will need two teaspoons of raw materials.
- As soon as the mass began to boil, you need to turn off the stove and let the broth stand.
- Be sure to strain before drinking.
You can take it in a few teaspoons throughout the day. You need to start with a minimum amount (to assess the reaction of the body). An allergic reaction is possible, all bee products are guilty of this.
Recipes for all occasions
Official medicine has not fully recognized the effectiveness of sub-death, so the therapist will never prescribe you such a method of treatment. But there is a proven practice over the years that shows positive changes after completing the course in a variety of diseases. Under what diseases will the tincture of dead bees on vodka be most effective? Arthritis and arthrosis, various diseases of the joints - all this is effectively treated with compresses.
Inside the tincture is used for high cholesterol and impaired liver function, for prostate adenoma and tuberculosis. You need to take the tincture as follows. Divide your age by two. You will get the number of drops that you need to drink at a time. Take the medicine twice a day. Full course - 1 month. After that, you need to take a break for 3 - 4 weeks.

Dry Powder
Considering the recipes for dead bees, we see that dry raw materials can also be used in finished form. This is very convenient for those who are short on time. The easiest way to improve your he alth is to eat dry dead or fried. If you chose the second option, then you can just eat a pinch twice a day and drink water. Gradually increase the dosage to a teaspoon per day
If you bought dry dead wood, then you need to fry it. To do this, pour 50 ml of sunflower oil into the pan, then add 50 gpodmore and fry for 2 minutes. Do not overcook in the pan to preserve all the beneficial properties of the product.

One of the most effective methods of treatment in which dead bees appear. The recipe is quite simple, the whole cooking process will not take more than 20 minutes. You need to pour 100 g of dead wood with hot water in a ratio of 1:2. Insist for 15 minutes. This remedy is excellent for varicose veins, migraine and mastitis, various skin diseases. It is necessary to moisten the gauze with a solution and apply to sore spots. Repeat the procedure at least four times a day. Raspar is used by beekeepers quite often. If you visit a beekeeping farm in the near future, then buy some dry raw materials and use them for treatment if necessary.
Who should refuse
Traditional medicine recipes are considered to be natural and safe, but for the most part they have a rather serious effect on the human body. Therefore, it is best to consult a doctor before taking. Bee death on alcohol is contraindicated for children and pregnant women, since exposure to ethanol causes irreparable harm.
As mentioned above, it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of an allergic reaction. Luckily, she doesn't show up very often. But you also need to take into account individual intolerance. Podmor is not useful for pregnant women. Bee venom can cause unwanted reactions in the form of uterine contractions andable to influence the development of the fetus.
Consult your gastroenterologist about the possibility of using this remedy. It all depends on the disease and the current condition of the patient. Tincture of dead bees on vodka should not be used in the acute phase of gastritis, ulcers and in the presence of bleeding. In the entire history of the use of Podmore, there have been no serious complications after its use, but caution does not hurt.
Current treatment
This is another important point to keep in mind. Some bee products can be consumed on an ongoing basis. For example, this is honey. It can and should be taken every day in a teaspoon. Tincture of dead bees on vodka is a drug that is used in courses. You shouldn't drink it every day. Be sure to take breaks between courses. This is how the maximum effectiveness of this tincture is achieved.
At the same time, it is necessary to clarify with the supplier when the death was collected. You can store it for no more than a year, after which the medicinal properties are lost. And of course, you need to choose only responsible suppliers who value their customers.

For what diseases it is used
Treatment with dead bees is a whole section in folk medicine. It has so many useful properties that a short article is not enough to list them. But let's look at the main groups of diseases that are treated with this product:
- Very effective podmor for the treatment of cardiovasculardiseases. These are hypertension and hypotension, as well as varicose veins.
- If there are ulcers or wounds on the body that do not heal for a long time, treatment with dead bees is recommended.
- It also has a positive effect on the digestive tract. The only point is that during an exacerbation of chronic diseases, it should not be used.
- Effective treatment with dead bees in the treatment of the female reproductive system.
- The genitourinary system of men is also not forgotten. The unique product allows you to solve problems such as prostatitis, adenoma, cystitis, impotence and infertility.
This is not a complete list of what can be treated with this unique product. More precisely, you can consult a phytotherapeutist about the diseases under which bee support can provide serious assistance. For the most part, they are also familiar with bee products.
Instead of a conclusion
Podmor bee is a powerful medicine that can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments. It can act both as monotherapy and as an adjunct to treatment. Today, science has moved far ahead, but it has not managed to overtake nature itself. It was she who endowed these insects with such powerful abilities that even after death they can help us fight diseases.
By the way, man is not the only creature that eats dead bees. So do many animals and birds. Instinct, probably, tells that these tiny little bodies containgreat healing power. Consult with your doctor, he will additionally tell you for which diseases the dead bee will be most effective.
Of all the ways to use Podmor, the most popular is the preparation of tincture. It is consumed for a long time, stored too, and at the same time always at hand, unlike a decoction that needs to be prepared every day a new one. In addition, if you do not like the taste of this remedy, 15 drops are always easier to drink than two glasses of decoction.