More and more often official medicine turns to traditional methods of rehabilitation. All sorts of herbal teas have already been recognized by leading professors of medicine as quite effective when used in the right way and at the right dosage.

Now it came to extracts not of plant origin, but of animal origin. A vivid example of this is antler baths.
Have you had time to get acquainted with this miraculous procedure yet? It doesn't matter, you have everything ahead of you. Everything is an amazing effect of rejuvenation after taking such baths, new sensations and acquaintance with the technology of such a water procedure.
What are antler baths?
This is a wellness procedure that is widely used in Altai. It is there in our country that there is a deer breeding farm. The basis of such a bath is a decoction obtained after boiling young deer antlers. You will have to swim in it.
Unusual way of treatment, but very effective. The point here is that the antlers (young unossified horns) of the deer have miraculous powers. Byin their structure, they resemble a sponge, which is saturated with a huge amount of useful substances: energy drinks, bioactive minerals, proteins. They contain 18 of the existing 22 amino acids. That is why the healing power of antlers is beyond doubt.
But such a concentration of miraculous substances in the horns of a deer is typical only at a certain time, namely during the so-called rut.

Therefore, it is very important not to miss the time and cut the horns at the right time. This usually happens in May-June. Later, they will begin to ossify, and their healing properties will slowly disappear.
Indications for use
Today antler baths can be taken in many he alth resorts and sanatoriums in Altai. They are effective and are used for various purposes:
- To relieve chronic fatigue and neuroses.
- As an anti-aging agent that improves overall body condition, muscle tone and skin appearance.
- These baths can lower blood pressure.
- This elixir is extremely useful for people suffering from osteochondrosis and other joint diseases.
- This procedure can relieve you of insomnia and general anxiety.
- Antler baths give a therapeutic effect in diseases of the bronchi, stomach, heart.
Estimate the complexity of the impact on the human body of the usual decoction of deer antlers! I must say that this method of treatment has very ancient roots. There is an opinion that she came to us from China. Butthe first information about antler baths is found in the works of Indian healers.

In Russia, this procedure was considered elite for a long time and was available only to we althy people: directors of large enterprises, members of the Central Committee. Today, times have changed, and everyone can check the effectiveness of healing baths.
Antler baths: contraindications
However, this remedy, like any other, has contraindications. These baths are not recommended:
- people with cancer;
- allergy sufferers;
- women during pregnancy;
- for extensive skin lesions;
- those with open TB.
The rest of the antler baths in Altai, reviews of which, by the way, are the most positive, will not cause any harm.