One of the popular diseases of this century is hemorrhoids. Home treatment for this disease can be effective, but not always. But even despite the fact that, using the recommendations collected by traditional healers, one may not achieve an improvement in the condition, most people still prefer to deal with this disease on their own.

However, it should be understood here that even having decided to treat hemorrhoids with natural remedies, one cannot do without consulting a proctologist. After all, there are situations when some other one is hiding behind the "mask" of this disease. Also, do not forget that today home options for getting rid of the "disease of kings" are divided into two groups: treatment with medicines or folk remedies.
Use of folk recipes
It is necessary to understand that most of the modern diseases have been known to people for a long time. One of them is hemorrhoids. Treatment at home will have a positive effect only if it is continued for a long time. The most effective today is the use of the followingtraditional medicine recipes:

- Grind carrots or beets to a paste, or you can mix them, wrap in gauze and apply to the anus all night. Vegetables must be raw. Repeat for 2 weeks.
- Drink 2 teaspoons of fresh onion juice on an empty stomach for 30 days.
- A mixture of equal parts of pharmacy vaseline and liquid honey is used to treat the anus twice a day. You can use this remedy only if you are not allergic to bee products.
An excellent helper not only in the treatment, but also in the prevention of the "disease of kings" is rose hips, or rather an infusion of it. Preparing it is very simple: you need to take two tablespoons of fresh fruit or one dried one for a glass of boiling water.
However, pregnant women should not treat hemorrhoids with home remedies. In addition, if for some reason you do not trust folk recipes, but want to solve your delicate problem not only on your own, but also at home, you can try using medications.
Medical treatments for hemorrhoids

All pharmaceutical products used in this situation are divided into two groups: candles and ointments. The most effective treatment will be if both of these types are combined. In addition, most manufacturers are just set up for an integrated approach, and therefore produce funds that complement each other. It is such a comprehensivetreatment allows you to cope with many diseases, and hemorrhoids are no exception. Treatment at home is as follows: in the morning you need to thoroughly wash yourself and insert a candle into the anus. At lunch, you should lubricate the anus with a special cream. And in the evening, after performing hygiene procedures, turn your eyes back to suppositories. If for some reason you cannot use both remedies on the same day, then you can simply alternate them: a week - candles, the second - ointments.
But do not forget that sometimes even an integrated approach to self-treatment of diseases may not give the desired result. And a fairly striking example of this is hemorrhoids. Treatment at home, according to proctologists, is possible only at the initial stage of the disease or as an addition to the main therapy.