Herpes is a common viral disease. Almost 95% of the inhabitants of our planet are carriers of the virus, but not everyone develops the disease. In order for the virus hidden in the body to begin to actively act and manifest itself, special conditions are needed.

Quite often the disease is asymptomatic for a long time. The virus is activated when the immune system is weakened, as a rule, with colds and hypothermia. Today we will talk about how to treat herpes on the lips with homeopathy - we will present you popular drugs, tell you about their use.
Causes of disease
The main causes of this common disease are:
- hypothermia;
- compromised immunity;
- unbalanced diet;
- colds;
- stress and nervous breakdowns.
Unfortunately, it is impossible to get rid of a virus that has entered the human blood, so traditional medicine offers only antiviral drugs for the treatment of herpes. These are ointments and gels, tablets that are taken as a prophylaxis or applied to a problem area of the skin after the appearance of vesicles (herpes vesicles).
The vast majority of modern immunomodulatory drugs are developed on a hormonal basis. They are very effective in suppressing the virus, but even an experienced specialist is not always able to predict their effect on the body.

Alternative medicine offers a different approach to the treatment of this disease. Treatment of herpes on the lips with the help of homeopathy is aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms of the disease, but also at strengthening the immune system. It is important that homeopathic medicines have a beneficial effect on the body as a whole, forcing the immune system to suppress the virus.
Principles of treatment
The treatment of herpes with homeopathy guarantees getting rid of the symptoms of the disease for a long time. The effectiveness of such therapeutic drugs is due to their ability to mobilize the protective properties of the body.
Since the treatment of herpes on the lips with homeopathy involves the impact on the entire body, the homeopathic doctor selects the therapy regimen individually for each patient. When choosing medicines for treatment, he takes into account the patient's state of he alth, the characteristics of the course of the disease, the presence of serious chronic diseases.

You should know that homeopathic remedies for the treatment of herpes must be taken in a long course. Its duration is usually at least two months. Then intreatment is interrupted for a month, after which, if necessary, the therapy is repeated. Compared to traditional medicine, long-term use of medicines is the main disadvantage of homeopathic treatment. But it also has undeniable advantages: safety, no side effects, high efficiency, beneficial effects on the body as a whole.
Drugs to fight herpes
The principle of treating herpes with homeopathic remedies can be formulated as the elimination of like with like. In other words, a person is prescribed drugs in minimal doses, which in large volumes can cause symptoms similar to those that the patient already has.
For example, a bee sting can cause edema and acute urinary retention, while the homeopathic preparation Apis, containing honey bee extract, is used to eliminate urinary problems and edema, which can be caused by various causes.
Homeopathy for the treatment of herpes offers drugs, the description of which we will give below.
Rus Toxicodendron
A drug based on a poisonous plant, which in large doses causes itching and burning on the skin, provokes the formation of bubbles with liquid. Taking this drug inside, you will feel nausea, vomiting, irritation of the oral mucosa. In minimal doses, this plant helps to get rid of similar symptoms. For this reason, it has been successfully used for the treatment of herpes in homeopathy for external use. In addition, this remedy is widely used to treat other diseases,occurring in damp and cold seasons and accompanied by burning and itching.

This drug is able to eliminate almost any skin disease, including herpes. Especially effective in the erosive and vesicular stages of the disease.
Acidum Nitricum
A drug that helps fight the manifestations of herpes that occur after hypothermia. It is ideal for the treatment of patients with frequent relapses, as well as people living in regions with a humid and cold climate. Most effectively, this remedy affects the areas where the skin connects with the mucous membranes (the area of the nostrils, mouth, urethra, anus).
Ranunculus caustic
Used to treat herpes type I, as well as to combat other diseases that affect the mucous membranes of the mouth, the skin of the chest and around the eyes.
Homeopathic medicines in the treatment of herpes act slowly. The effect becomes noticeable after the necessary amount of healing substances accumulates in the body. To improve the result and accelerate the action of drugs, simple rules should be followed.
Medicines are taken half an hour before or after meals. During the treatment period, spicy foods, coffee and strong tea and alcohol should be abandoned.

Homeopathy for a child
Homeopathic preparations made on the basis of natural ingredients are not contraindicated for children. However, parents should be aware that homeopathy fortreatment of herpes in a child can only be used as an auxiliary treatment.
When rashes appear on a child's body, doctors recommend traditional methods of treatment: immunostimulating pills, antiviral ointments for external use, suppositories for herpes. Homeopathic preparations can also be used as adjuvants, but only as directed by a doctor. The most popular drugs for children, which are designed to strengthen the immune system, include:
- Galium-Heel;
- Engystol;
- Echinacea Composite.
They strengthen the child's immunity during viral attacks, speed up metabolic processes, activate the protective properties of the body, relieve inflammation. Such drugs can be taken as a prophylactic during epidemics.