For thousands of years, a bee lives next to a person and is closely connected with him. The beneficial properties of bee products have been studied since ancient times. Even the doctors of Egypt, Greece, China widely used them in the treatment of many ailments.
Bees supply the most valuable products to man. And this is not only honey, but also wax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, etc., which make it possible to overcome almost any disease. There are many bee products, and any of them finds its application. Medicine and pharmaceuticals, cooking and cosmetology cannot do without them today.
So, today we will look at the main types of bee products, talk about their benefits and contraindications.
A word about honey
The chemical composition of the miraculous product allows us to state unequivocally that the value of honey is in the amount of carbohydrates that help the human body survive. And also in all those vitamins, minerals and other useful substances contained in it.
It seems that a person knows everything about honey. But among the areas of its application there are very unusual ones. Honey is a preservative in which the body of the famous commander Alexander the Great was immersed to deliver it tothe capital of Macedonia from another trip to the Middle East for burial.
Few people know that every kind of honey is useful in its own way and is always suitable for treatment. Handwritten texts and medical books from antiquity conveyed this knowledge to our contemporaries.
This product is unique and is used in various areas of human life. Honey has long been used by non-traditional medicine; multiple cosmetic preparations are made on its basis. What about cooking? Every housewife has several recipes in stock using honey. And not only pastries, but also sauces for meat dishes, and salad dressings. In addition, honey is a delicious sweetener and can be substituted for sugar in many recipes.
Honey is a bee product obtained from the nectar of honey plants. It is called a product of longevity. Studies by sociologists have long established that beekeepers or members of their families are among the most centenarians.
The value of honey is difficult to overestimate. But it is possible to enhance its benefits by combining it with vegetables, fruits, and lean meats. After all, the body needs not only carbohydrates, but also proteins and fats.

Very often use bee products for treatment. But there are some contraindications to their use. They are individual, depending on some features of the body. Taking honey, you need to know the measure. For example, 100 grams per day is enough for an adult, and no more than 40 grams for a child.
Expectant mothers should use with caution so as not to harm themselves or the baby. And at the first sign of an allergic reaction, exclude it from the diet.
Despite all its healing properties, natural bee honey is intolerable by three percent of the population. But, it happens that only a certain kind of it causes allergies.
It should not be forgotten that by adding honey to hot tea, you not only get a useless product, but also a drink supplied with toxic hydroxymethylfurfural. This product can be diluted in liquid, the temperature of which is not more than 40 degrees.
Before using honey to promote he alth, consult your doctor. Don't forget to watch your body's reaction.
Honey honeycombs
You may have seen honey in combs in markets or honey fairs - such small frames, sections, cut into pieces and wrapped in cellophane. It differs from ordinary honey, first of all, in that it is not pumped out. Its composition and calorie content are the same as those of the pumped out one, and in terms of useful properties it even surpasses it. Honeycombs are a he althy and tasty product. The consumer receives it in its original form, produced by bees. Its bactericidal properties are many times greater than that of pumped honey. This product is extremely helpful. It contains wax, which acts as a sorbent, remaining in the intestines during chewing. So it is better to swallow it in small pieces and use rye bread at the same time so that the wax is evenly distributed in the bread mass.
Chew honeycombs, and you will raise the tone of the body, improve the condition of the teeth, get rid of respiratory diseases, cleansethe body from toxins and toxins, etc.

Do not forget about the uniqueness of every human body. For some, even this so healing product can be harmful.
We're talking about allergies again. They are at risk. This also includes:
- diabetics risking this sweet product;
- obese people for whom such a high-calorie food is undesirable;
- Children swallowing sweets in large chunks.
Doctor's advice will not be superfluous if you are going to use honeycombs for the treatment of any disease.
The most important products of beekeeping
What is honey and what is its use, everyone knows. But there are other bee products that are actively used by humans. You should definitely know about all the products that are obtained from bees. With full information, you will be able to fully use everything these furry workers delight.
Flower Pollen
No less useful bee product - pollen. She settles down on the legs of a bee and so gets into the honey cells. Pollen (pollenka) is collected and harvested by insects throughout the season, especially actively doing this, starting from the last days of May and ending in July.
It seems that the whole body of the insect is adapted to collect pollen. Flower pollen sticks to the bristles in large quantities. Flavored with a secret secreted by the salivary glands of bees and a small amount of nectar, it is cleaned from the body with special devices on legs, formedlumps (buttocks) that are delivered to the hive.
Pollen is very rich in proteins, there are several times more of them here than in beef. Draw your own conclusions. Meat can be easily replaced with pollen without harm to the body.
Pollen is used as a remedy:
- for atherosclerosis patients;
- for wound healing;
- in the treatment of hepatitis, anemia;
- to normalize bowel function;
- for early signs of aging and senility;
- for women during puberty and menopause;
- for depression and exhaustion of the nervous system;
- with sexual weakness in men;
- for high performance athletes.
And this is by no means a complete list of ailments and problems that the footprint relieves.

Don't be surprised that pollen can be harmful. This is a very strong allergen. With its use, asthmatic as well as skin reactions can develop. Especially if it is collected from flowering birch, alder, ragweed and hazel. So, an allergic person should beware of using this drug. And if you still decide on it, start with small doses. If the slightest allergic reaction of the body is noticed, stop treatment with pollen. It is best to consult your doctor before using.
Bee product: perga
This product is obtained from lumps of pollen brought into the hive, crushed, pressed into cells and filled with honey. Under influenceenzymes, lactic acid fermentation occurs. When the product is ready, the bees seal it with wax.
Pergu is used by the insects themselves to feed the larvae, it is consumed by young shoots, especially when the colony is massively growing.
Perga also has other names - it is "bread" or "bee bread". For the ancient Greeks, this product was ambrosia, even the food of the gods. And for some reason, it was he who was undeservedly overlooked.
Why is this bee product so useful? Perga is sterile and nutritious. Its healing properties are unique and extraordinary:
- antibiotic;
- toning;
- immunomodulating;
- stimulating;
- regeneration.
With its help, the blood formula is normalized, cholesterol levels are reduced. She is a natural antioxidant.
There are no analogues in the world that can repeat all the healing properties of pollen. Such a connection cannot be obtained artificially. And its mild effect allows children to take "bread".
The elements that make up bee pollen have a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus and reduce the likelihood of malformations. Yes, and toxicosis with it is less intense. So expectant mothers will certainly appreciate it.
Men will note its effect on hormone levels. Perga is used when necessary to build muscle mass.

If taken incorrectly, bee bread can be harmful. So start taking little by little, with small doses, graduallyincreasing. Be sure to take a break between courses so as not to earn hypervitaminosis.
Alergic reactions rarely cause pollen.
Diabetics should not take it. And if you have oncology, consult with a specialized specialist.
Royal Jelly
The valuable properties of this bee product have not yet been fully studied. Their research began only in the middle of the last century. It has been established for certain that the bee uterine product is the strongest biological stimulant.
- Rejuvenates the body and accelerates growth.
- Helps hypertensive patients by lowering blood pressure and hypotensive patients by increasing it.
- Improves blood formula.
- Attention diabetics! The product lowers blood glucose levels.
- Strengthens a weakened body.
- It has a positive effect on the reproductive systems of women and men.
- Affects milk production in breastfeeding mothers.
The list goes on.
Bee's milk is given special attention by the global pharmaceutical industry, because it serves as the basis for many medicinal preparations. It is also an ingredient in shampoos, creams, gels.
This nutritious pasta-like product. The queen bee feeds on them throughout her life, starting with the larva.
If we compare royal jelly with cow's milk, its calorie content is twice as high, the amount of proteins is 5, carbohydrates almost 6, and fats 2-3 times.
As a medicinal product, milk is used in its native form (in the form of fresh uterinemilk) and dry. The latter is slightly inferior in quality, but still effective.
And if you mix a fresh product with honey (1:100), you will get another remedy, and it can be considered a bioadditive.
Yet, if used improperly, royal jelly can be harmful. And in diseases such as Addison's disease, acute infectious conditions, tumors, diseases of the adrenal glands, taking this remedy is contraindicated.
For those who are highly excitable, it will cause sleep disturbance. And for those who are prone to allergies, the drug can be taken, starting with small doses, gradually increasing.
It is very important not to self-medicate in any case. Only a doctor can determine the form and dosage of such a powerful drug.
Bee products: propolis
Even in ancient Rome, the medicinal properties of this product received their scientific justification. It is known to everyone who uses bee products for treatment. Propolis is also called bee glue or bond. The composition of propolis is unique and complex. It is an excellent antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drug. It improves the composition of the blood, in the role of a radio projector, it provides the body exposed to the radiation background with the necessary protection from the harmful effects.
Medicinal properties of propolis are being studied to this day. Recommendations for use are as follows:
- eye injury;
- burns, frostbite and other skin damage;
- oral diseases;
- high cholesterol;
- inflammation;
- heart problems.
Tinctures of bee products have been prepared by healers since ancient times on the basis of propolis, dissolving it in alcohol. Various ointments were also prepared.
Its ability to rejuvenate and moisturize problem skin has long been noted. So it's a great cosmetic product. Propolis also acts as a component of hair care products. It will accelerate their growth and prevent baldness.

Product is a strong allergen. So it must be used with caution. Not recommended for pregnant women, people with diseases of the liver, kidneys, pancreas and gallbladder.
Only a doctor can determine the correct dosage.
Bee Podmore
Consider another bee product. Podmore is nothing but the bodies of dead bees. The chitin that covers them contains heparin and heparoids, which are able to stabilize blood pressure, suppress inflammation, and have a healing effect on blood vessels and blood.
This product is also used for toothaches, dropsy or abscesses, lichen, rheumatism and eye diseases. It dissolves urinary stones.
Use dead bee as a dry powder, tincture, decoction or ointment.

Those who are allergic to any bee products will not use this remedy.
If someone is forbiddendrinking alcohol, you will have to exclude the use of tinctures, because they are prepared on alcohol.
With caution, subpestilence should be used during pregnancy, and after the first trimester it is generally desirable to exclude.
Do not take inside deadwood collected in winter. In the stomach of each such bee there is feces, and this adversely affects the human body.
It has been used since ancient times. Next to the bodies of the priests of Egypt in crypts and sarcophagi, huge bars of beeswax were laid, in the belief that it prevents the bodies from smoldering. And recipes for the treatment of various diseases were passed down through generations and are relevant to this day. The value of the wax is incredible.
In its pure form, it is obtained by melting bee raw materials: trimming foundations, honeycombs with mechanical damage, zabrus, honeycomb caps cut off before pumping honey.
He is in the composition:
- gels and creams used in the treatment of rheumatism and joint diseases;
- ointments that promote the speedy healing of wounds.
It is also a natural antibiotic that can cope with colds and skin diseases, even improve immunity.
He is popular in cosmetology. Masks, creams, balms that have wax in their composition have been made for many years.

And this bee product has been known to man since ancient times. Its regenerative and restorative qualities have long been confirmed.
This dark, resin-like elastic massimproves metabolism, stimulates the body, increases hemoglobin.
To this day, the real benefits of this substance have not been fully studied. But medicine has long recognized the effectiveness of mummy in the treatment and prevention of many diseases.
It is also a biostimulant that can relieve fatigue and give energy. It is used as an active ingredient in ointments, tablets, creams, oil tinctures and aqueous extracts.
Not worth the risk if you have a hypersensitivity to the product. It is not necessary to offer medicines containing shilajit to children under two years of age.
In any case, it is better to consult a doctor.
There are also such bee products as poison, zabrus, etc. Everyone knows about the benefits of all bee products without exception. Almost each of them has unique healing properties. Therefore, it is not surprising that they are so popular and in demand.
But always be aware of the harm you risk inflicting on yourself or your loved ones by uncontrolled use of medicines based on bee products. Take care of your he alth!