Violet tricolor is the plant that is most often found in dry meadows and among shrubs. It is distributed in the Caucasus, Asia Minor and throughout Europe.
For medical purposes, field violet is most often used. A distinctive characteristic is the presence of a white top petal.
This article will discuss in detail the medicinal properties and contraindications of tricolor violet, as well as its use in traditional medicine.
Description of the plant
People call the tricolor violet "pansies". She received this name because of the interesting shape of the flower.

Besides beauty, tricolor violet is known for its healing properties. They will be discussed in more detail in the following sections of the article.
In the beginning, the plant was wild. Therefore, today it is unpretentious and can grow in almost any conditions.
The plant is annual or biennial. Belongs to the violet family. Plant height can reach 35 cm. Violet begins to bloom from an earlyspring. Fruiting occurs in June.
Procedure for growing a plant
Violet tricolor blooms very beautifully. It can be grown in the garden, but for this you need to choose the right place. The soil for it should be loose and loamy.

Reproduction of tricolor violet occurs in seedlings. In late June-early July, seeds are sown in greenhouses. To do this, make special small grooves.
After the seedlings that have appeared, it will be necessary to thin out. There should be a distance of about 9 cm between them.
Then in August they need to land on a permanent place. Width between rows should be approximately 65 cm.
Violet tricolor needs good care. To do this, you should constantly loosen the ground and remove weeds around the plant. Violet differs in that it winters well, and it blooms very early.
How are medicinal raw materials collected and prepared?
This process must be done when the plant is flowering. For medicinal raw materials, the herb of tricolor violet is harvested.
So, first you need to cut off the above-ground part. Then it is laid out in a thin layer. Dry the plant should be in a room that is well ventilated or outdoors under a canopy.

The smell of harvested raw materials is sweetish. Dried violet grass will need to be placed in glass containers. You can store raw materials in this way for about two years.
Also, the plant in this form can be purchased at pharmacies. Itusually sold in cardboard boxes containing filter bags of grass.
What is the biochemical composition of violets?
The components of the plant are violaquercetin, flavone glycoside and anthocyanin glycosides. The latter include Violanin, Delphinidin and Peonidin.
In addition, the biochemical composition of the tricolor violet herb includes essential oil. The last component consists of salicylic acid and methyl ester.
Also, the biochemical composition of the plant is represented by mucous polysaccharides, tannin, ascorbic acid, saponin, carotenoids.
Tricolor violet: medicinal properties
This plant has an anti-inflammatory effect. This is explained by the presence of mucus-like substances in the aerial part of the violet, as well as pharmacologically active essential oil. They have an antiseptic effect. In addition, they contribute to increased secretion of bronchial glands. These substances also facilitate the removal of sputum.
Thanks to the saponins in tricolor violet, the healing properties are also determined by the bronchodilator and diuretic effect.
Also, when taking drugs that include the plant in question, both choleretic and antispasmodic effects are noted.
Tricolor violet tea is used to induce labor. In order to overcome the symptoms of rheumatism, you should use an infusion of this herb. It will have a diuretic and diaphoretic effect.
In order to get rid of scrofulous scabs, ointments and baths from thisplants.
To purify the blood in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases, use violet tea.
You need to know that after preparations and infusions from this plant, urine will acquire a "cat" smell. Therefore, one should not panic because of this effect.

What are the contraindications for tricolor violet?
You should not abuse drugs from the plant. Because it can lead to intestinal irritation.
Use violet preparations for more than 30 days. If you need a second course of taking them, then in this case you should take a break of one month.
Also remember that botanists classify violet tricolor as poisonous. Therefore, there is no need to go overboard with its use. Of course, before using it, you should consult your doctor. It is he who will be able to advise and give instructions on the use of infusions and teas.
Some people may experience individual intolerance to some components of the plant. As a result, an allergic reaction occurs. In this case, you must immediately stop taking the drug and take an antihistamine. If there are other types of complications, see a specialist.
How is the plant used in traditional medicine?
As a rule, tricolor violet herb is used in the treatment of acute respiratory diseases. It is this plant that helps well with coughing, in which there is a difficult discharge of sputum.
For acne and skin diseases alsouse tricolor violet extract.

Fresh juice from this plant is used in the treatment of mouth ulcers. To prepare it, you need 2 tablespoons of herbs. It is poured with boiling water and insisted for two hours.
Violet essential oil is also very useful. As a rule, it is used by perfumers. But it is also very valuable in the field of traditional medicine.
It should be used for headaches, to calm and strengthen the heart, as well as in the fight against pustular skin diseases.
This plant will also help with cystitis. It is usually used together with lingonberry leaves and hop cones.
For the treatment of psoriasis and chronic eczema, a special collection is used, which also includes tricolor violet.
And for the fight against diathesis and scrofula, "Averin tea" is perfect. It includes violet, bittersweet nightshade and a series of tripartite.
How to prepare an infusion from a plant?
To prepare it, you will need one tablespoon of herbs. It will need to be poured with a cup of boiling water, wrapped in a blanket and wait for the moment until it cools down. After the contents must be filtered.
Drink half a glass of this remedy three times a day. It is usually used for colds and skin diseases.
Infusion of violets helps with vomiting. But it should be remembered that it can be used only for not very complex poisoning. In severe cases, you should immediately seek help from a specialist.
Benefits of tea fromplants
A collection of violets, string and walnut leaves is advised to drink for women who have had a difficult birth. These herbs must be taken in equal amounts. Then everything is poured with one liter of boiling water. This tea should be consumed 4 times a day. Thanks to this tool, there will be a quick cleansing of the uterus from postpartum secretions.

Violet is a very useful plant in the treatment of coughs. It has an expectorant effect. It should be remembered that the amount of tea for children should not exceed one glass per day.
How is violet herb used in cosmetology?
The use of the plant in this area is due to its anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. It is actively used in the treatment of pustular diseases, as well as seborrhea of the head and face.
Violet oil is used to combat the latter ailment. To prepare it, you will need two tablespoons of herbs and 10 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. This mixture should be infused for a couple of hours. Then all the contents are sent to a water bath to heat up for half an hour. After that, the resulting oil will need to be filtered. They should lubricate the scalp, and they recommend rinsing the hair with a decoction of tricolor violet.
Violet oil is used as a rejuvenating and emollient. It is usually used for dry skin on the face. To prepare it, you will need 6 large spoons of plant flowers and 300 ml of oil. This oil should be infused for a month. The contents should be placed in a closed container. The oil is then poured intodark glass container.

How is the plant used during pregnancy?
Feeding and pregnant women should use the plant with caution. External use of violet does not cause any negative effects, but its use inside can cause contraction of the muscles of the uterus. This, in turn, will lead to miscarriage or premature onset of labor. Therefore, before using drugs from this plant, it is necessary to consult a doctor. In this situation, you should not self-medicate.
Violet tricolor is not only a beautiful flower, but also a useful plant. It is only important to remember that any herb has a number of contraindications and side effects. Before using the funds, be sure to consult a specialist.
Violet tricolor will perfectly help get rid of cough with poor sputum discharge, as well as all sorts of rashes on the body. Also, the oil from this plant will help to cope with seborrhea on the scalp. It is also used as an emollient for the face. It is also recommended for massage treatments. Violet oil goes well with lavender, orange, jasmine. It relaxes the body, improves the appearance of the skin.