The benefits of flint, a mineral containing silicon, have been known for a long time. Its use in traditional medicine is effective due to its bactericidal and antiseptic properties. Water based on this mineral was used in the treatment of wounds, cuts, scratches. Now it remains in demand because of its valuable properties, as evidenced by numerous reviews. The benefits and dangers of silicon water are described in the article.
Silicon is water obtained by the interaction of ordinary fresh water with silicon. And although almost all schoolchildren know the composition of water, the properties of silicon transmitted by liquid are of interest to specialists. Silicon is a mineral known to civilization for a very long time. With its help, people created tools and weapons. Thanks to the mineral, man made fire.

Silicon has many healing properties. In ancient times, silicon powder was used by folk healers to disinfect purulent wounds, andpieces of stones were placed in wells to purify water.
Role for the human body
Modern experts fully agree with their predecessors about the benefits. Silicon has a positive effect on the elasticity of the connective tissues of the joints, the walls of blood vessels and tendons. The lack of this substance leads to diseases, manifested in brittle nails, hair loss and skin problems.

Silicon improves body tone, reduces bad cholesterol, therefore it is actively used for the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis. It is considered a natural immune stimulant that strengthens the immune system, and also strengthens the body, making it resistant to various ailments.
Where is silicon?
Given the above, it is clear how important this element is for the human body. To be he althy, you need to consume it in sufficient quantities. Mineral compounds are found in soil, clay, sand. Silicon makes soils fertile, enriches the composition of plants growing on them.
Most of all it is found in barley, oats, horsetail, celery, Jerusalem artichoke, cereals and comfrey. Due to modern processing methods, grain fruits are peeled and peeled, so silicon is also lost. Therefore, silicon water, infused on natural black stone, is considered an effective means of filling the lack of this component. Judging by the reviews, people confirm the beneficial effects on the body.
Useful properties
What is the benefit of silicon water? If aput the mineral in water, you get the finished liquid. It contains over 60 amino acid residues, which are considered biocatalysts of redox reactions occurring in body fluids. Silicon is involved in the structuring of water molecules, and as a result, they acquire new properties. Protozoa, microorganisms, fungi, foreign chemical components and toxins are being expelled from the previously created liquid crystal lattices.
During the preparation of silicon water, all this goes into sediment, which appears in the lower layer of the liquid. It has a special taste and freshness, in terms of useful properties it is no worse than melted and silver water. And in terms of hydrogen and biochemical indicators, water is similar to human blood plasma and intercellular fluid.

In its pure form, silicon is required by man for important chemical processes. It is found in hair, nails, teeth, adrenal glands and thyroid gland. The component is involved in the formation of bones, joints and cartilage. Lack of the product leads to the fact that about 70 types of vitamins and trace elements will not be absorbed. This causes the development of pathogenic processes, malfunctions in the body.
Interacting with water, silicon changes its properties. The liquid is clean, pleasant to the taste. Silicon is able to precipitate heavy metals, kill microorganisms, inhibit bacteria that cause decay and fermentation, neutralize chlorine, and adsorb radionuclides.
Silicon water leads to the formation of amino acids, enzymes,hormones. Water infused with this mineral for more than 5 days has the property of increasing blood clotting. As the reviews show, its regular use brings positive results soon enough.
Effects of shortages
Lack of silicon is often observed in children. They may even develop a habit of eating earth. With this symptom, you should not scold the baby, you need to urgently correct his diet by adding foods rich in this component to the diet.
The consequences of a lack of an element include:
- The appearance of osteoporosis, beriberi, dysbacteriosis, atherosclerosis.
- Hair loss, tooth decay, rapid wear of cartilage and joints.
- The appearance of sand in the kidneys, the formation of stones.
- Violation of silicon metabolism leads to arthritis, diabetes, cataracts, tuberculosis, cancer.
For the normal functioning of human organs every day you need to receive at least 10 mg of the substance. Studies have shown that the diet of a modern person usually does not include this norm. It turns out that many people have a lack of a chemical component.
According to reviews, silicon water is so loved by many people that they do not want to remove it from their diet.
To prepare silicon water, you will need ordinary water (if it is from a tap, it is advisable to filter it or at least defend it) and pieces of silicon - you can buy them at a pharmacy. For infusion, it is advisable to take a glass or enameled container with a lid. Water must be infused in a dark place,where is room temperature.

Infusion lasts 3-4 days. Then the liquid is purified and can be used for drinking, canning, washing, cooking. It is also used for cleansing enemas.
In order to prepare silica mineral water with strong healing properties, the infusion must be carried out longer - 7-10 days. The resulting liquid must be poured into another container, without affecting the lower layer, with a sediment of 3-4 cm (impurities remained in it, from which the water was purified). You can store for several weeks.
After draining the liquid, the pieces of silicon are cleaned with a soft brush and freed from mucus and deposits. Then they can be used again for the preparation of silicon water. To obtain 1 liter of liquid, you need a mineral weighing 8-10 g. You can boil it only after removing silicon. Reviews say people use water for regular ingestion when preparing food and drinks.
Before using silicon water, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Indications include:
- prevention of atherosclerosis;
- hypertension;
- urolithiasis;
- skin pathologies;
- diabetes mellitus;
- oncology;
- infectious diseases;
- varicose veins;
- Neuropsychiatric illnesses.

Silicon water can be used in cosmetics for skin care. When applied externally and internally, it has a positiveimpact.
How to apply?
Getting acquainted with the benefits and harms of silicon water for the body, you should consider the rules for its use. The liquid can be used indefinitely for cooking. But with low stomach acidity, this mineral is absorbed by the body worse.
A similar effect occurs if there are few products with vegetable fiber on the menu. Therefore, it is necessary to include in it decoctions and infusions that stimulate gastric secretion. Wormwood, primrose, dandelion, yarrow have such properties.
It is necessary to drink a course of silicon water for at least a month, and an improvement in well-being will immediately be noticeable. Judging by the reviews, people feel much he althier after this.
External use
Since silicon water has a wound-healing, bactericidal effect, it can be used externally, for rinsing, lotions, as a base for compresses for skin ailments. It is used in the treatment of diathesis, acne, burns, psoriasis.

Liquid rinsed hair to cure dandruff and accelerate their growth. If there is pain, a crunch in the joints, it is necessary to perform compresses based on it, and in case of conjunctivitis, rinse the eyes. Parodontosis and tonsillitis are treated by rinsing the mouth and throat, and runny nose - by instillation into the nose.
In cosmetology
This liquid is called "the water of youth and the source of love." Silicon is considered the main element that is responsible for the condition of the skin, nails, hair. Without it, the epidermis cannotcollagen is produced - a component that is responsible for maintaining the connective tissue, which protects it from sagging. Water is able to make the skin supple, elastic, in addition, it smoothes wrinkles, relieves inflammation and irritation.
Constantly washing and rinsing your hair will make it strong and shiny. It helps in eliminating dandruff when other remedies are powerless. It is necessary to prepare masks from the liquid, make baths for nails and feet. According to reviews, treatment procedures based on this water significantly improve the condition of the skin and hair.
When not to use?
Although silicon water is useful, there are still contraindications. It is dangerous for neoplasms, a tendency to thrombosis and exacerbations of cardiovascular diseases. To exclude the harm of silicon water, you should consult a doctor.

Home use
In domestic conditions, silicon water can be used in the following conditions:
- filling aquariums;
- watering plants;
- soaking seeds;
- watering seedlings;
- canning.
This water can be given to pets, it will prevent infection with intestinal parasites and other infections. The liquid will help keep the aquarium clean and fresh.
Thus, silicon water is good for he alth and beauty. You can easily cook it yourself at home. By drinking this water regularly, you can improve your he alth.