Fine-crystalline white powder baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) is well known to many housewives. It is used in the preparation of dough, for medical purposes, as a cleaning agent. However, not everyone knows that a soda solution for skin burns is an effective and fast remedy. How and for what injuries is sodium bicarbonate used?
Soda has unique properties that allow it to be used by traditional healers in the treatment of various types of burns. Sodium bicarbonate has no restrictions in use, which is especially important in the treatment of burns in children, as well as in people prone to allergic reactions.

Can baking soda be used for burns?
In folk medicine, baking soda is valued for its antiseptic properties. A solution of sodium bicarbonate is very effective for rinsing the mouth and throat in inflammatory processes. It is used to treatfluxes, tonsillitis, gingivitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis and other diseases. Sodium bicarbonate easily copes with fungus and pathogenic microorganisms. Thanks to its powerful disinfecting effect, baking soda helps with burns, acting as an antiseptic.
In case of burn injuries, sodium bicarbonate can be used both in pure form and in combination with other substances. The use of soda for skin burns at home prevents the appearance of blisters, relieves pain. For large lesions, a soda solution is applied both externally and internally to prevent dehydration.
How does baking soda work?
Based on its chemical properties, soda is an alkali. In acid burns, it is a substance that neutralizes the reaction of the destruction of the epidermis. In addition, it has powerful analgesic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which makes it suitable for the treatment of thermal burns.
When you get burned, cool the damaged area a little with boiled water and sprinkle it with soda. When the moisture evaporates, shake off the soda and carefully examine the surface of the skin. If the burn did not cause large-scale lesions of the dermis, the next morning there will be no trace of the accident.
The most common type of burns on the first sunny days. As a rule, they are the result of active and uncontrolled exposure to the sun, when the skin, still pale and vulnerable after winter, is not treated with special protective creams.

If you get a sunburn, and there are no medicines on hand that help heal damaged skin, use improvised means, one of which, no doubt, is baking soda. For burns, it is used as follows. In 150 ml of boiled (chilled) water, dilute two tablespoons (tablespoons) of baking soda. Prepare a bandage or gauze. Dampen a gauze pad with the solution and gently pat the damaged areas. Even if small wounds have already appeared, soda will disinfect them and relieve inflammation.

Burn with boiling water
Another common household burn. Many housewives had to experience pain after a burn with boiling water or steam. What should be the first aid for a burn in this case? After an injury, run your injured arm under cold running water for about 20 minutes to lower the temperature. After that, the injured area should be liberally sprinkled with soda powder and lightly moisten the surface with water.

The substance is left on the wound until it is completely dry. Often, during the procedure, drying soda is additionally moistened. After half an hour, the dry powder is gently shaken off. This method of using soda for a burn with boiling water will save you from the appearance of blisters, inflammation, the injured surface will heal quickly and will not leave a mark on the skin.
If you did not have time to use dry soda before the appearance of bubbles, use an aqueous solution. For this you will need:
- a glass of chilled toroom temperature boiled water;
- 3 tablespoons (teaspoons) of baking soda.
Stir well. When the sodium bicarbonate is completely dissolved, moisten the gauze, soft cotton cloth or cotton with plenty of water, wring it out a little and apply it on the damaged surface. Periodically, the bandage is impregnated with an additional portion of the soda solution so that the fabric does not dry out completely. This method can be used even if the blisters have already burst. The bandage will eliminate pain, decontaminate the skin and speed up healing.
Radiation burns
This type of burn differs from traditional burns in that they appear on the skin after a while. Such injuries are divided into 4 degrees of severity. Soda for radiation burns is effective only in the initial stages, when redness, swelling appear on the body, itching and burning are felt. In this case, it is imperative to consult a doctor, since radiation burns are dangerous not only for he alth, but also for human life.
To prepare a solution of soda for the complex treatment of radiation burns, you will need:
- baking soda - 2 spoons (tea);
- warm boiled water - 4 cups.
Dilute soda in water and treat the burn area with the composition. If several areas are affected, soda baths should be taken (we will discuss them below). The course of treatment of radiation burns - at least 20 days. You need to know that it is impossible to cure radiation burns with soda alone. The solution is used only in combination with drugs prescribed by a doctor.
Recipes with soda for the treatment of burns
Soda to treat burnscan be used in a variety of ways:
- wetting the affected areas with a solution;
- taking baths;
- combined with other substances;
- using dry powder.
Let's get to know each of them in more detail.
Soda baths
In the presence of extensive sunburn, unpleasant symptoms can be relieved with the help of baking soda added to the bathroom. Half fill the bath with warm water (+37 °C). Dissolve a glass of soda in it. The procedure is carried out no more than three times a day.

For radiation burns, soda is used as follows: 150 gr. soda is added to a full bath. The procedure lasts at least 20 minutes. After its completion, the body should not be washed with water. The frequency of taking such baths is every other day.
Soda with kefir
You can use baking soda for burns by mixing it with kefir. Both ingredients in this case can be used separately, but when used in combination, these substances have a great therapeutic effect.
A glass of kefir will need 2 tablespoons of soda (tea), which will release oxygen when mixed (quenching process). An even thin layer is applied to the resulting mass on the damaged areas. Soaking into the affected dermis, kefir nourishes it with the minerals and vitamins necessary for recovery, soda, acting as an antiseptic and analgesic, protects against the occurrence of inflammatory processes. You can also use this remedy as a bandage, changing it twice a day.

Soap and soda
Even easier to get rid of the effects of burns with ordinary laundry soap (72%) and soda. After getting a burn, moisten the injured area with cool water and, without damaging the injured area, lather it until a soapy foam forms, then sprinkle with soda. The dried mixture will turn into a crust - do not peel it off, it will fall off by itself.
Treatment of children
Unfortunately, children get burned quite often. Doctors allow you to use soda as first aid for burns. The child should apply a compress with a soda solution to the wound (0.5 teaspoon of soda + a glass of water). This will reduce pain, prevent blisters, and eliminate redness. Further procedures for the treatment of burns in children are carried out only as prescribed and under the supervision of doctors.

Precautions and contraindications
The use of soda for burns is contraindicated for people with individual intolerance to this substance. The use of soda solution inside is prohibited for patients with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Soda baths are not recommended for skin diseases and open wounds.
In all other cases, baking soda disinfects the injured surface, eliminating pain.