How to remove a wart with celandine: benefits and harms, cauterization rules, timing, indications and contraindications

How to remove a wart with celandine: benefits and harms, cauterization rules, timing, indications and contraindications
How to remove a wart with celandine: benefits and harms, cauterization rules, timing, indications and contraindications

Such benign neoplasms on the skin as warts and papillomas can appear in any person, regardless of age and gender. They look rather unattractive, and sometimes cause discomfort. This article provides information about the well-known to many, including the townspeople, weed - celandine. Against warts, it acts effectively and fairly quickly.

plant description
plant description

Causes of warts

It was once believed that warts appear after "close contact" with toads and frogs. Modern dermatologists have rejected this claim. It has been scientifically proven that the occurrence of these neoplasms on the skin causes the human papillomavirus. It is infected with up to 80 percent of the world's population, since it is very easily transmitted both by household and sexual contact.

With strong immunity, the virus is not able to activate, and with a weakened one, it easily multiplies and forms papillomas on the skin,warts. As a rule, they appear on the arms, legs, neck, face, less often on the genitals.

Traditional ways and methods of wart removal

Official medicine has developed various ways to remove warts:

  1. Chemical method. Warts are burned out after applying special substances to them.
  2. Laser treatment. An effective and widely used method. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, so you can get rid of ten neoplasms in one session.
  3. Liquid nitrogen. Cryodestruction is a method that does not require anesthesia, but is used only in a hospital setting. The procedure is quite painful and may leave small scars.
  4. Electrocoagulation - thermal effect on the wart by a directed electric discharge.
  5. Folk methods. They may not be as effective and the treatment is usually longer, but patients quite often resort to them for a number of reasons. Someone believes that the above methods are traumatic, painful, have contraindications, and someone is attracted to the use of plants for warts by the lack of financial costs.
Traditional wart removal methods
Traditional wart removal methods

Description of celandine

To understand whether warts can be removed with celandine, you should learn more about this plant. Celandine (or warthog) is a dicotyledonous oligotypic plant that belongs to the Poppy family. The plant is considered a weed and is not cultivated agriculturally. Widespread in temperate countries. In Russia, it is found along roads, in personal plots and forest glades.

Celandine has a short cylindrical rhizome and a thick tap root. The tops of the branched stem in May-June are covered with bright yellow flowers. They are located on long pedicels and are collected in small umbrella inflorescences. The flowering of the plant is long - until September. It was during this period that celandine against warts and papillomas is most effective. A broken or mowed bush quickly grows back and blooms again.

What does celandine look like
What does celandine look like

A feature of celandine, which helps to easily distinguish it from other plants, is a bright orange juice that stands out on a break in any of its parts. It is this celandine juice from warts and papillomas that is used by traditional healers. It has a slight anesthetic property, so the removal procedure is painless, although individual reactions must be taken into account, which may be different.


Celandine from warts and papillomas is effective due to its chemical composition. Some of the substances in it are poisonous. The toxic components include alkaloids, of which there are more than twenty in the warthog juice. In large doses, they can cause convulsions, hallucinations, cholinolytic syndrome, respiratory failure, and even coma. The alkaloids of this plant, which enter the body in small doses, have an antispasmodic, analgesic and sedative effect.

In addition to alkaloids, celandine juice contains organic acids, as well as a smallamount of essential oils. These substances have a destructive effect on tissues, which allows the use of celandine from warts and papillomas. This is a long-standing and time-tested method of folk healers.

Wart removal
Wart removal

Researchers disagree on why this plant's scorching properties produce such an effect. Some of them believe that the alkaloids that make up the juice are to blame. Others claim that the reason lies in the reaction of the immune system to this remedy.

Preparations based on celandine contain phytoncides - natural antibacterial agents that effectively fight infectious diseases. The composition of the juice of the plant contains a large amount of vitamins (C and A), which help strengthen the body, strengthen immunity, and prevent many diseases.

What warts can celandine remove?

The use of celandine for warts has some limitations:

  1. You can not cauterize neoplasms in the intimate area with celandine juice, because in these places the skin is very delicate, and such a remedy can lead to burns.
  2. Celandine will not help in the treatment of oncological neoplasms.
  3. If the wart peels off, itches or swells, then a specialist consultation is necessary. It is possible that this is another disease.

How to cauterize warts with celandine?

Before the procedure, you should consult a dermatologist. This is not just a traditional warning when usingfolk methods of treatment. This is very important for an accurate diagnosis.

Celandine juice
Celandine juice

How to remove a wart with celandine (fresh juice)? The procedure is carried out in the following way:

  1. Rinse and lightly steam the wart and the skin around it. This will help the tissues better absorb the plant's acids.
  2. A plucked stem of celandine, on which a drop of bright orange juice appeared when cut, take it in your hand and apply a bright yellow (or orange) liquid to the wart.
  3. The treatment is repeated twice until the neoplasm disappears. If, after cauterization with celandine, the wart turned black, it means that you are on the right track, and the process of destruction of the neoplasm has begun.

Celandine juice acts on the wart with organic acids that dissolve it. In addition, it has irritating properties, which increases blood flow to the formation and accelerates resorption. Celandine greatly enhances the reactions that are aimed at the destruction of HPV.

Having learned how to remove a wart with celandine, you must understand that herbal treatment is effective, but quite long. Removal of the neoplasm lasts up to a month or more. You can speed up the process by using warthog-based preparations with a higher concentration of active substances.

Preparations based on celandine

Both folk and traditional medicine have various preparations made on the basis of celandine to combat neoplasms. Such products may contain warthog extracts, enhancedacid component. They rather roughly burn out the wart, which is often accompanied by a chemical burn. This applies to pharmaceutical products that can remove a neoplasm in one or two applications.

Recipes of traditional healers

Such products are more gentle and, as a rule, do not cause chemical burns. With warts on the hands, celandine should be used in this form. The same can be said about the face, neck and exposed parts of the body.


This remedy can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared with your own hands. To do this, you need the leaves and stems of celandine (one kilogram), collected during the flowering period, washed, dried and chopped with a blender to a mushy state. The mass must be squeezed through gauze folded in several layers to separate the juice.

Place the container of juice for a week in a dark and warm place. After seven days, the juice will ferment. Cover the container with a lid with holes and leave it like that for another week. Then add 95% ethyl alcohol to the fermented juice. Its volume should be twice the volume of juice. Put the resulting composition in the refrigerator, where it is stored for a year without losing its medicinal properties.

Folk recipes
Folk recipes

How to remove warts with celandine (extract)? Lubricate the neoplasm at least four times a day, but try to affect he althy skin. The duration of treatment is about a month.


The safest folk remedy is celandine oil, since it contains fats that createskin film that protects the upper layer of the epithelium from the action of toxic substances that are present in the juice of celandine.

Celandine oil can also be prepared by yourself. You will need:

  • celandine stalks;
  • vegetable oil.

Chop the stems with a knife, put them in an enameled or glass container, pour oil so that it covers the grass by three to four centimeters. The mixture is kept warm for an hour, and then the composition is removed for a week in a cool place. The drug is filtered, removing the particles of the stem. Its liquid part is diluted with fresh oil.

How to remove a wart with celandine (its oil)? You should know that due to the low concentration of active substances in this preparation, the oil is used to treat papillomas, very small warts and other small skin defects. Treatment of neoplasms is carried out several times a day for two months.


To prepare a decoction of celandine, ten grams of chopped grass is poured into 0.2 liters of boiling water. The mixture should boil over low heat for a quarter of an hour. After that, the composition is put in a warm place for an hour, filtered through cheesecloth.

How to remove a wart with celandine (decoction)? This remedy is used to get rid of genital neoplasms and warts, which are located in places where the aggressive effect of other agents is unacceptable (anus area, genitals, oral cavity). The drug is used as douching, baths. The duration of treatment is at least three weeks. Before applying the composition to mucous membranesit is recommended to dilute its shell with water (boiled) in a ratio of 1: 1.

Alcohol tincture

This remedy can be prepared by mixing the fresh juice of the plant with alcohol (1:1). According to patients, this is a very effective remedy - alcohol tincture of celandine. How to remove a wart in this case? Rinse the treated area with warm water. Wipe the wart with a saline solution. Apply an alcohol tincture to the affected area and leave it on for five minutes.

Celandine tincture
Celandine tincture

Ready-made pharmaceutical preparations

It is known how to remove a wart with celandine and preparations prepared according to the recipes of traditional healers. But what about ready-made forms that you can buy without a prescription at a pharmacy? They are most often used by residents of large cities.

Currently, several plant-based preparations are most popular:

  1. "Mountain celandine".
  2. Super Clean.

In pharmacies you may be offered another drug - "Super Cleaner". You should know that this is not a natural remedy. Only the name remains of the plant. The composition includes potassium and magnesium hydroxide. Water is used as a link. This is a chemical and very aggressive wart remover that requires extra care when using.

Super Cleaner

Another chemical compound saturated with acids. This is an analogue of the previous drug. Before using it, treat he althy skin around the wart - lubricate it with a fat cream. With a cotton swabtreat the wart. Repeat the procedure daily until you notice that the papilloma has turned black.

Mountain celandine

Another pharmacological drug. Unlike the previous ones, it contains several herbs - golden rhododendron, gentian, as well as natural celandine juice. How to remove a wart from a finger (for example) using this remedy?

Image"Mountain celandine"
Image"Mountain celandine"

Rinse the wart thoroughly and apply the cream to he althy skin. Using a cotton swab, apply the drug to the wart. One drop is usually sufficient for cauterization.

"Mountain celandine" has an undoubted advantage - it contains components that allow you to deal not only with warts, but also with the causes that cause them, that is, with HPV.


It is known how to remove a celandine wart from a finger, face, genitals. Which method is more suitable for you, you must decide in accordance with the recommendations of a dermatologist. Since the plant and preparations based on it are poisonous, precautions and instructions for use should be observed:

  1. Before using fresh celandine juice or any product based on it, you need to check if it causes you allergies. To do this, just put a drop of juice on the wart and observe the reaction of the body. If itching, swelling, redness or peeling of the skin occurs, the use of this product should be discontinued.
  2. Do not process with pure juice, spirit tincture, undilutedextract of neoplasms that are located in intimate places - this can cause severe burns.
  3. Before using juice, tincture or extract of celandine, protect the skin around the neoplasm. A fat cream or oil is suitable for this.
  4. All containers with celandine preparations must be kept out of the reach of children. Due to the toxicity of these drugs, they should not be used to treat children.
  5. The procedure for burning a wart should last no more than ten minutes using the plant's juice or tincture.
  6. Do not open a blackened wart that has crusted over on your own. This can cause blood poisoning. The neoplasm should fall off naturally.
  7. It is important to remember that with too frequent or prolonged use of celandine herbs, wounds and burns can appear on the skin, so you need to carefully monitor the condition of the skin. Only a decoction compress can be left overnight.

Advantages and disadvantages of celandine

In traditional and folk medicine, celandine has been used for quite a long time. Despite the fact that harmful substances are present in its composition, with proper and dosed use, the plant demonstrates an excellent therapeutic effect in the fight against warts and papillomas. That is why the advantages of this method include:

  1. Availability - plants can be found in any region of Russia.
  2. The juice of the plant has powerful anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and analgesic properties.
  3. Effective in removing warts andpapillomas.
  4. When treating neoplasms on the skin: on the arms, legs, face, subject to the recommendations and dosage, there is no pain.
  5. Undeniably one of the most affordable wart removal methods.

Often in the treatment reviews the following question is asked: "How to remove a wart with celandine if the plant does not have the desired effect?". The thing is that celandine is effective only in removing benign neoplasms. In other cases, the treatment will not give the desired result. That is why it is so important to consult a specialist before starting treatment.

Disadvantages of treatment

There is a misconception that natural remedies do not cause side effects and are completely safe. In fact, the same rules apply to them as to any pharmacological preparations. Even in ancient times, it was known that any useful substance becomes a poison when the dosage is exceeded.

  1. The juice of the plant has medicinal properties only during the flowering period, so treatment with fresh juice is possible only from June to September.
  2. This herb is quite difficult to find in large modern cities, so you will have to go to the suburbs to prepare an extract or tincture for raw materials.
  3. With prolonged use of celandine, painful burns may appear on the skin that take a long time to heal.
