Diseases of the digestive tract, according to statistics, occur in every second Russian. This is facilitated by irrational nutrition, stress, irregular working hours. The most important thing is not to start the disease and start treatment on time. Of course, many in this case will object that they cannot afford sick leave. The cost of drugs today is also not encouraging. It often happens that, having passed the diagnosis, a person realizes that he can no longer afford the prescribed therapy. In this case, folk remedies for the treatment of stomach ulcers come to the rescue.

Doctors' opinion
There are many examples of how modern drugs were powerless in the treatment of gastritis and other diseases of the stomach. In some cases, the desired effect was not achieved; in others, the remission stage was quickly replaced by an exacerbation. And the point here is not even that they are not effective. It’s just that the gastrointestinal mucosa is restored for quite a long time, and the standard coursedrugs is designed for 10-20 days. As a result, its duration is not enough to complete the treatment, and any violation of the diet can lead to the reappearance of pain in the stomach.
Doctors confirm the effectiveness of the treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies. Sometimes it is necessary to combine them with medications. In another case, using only natural, natural remedies, you can cure the digestive tract forever. Among the most famous and effective remedies are honey, plantain, aloe, cabbage juice and burdock. Do not forget that diagnostics must precede treatment, otherwise even a long course will not give tangible results. After all, you simply will not know what needs to be treated.
What to look out for
With pain in the abdomen, people sometimes live for years, not even suspecting that they have a stomach ulcer. Treatment of symptoms with folk remedies can be performed from time to time, without giving a lasting result. Therefore, before buying another collection of herbs, analyze the manifestations of the disease. A stomach ulcer usually manifests itself in the form of pain in the epigastric region. This is the first and most important sign. Usually the pain is associated with eating.
Sometimes there is nausea or even vomiting. Often there is weight loss. The disease may be accompanied by flatulence, constipation or diarrhea. That is, the whole complex of symptoms of gastrointestinal pathologies can be observed.

Plantain treatment
This is the first doctorwhich is known to everyone who had problems with the stomach. It is enough to drink only a few days of plantain juice, and the pain goes away, digestion improves, and you begin to feel much better. No wonder the treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies is recognized by leading gastroenterologists. Plantain is the best that nature has given us.
This is a very simple and effective remedy. At the same time, such a we alth of experience has been accumulated in the use of plantain for the treatment of the digestive tract that there is no longer any doubt about its effectiveness. It is used in a variety of ways, today we will consider only time-tested ones.
How to properly treat plantain
- Infusion of dried leaves. To do this, it is necessary to prepare leaves in the summer by drying them in a shaded place. Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies allows you to forget about painful sensations at night in a week. To prepare a tincture of dry leaves, you need to take about two tablespoons of dried leaves and brew in a glass of boiling water. Divide into three servings and drink a day. The course is at least three months.
- In summer you can use fresh plantain juice. This is a real elixir for the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Fresh juice drink 10 g after each meal, until the condition improves. It usually takes two months. On this one can forget what a stomach ulcer is.
- Psyllium tincture. This is a valuable raw material, which also perfectly helps to treat the digestive organs. For 100 g of boiling water, add 20 g of raw materials and let stand for an hour. Take 15 g in the morning and evening. There is a lot in the infusionmucus, which not only heals mucous membranes, but also protects against various irritants.

Checking the diagnosis
Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that an ulcer is a general concept. But the features of treatment will greatly depend on where the focus is located, what is its size. Influences the choice of treatment methods and the presence of secondary lesions. Above, we talked about general recommendations that work for any disease of the digestive tract. Among all others, an ulcer of the antrum of the stomach is separately distinguished. Treatment with folk remedies gives a good result, but only against the background of an appropriate diet.
Antral lesion
This is the lower part of the digestive organ, the defeat of which does not occur so often, if you look at the statistics. Not more than 10% of the total number of gastroenterologist patients. At the same time, an ulcer in this department can lead to disruption of the functions of the stomach, which affects the operation of the entire system.
Such an ulcer is treated against the background of diet therapy, and the doctor selects the course of treatment individually, based on their history and diagnostic data. For the treatment to be successful, the following rules must be observed:
- Only warm boiled or stewed foods should be included in the diet.
- Dishes with coarse fiber should be completely excluded.
- You need to give up sour, spicy and smoked foods.
These are standard recommendations for people suffering from various digestive disorders. Your doctor will addthis list.
Potato treatment
Of course, you can not ignore the drugs prescribed for treatment. Folk remedies can cure a stomach ulcer in most cases, but the appointment will depend on the severity of the condition. In the most difficult cases, doctors decide to perform an operation, since there is no time for treatment at all.
Potato juice can be a good help in treating an antral ulcer. A simple and affordable product that you can make at home every day. It is enough just to grate the tubers and squeeze the juice. Moreover, potato treatment also has its own variations:
- Cook peeled potatoes without s alt. The resulting broth should be drunk every day, dividing 300 g into several doses. The duration of treatment is three to six months.
- Grate one potato every morning. The juice must be squeezed into a glass, add boiled water. The total volume should be 100 mg. Drink on an empty stomach, 40 minutes before breakfast.

Treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers
Folk remedies can completely cure the digestive tract and restore the digestive system. Ulcerative defects can affect both superficial and deep layers of the intestinal membranes. Peptic ulcer, as a rule, is formed against the background of existing gastritis. Damage to the intestinal walls develops as a result of the harmful effects of Helicobacter bacteria on them.
It turns out that doctors have two tasks. Eliminate the cause and then cureconsequence. That is, you first need to conduct effective therapy for Helicobacter. Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies is possible only after this, otherwise the stages of remission will be interspersed with exacerbation. Traditional healers offer several effective recipes:
You can fight this bacteria with flaxseeds. To do this, pour 300 g of raw materials into a saucepan, add 4 cups of boiling water and boil for five minutes. Take a decoction of 200 g twice a day. Herbal preparations also work well against microorganisms of the Helicobacter group. To do this, in equal parts, you need to mix the herb of St. John's wort, chamomile and yarrow. Per liter of boiling water, add 6 tablespoons of the mixture and leave for a day. Take a tablespoon after each meal
Recommended course - at least a month. During this time, the body will be cleansed of harmful bacteria. Against this background, the treatment of gastric and duodenal ulcers with folk remedies will go much faster. Now you can connect potato juice, it simultaneously helps fight Helicobacter pylori, and also has a positive effect on the mucous membranes, healing the affected areas.
Using cabbage juice
Cheap, affordable and very effective remedy, which has very good reviews. Treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies is generally very attractive because everything you need is at your fingertips. The second most popular after potato juice is cabbage juice. To do this, within a month you need to drink a glass of juice a day. To prepare it, you need to beat and squeeze freshsheet. A blender or juicer will be a good helper.

This plant is known for almost all of its medicinal properties. It is used to heal wounds, it also fights well with various diseases of the internal organs. Therefore, considering folk remedies for the treatment of stomach ulcers, aloe should be put in one of the first places. There are several options for use, these are tinctures, mixtures and solutions.
- Red wine tincture. To prepare it, you need a bottle of Cahors and 400 g of aloe leaves. They will need to be washed well and put in the refrigerator for a week. After that, you need to twist them through a meat grinder and mix with wine, add 50 g of honey. Put away in the closet for a week. The course of admission is 3 months, 20 g in the morning, on an empty stomach. This tincture can be taken even by children and pregnant women, because the dose of alcohol is very small.
- Alcohol tincture. In diseases of the stomach, alcohol is contraindicated, but many folk remedies are prepared with its use. Treatment of stomach ulcers and gastritis with alcohol tinctures is quite possible, the main thing is to follow the recommended dosages. For 500 g of vodka, 500 g of aloe leaves and 700 g of honey will be required. Grind the leaves, mix all the ingredients. Take a teaspoon 1-2 times a day.
- Aloe juice and honey are mixed in equal proportions. Take in the morning on a tablespoon on an empty stomach for a month. It only takes a few minutes every day to prepare fresh medicine.

Using burdock
This unpretentious plant can be found in the country and in the yard. Effective treatment of stomach ulcers with folk remedies is not fiction at all. Not only traditional healers, but also gastroenterologists prescribe burdock roots and leaves to their patients. There are different ways to prepare medicinal raw materials:
- In the spring you need to dig up the roots and squeeze the juice. Mix with its honey in a ratio of 1:1 and drink one spoon three times a day. Judging by the reviews, the improvement will come when you finish drinking a liter of tincture.
- For the second recipe, you will need burdock fruits, dried and pre-pounded. A glass of boiling water will require a tablespoon of raw materials. The best time to cook is in the evening. The resulting infusion should be drunk in the morning, on an empty stomach.
- If there is an opportunity to dig up fresh roots every day, then be sure to use it. Twist them through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice. You need to drink it 30 g in the morning, before breakfast. The duration of treatment is at least 3 - 4 months.
Using sea buckthorn
The fruits of this plant have also long been known for their medicinal properties. Sea buckthorn oil has been used with great success both externally and internally. For the treatment of the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, you need to drink a tablespoon of oil per day. For 3-4 months, you can achieve healing of the ulcer. Well helps with peptic ulcer and sea buckthorn juice. It is usually harvested in the fall, when the berry is removed from the bush in large quantities. It is recommended to drink 50 g per day,diluted with water to a full glass. The duration of the course is at least a month. For better preservation, you can roll up the juice, like a regular autumn compote. Then it will be stored all winter.
Propolis treatment
It has the highest efficiency and can be done independently at home. Due to its antibacterial properties, propolis copes well with inflammatory processes. In addition, the beekeeping product has excellent enveloping properties. This will help protect the mucous membranes and accelerate cell regeneration. All this provides effective treatment of stomach ulcers. The list of options for folk remedies based on propolis is quite impressive:
- Propolis in its purest form. That is, you can take a piece and chew for at least 30 minutes.
- The following composition has excellent healing properties. Approximately 20 g of propolis powder should be mixed with 4 tablespoons of sea buckthorn oil. Heat the mass for 40 minutes. Consume a teaspoon after each meal.

Depending on the diagnosis, a specialist can choose not only medicines, but also folk remedies. Self-medication is unacceptable, because stomach ulcers can lead the patient to the operating table or contribute to the development of tumors.