Unpleasant perspiration, sore throat - such symptoms of an incipient disease are probably known to everyone. They appear with the development of a viral or bacterial disease, against the background of allergic reactions, as a result of injuries, with ligament overstrain. Diseases of the larynx in severe form complicate the intake of food and liquids, which significantly worsens the general condition of the patient. To prevent such consequences, gargling with propolis should be used at the initial stage of the disease.

This substance, unique in its healing properties, is often referred to by folk healers as bee uterine glue. Outwardly, propolis resembles a tight and viscous mass with a characteristic odor. To the touch, it is a resinous substance that allows the bees to carefully close all the cracks in the hive with it. About how to breed propolis for gargling, howto use it, you will learn from this material.
Healing properties of propolis
The use of this natural substance is an effective and harmless way to help get rid of unpleasant symptoms and weaken the destructive effect of pathogenic microorganisms. With tonsillitis, treatment should be started when the first signs of the disease appear, since pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly, and it is very important to stop inflammation in time. Traditional healers claim that in this case, in a few days, you can cope with the disease, even without the use of drugs.

Propolis is still successfully used by folk healers today, because its healing properties are unique:
- he increases the protective functions of the body;
- gets rid of pathogens;
- nourishes the body with a complex of vitamins, trace elements and amino acids;
- gives impetus to regenerative processes in the tissues of the throat;
- reduces mucosal inflammation;
- removes toxins;
- improves the effect of drugs by activating enzymes;
- increases blood flow in the tissues of the larynx;
- has a powerful antiseptic property.
Indications for use
Propolis for the throat is used for a number of ENT diseases. Its use in the treatment of inflammatory processes gives excellent results. Gargling with propolis tincture is recommended for the following diseases:
- pharyngitis;
- angina;
- tonsillitis;
- nasopharyngitis;
- laryngitis;
- tense throat ligaments;
- physical and thermal lesions of the larynx;
- allergic irritation.
This natural substance has no side effects, which is why traditional medicine also recommends it in combination therapy.

For a long time in alternative medicine, propolis has been used for the throat. There are several ways to treat with bee glue:
- steam inhalation;
- rinses;
- lubrication of the tonsils;
- throat irrigation;
- chewing a ball of bee glue.
Propolis tincture for throat: how to dilute and apply?
For the treatment of throat diseases in a pharmacy, you can buy a ready-made alcohol tincture of propolis without a prescription or prepare such a medicine yourself. Alcohol tincture is a truly unique drug, but you must strictly adhere to the concentration of the active substance.

How to breed propolis tincture? For gargling, the composition is diluted with boiled warm water (1:10). This concentration is calculated for both alcohol and water composition. For the treatment of children, only water tincture is used. Adults should not exceed the allowable concentration, as this can dry out the mucous membrane, which will cause even more inflammation.
Can women gargle with propolis (alcohol tincture) during pregnancyand children? In these cases, a water infusion or decoction of propolis is recommended. We will talk about them a little later.

Propolis tincture with peach oil
An effective remedy for the treatment of ENT diseases is a composition consisting of peach oil and propolis tincture. Such a remedy relieves dryness and perspiration in the nasopharynx, irritation. To prepare such a preparation, you need to mix two tablespoons of peach oil with one spoon of ready-made propolis tincture for the throat. This solution, which should be prepared daily, is treated with the nasopharyngeal mucosa for ten days.
In case of intolerance to peach oil, it can be replaced with sea buckthorn oil or glycerin.
Propolis, honey and saline
In 100 ml of saline dilute 10 ml of propolis and honey. Rinsing is carried out at least three times a day for ten days.
Propolis and St. John's wort
Often, patients are interested in: “How to gargle with propolis for painful sensations, with tonsillitis, for example?” In this case, a mixture of propolis with St. John's wort is effective. In a decoction of St. John's wort (100 ml), dilute propolis tincture (30 drops). Gargling procedures are performed four times a day.

Internal use
In addition to rinsing, in the early stages of throat diseases, especially if they are accompanied by a cough, tincture can and should be used orally. To do this, prepare a solution of ½ cup of water and 5 ml of tincture. Accepted by¼ cup three times for seven days.
This procedure is useful for diseases of the nasopharynx. It has anti-inflammatory properties. For inhalation, a solution is required, consisting of a liter of boiling water and three tablespoons of propolis tincture. The duration of the procedure is ten minutes. It is repeated three times a day.
Home tincture
You can prepare a medicinal preparation, similar to that sold in a pharmacy, on your own. To do this, you need to grind propolis and pour it with water. Part of the substance will precipitate. It should be collected and dried. Then ethyl alcohol is added to it: 100 ml will require 30 ml of propolis. The mixture is kept in a cool and dark place for a week, shaking occasionally. We talked about how to gargle with propolis tincture above.

How else is propolis used?
The most common remedy for sore throats is a decoction of propolis. To prepare it, you need to dissolve two tablespoons of pre-crushed propolis in 0.2 liters of boiled water (cold) and put in a water bath. Bring the mixture to a boil, reduce the heat and, stirring, warm the broth for 15 minutes. Then it should be strained and cooled to room temperature.
Water tincture
This preparation will take much longer to prepare. Pour twenty grams of crushed propolis with a glass of boiling water and insist in a thermos for about a day. Then the tincture is filtered and placed infridge. Gargle should be three times a day. Adults use a glass of the drug, for children 100 ml is enough. Before the procedure, the composition is heated to +37 ° C.
Propolis, honey and Kalanchoe
This composition is very effective in the treatment of many diseases of the throat. The mixture is easy to prepare - melt 80 g of honey, add a spoonful of Kalanchoe juice (table) and the same amount of propolis tincture to it. The mixture is applied to the inflamed tonsils three times a day.
Propolis chewing gum
Another popular way to treat a sore throat is to use a small piece of propolis that is chewed like chewing gum. Propolis is chewed for ten minutes. To obtain the maximum therapeutic effect, the procedure is repeated every three hours. When chewing bee glue, it causes a slight burning sensation in the throat. For this reason, the method is not to the liking of children.
This use of propolis for the throat will also be useful for people suffering from stomatitis and gum disease.
Propolis and cocoa butter
This method of treatment is effective at the very beginning of the disease, when a slight sore throat is felt. In 200 ml of warm milk, add a spoon (tea) of cocoa butter and the same amount of water tincture. Stir and drink in small sips. Repeat the procedure three times a day.
Propolis oil
Such a remedy can be made on the basis of any vegetable oil - eucalyptus, peach, olive. Mix 60 ml of any oil with 30 ml of water tincture. Thoroughly mix the mass until smooth. Lubricate inflamedtonsils with this oil using a cotton swab.
Contraindications for use
It should be understood that bee glue, like most bee products, is the strongest allergen. If after using any preparation based on propolis, itching, redness of the skin, fever, tearing appear, then you should immediately stop using it. Then you need to take an antihistamine (Tavegil, Suprastin) and see a doctor.
You should not self-medicate people suffering from diseases such as:
- atrophic pharyngitis;
- new growths;
- liver disease;
- problems with the pancreas;
- some duodenal problems;
- eczema; blood diseases;
- contact dermatitis;
- individual intolerance to propolis components.
Propolis treatment reviews
This throat remedy has been used successfully for a long time. The overwhelming majority of reviews about it are positive. Unique and effective propolis preparations cure a sore throat in a short time. They can be taken by both adults and children (with the exception of alcohol tincture). The only, but significant drawback is the possibility of allergic reactions.