Women's he alth problems often require drastic measures in the form of a hysterectomy. Such an operation is quite problematic in terms of the postoperative period of a woman's life. Every facet of life is important here, including diet. After the removal of the uterus, it should help the woman's body recover and return to its usual course of activity.
Appointment of authority
The body of a woman has an important purpose, laid down by nature - bearing and giving birth to a new life. It is for its implementation that the reproductive system of the expectant mother was created. It is quite simple in its structure, but unique in the complexity of all the processes that take place in this special section of the woman's body. Intervention in the structure of the genital organs is sometimes simply necessary not only to maintain he alth, but also life. Unfortunately, today many women are concerned about the question of what kind of diet after removal of the uterus is necessary to help the body cope with such a serious intervention.
The uterus is a hollowan organ whose walls consist of several layers:
- muscles;
- serous tissue;
- endometrium.
In its geometry, it resembles an inverted triangle. At the bottom, the uterus passes into the vagina through the cervix. From the sides, the body of the uterus is connected by the fallopian tubes to the ovaries. In various situations, a woman has to remove not only the organ itself for carrying a pregnancy, but also the ovaries. But even in this case, the diet after removal of the uterus and appendages will not differ much from the diet after a hysterectomy and should help restore the woman's he alth.
Diseases of the uterus as indications for its removal
The female reproductive system has several functions. The main one, of course, is childbearing. Also, the hormonal background largely depends on the he alth and adequate work of all components of this structure. The diet after removal of the uterus and cervix or ovaries should help the woman recover as much as possible after such a radical intervention.
The reasons why a woman can have a hysterectomy, modern medicine determines quite a lot:
- oncological diseases of the organs of the reproductive system;
- uterine fibroids, which are large and affect neighboring organs;
- endometriosis refractory to conservative treatment;
- Severe inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs affecting the state of the reproductive system of women, causing heavy monthly bleeding, intermenstrual bleeding with large blood loss, severe pain.
BIn any case, the postoperative diet after removal of the uterus becomes one of the points for a competent and high-quality restoration of a woman's he alth. After all, doctors often have to make a decision not only to remove the uterus itself, but also the ovaries and cervix. Such a serious, extensive intervention in the reproductive system of the female body undoubtedly adversely affects her he alth, both physical and psycho-emotional. Therefore, the diet after the removal of the uterus and ovaries should help the woman survive this condition, replenishing the diet with the necessary elements to maintain he alth.

One of the points of recovery of a patient after a hysterectomy is a diet after removal of the uterus. An abdominal operation was performed or a laparoscopic one - plays a role in restoring a woman's well-being. But certain nutritional rules will help shorten this period.
The decision on how to carry out the necessary removal of the reproductive organ, to what extent, is taken only by the council. The indications for the removal of the uterus, appendages is the lack of results of conservative treatment, and the course of the existing disease without a hysterectomy threatens the life of a woman. Also, this intervention can be prescribed for preventive purposes to women who have crossed the threshold of 40 years. After all, it is with the onset of the fading of the hormonal functions of the reproductive system that the risk of serious diseases increases - endometriosis, fibroids and oncology. Many patients have to undergo a hysterosalpingo-oophorectomy - a complexremoval of all components of the reproductive system - both the uterus and the ovaries.

Types of surgery and their traumatism
One of the items of everyday life that helps a woman's body recover as quickly and efficiently as possible is a diet after removal of the uterus and ovaries. Cancer is the most common reason for a hysterectomy. But a timely identified problem and adequate treatment help to save not only the life of a woman, but also her he alth at the highest possible level.
Not so long ago, such an intervention was carried out only by abdominal surgery. Currently, abdominal intervention under general anesthesia also remains a popular method for performing hysterectomy. But the modern technique - laparoscopy - is becoming more and more often used due to its less traumatic nature.
For many women, one of the important aspects of restoring he alth is diet after laparoscopic removal of uterine fibroids. Despite the smaller area of incisions and sparing intervention in the body, this operation also requires a special period. The competent behavior of the doctor both before the removal of the uterus, ovaries, lymph nodes, and after the removal of the reproductive system allows a woman to learn to live with the awareness of what happened. All recommendations given by a specialist should contribute to the best possible and speedy recovery of he alth.
Diet after removal of the uterus and ovaries, recommended by a doctor, will allow a woman to quicklyrecover from such a serious intervention in her body, which will affect the functioning of the endocrine system, and, therefore, the work of many other organs and general well-being.

Basics of nutrition in the first days after surgery
After undergoing an operation to extirpate the uterus, appendages, iliac lymph nodes, performed both laparoscopically and by the abdominal method, a woman will have to go through several rather difficult physically days. Soreness after the intervention will be stronger with an increase in the volume of manipulations performed. Therefore, the early postoperative period is structured in such a way as to help the patient's body survive this period as painlessly as possible.
Diet after abdominal surgery to remove the uterus in the first days is as sparing as possible. Be sure to observe the drinking regime and the use of practically uns alted food. This is done in order to avoid dehydration, s alt retains fluid and can cause swelling, an increase in pressure, and a lack of fluid will affect the general condition of all body systems, already weakened by surgery and illness.

Recommended meals in the first postoperative days
Helps a woman who has undergone a hysterectomy to recover, a diet after the removal of uterine fibroids. The abdominal operation has a deeper intervention, since the abdominal cavity is opened over a fairly longa plot of 15-20 centimeters. The first days after such an operation, a woman needs to eat liquid and pureed dishes that do not irritate the intestines. There should be at least 5 meals, preferably 7, which will allow not to overload the gastrointestinal tract, but at the same time give the body all the substances necessary for high-quality recovery.
Dietitians have developed approximate menu plans, the so-called tables. So, the diet after removal of the uterus with fibroids, removal of the ovaries, will operate with components that are called table No. 1-A or No. 1-B.
For the first few days after a hysterectomy, the following foods should be followed:
- The first dishes that form the basis of the dinner are the so-called slimy soups. They are prepared on the basis of decoctions of cereals - semolina, oatmeal, rice, barley. Boiled vegetables are added to the decoction of cereals - carrots, potatoes, turnips, pumpkins. Everything is ground through a sieve or blended. This soup can be served with low-fat cream, a small piece of sweet butter, milk or ice cream - 1 beaten raw egg is dipped into hot soup and stirred quickly.
- Meat in the first days after a hysterectomy is served only in a carefully ground or pureed form, removing the veins and skin. You can make a meat soufflé: 300 grams of lean meat is boiled, then blended, the protein of 1 egg and a pinch of s alt are beaten into a strong foam, which is carefully introduced into the minced meat, put the resulting mixture into a mold and baked or cooked in a steam bath.
- From low-fat fish you can also make soufflé according tothe above recipe, or you can boil it in slightly s alted water and cook vegetable puree for fish - potatoes and carrots.
- From dairy products in the first days after removal of the uterus, low-fat milk, cream, whey, low-fat cottage cheese is used rubbed through a sieve, you can add a little sour cream to it.
- Eggs can be eaten as an omelet.
- Porridges are cooked like a slurry - a liquid base with grated grits. Small oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl barley, wheat, semolina are well suited for these purposes.
- Fruits and berries in the first days after surgery, a woman can be consumed in the form of kissels, compotes or milkshakes, as fresh fruits can cause bloating, which is undesirable due to stitches on the abdominal wall.
- Water, rosehip broth, weak tea can be used as drinks in the early postoperative period, and they should be sweetened as little as possible.
- oils - butter, olive, linseed, sunflower, little by little added to ready meals - meat, fish, cereals, mashed potatoes.
A diet after removal of the uterus and appendages, intended for a woman in the first few days after surgery, should help the patient recover without incurring additional stress on the body. Its strict observance will help to survive this rather difficult period as comfortably as possible.

What not to eat?
Diet after removal of the uterus, designed to feed a woman in the early days, containsstrict restrictions on foods prohibited for cooking, as well as cooking methods:
- bread and bakery products of any kind and baking time;
- sour-milk products, including low-fat, as well as cheese;
- raw vegetables, as well as cooked cabbage, onion, garlic, radish, radish;
- any sauces, including mayonnaise;
- carbonated drinks;
- coffee and cocoa in any form;
- candy, chocolate, sweets.
Also, all seasonings are prohibited, especially spicy, sour, irritating to the stomach and intestines. The diet after the operation to remove the uterus provides for a strict ban on cooking methods such as frying and smoking. All products that need to be cooked are either boiled in water or in a steam bath, or baked and stewed with a minimum amount of oil.
What can you eat?
The diet after removal of the uterus with fibroids is aimed at helping the body of a woman who has undergone a difficult surgical intervention, which will certainly affect the general condition of the body, recover qualitatively, prepare for further treatment and adequate life. Particularly strict prohibitions apply to the early postoperative period. But gradually, new dishes and products should be introduced into the patient's diet, gradually transferring the body to food that corresponds to the current situation, which will remain in a woman's life forever.
The diet should be left as fractional as possible - 5 meals a day is the most comfortable for the bodyanyone, especially a woman who has just had a hysterectomy.
Meat and fish dishes are introduced into the diet 2-3 days after surgery. Gradually pureed soups are replaced by the usual ones with diced vegetables and pieces of meat, meatballs and so on. Cabbage, onions, not spicy seasonings are also added. A woman should consume a sufficient amount of liquid, and strong tea, as well as coffee, soda, and even more so, alcohol should be excluded from the menu for quite a long time.

Eating rules in the late postoperative period
Diet after removal of uterine fibroids by laparoscopic method is practically no different from the diet after abdominal surgery. Recovery periods are also divided into early and late. Nutrition in the late postoperative period is aimed at replenishing the missing substances in the body, because approximately two weeks after the hysterectomy and the most gentle nutrition, the patient's body needs strength to recover.
Therefore, the diet after the operation to remove the uterus is gradually expanding the range of foods and dishes. The daily norm of products should be about 800 grams, and the calorie content should reach 2900 kcal. This is due to the fact that a woman needs to start leading an active lifestyle as much as possible, and this requires certain energy costs. The menu is becoming more diverse, although its main points will still have to be observed for as long as possible:
- fractional meals - in small portions, but every 3-3, 5 hours;
- drinking regimen aimed at getting the patient's body enough water - at least 1.5 liters per day;
- balanced diet rich in vitamins, micro and macro elements;
- no foods that irritate the stomach and intestines.
Features of nutrition of a cancer patient
Often, the only way to save not only the he alth, but also the life of a woman is a hysterectomy. And the diet after the removal of the uterus and appendages helps to restore he alth. Cancer is the most common reason for this type of surgery.
Cancerous diseases are characterized by severe exhaustion, which affects the woman's well-being. The period of preparation for hysterectomy and the postoperative life of the patient are associated with radiation or chemotherapy. This introduces its own difficulties in the state of the woman's body. The diet for radiation therapy after removal of the uterus should help the woman's body cope with such an intervention, because it affects the immune system. In addition, during such treatment, a woman has complications in the form of a change in taste, nausea and vomiting, and diarrhea. Intestinal strictures and malabsorption syndrome may then develop.
In this regard, diet therapy occupies an important place both in preparing for surgery and radiation or chemotherapy, and in restoring the body after the intervention and carrying out all the necessary procedures. Food is able to fill the body's energy needs, reduce intoxication, and support immunity. BUTbeautifully served favorite dishes of a woman will help to set the mood for a positive character.
The basic rules remain the same as for patients who have undergone only a hysterectomy. But with cancer and the appointment of chemistry or radiation therapy in the diet, there are some nuances:
- freshly made juices from fruits, berries and vegetables;
- presence in the menu of kelp, spirulina, leafy greens, sprouted cereal sprouts, as well as nuts, seeds, honey and other bee products;
- S alty or acidic foods such as sauerkraut, pickled or pickled cucumbers, lemons will help during nausea;
- Iron fortified foods needed - pomegranate juice, liver, spinach, pistachios, lentils;
- energy resources of the body replenish red caviar, red fish, butter and cream, honey, nuts, chocolate;
- spices and seasonings will help to "roam" the appetite.
Diet after removal of the uterus during radiation or chemotherapy should help the treatment, contributing to the resistance of the body to the tumor, and the restoration of the functions of all organs and systems.
If a patient develops a malabsorption syndrome, then diarrhea will be its first sign, then anemia and weight loss will appear. Violation of the absorption of substances that enter the gastrointestinal tract with food becomes the cause of even greater problems. Diet adjustments can help here:
- mashed soups with cereal or vegetable broths;
- porridge-smear on water;
- mashed potatoes;
- eggssoft-boiled;
- meat and fish dishes are prepared in the form of soufflés, steamed cutlets;
- kissels brewed from quince, dogwood, blackcurrant, chokeberry are used as drinks;
- cottage cheese and low-fat curd dishes;
- green tea;
- freshly made applesauce.
Food should be free from large amounts of animal fat, but rich in probiotics to help the intestines.

Sample menu for the week
Diet after removal of the uterus is divided into two main stages: early and late. The diet these days will gradually change, expanding the list of products. So, in the first seven days after the operation, the patient is recommended the following menu:
- On the first day for breakfast, offer buckwheat porridge on the water, a slice of cheese, a slice of dried bread and a cup of tea (preferably not sweet). As a second breakfast, you can eat cottage cheese and drink a cup of some berry drink, for example, sea buckthorn infusion. For lunch, the patient on the first day after the hysterectomy should be offered a vegetable soup-puree of carrots and zucchini, a chicken steam cutlet and a fruit drink (compote). An afternoon snack will please either a baked apple or a cottage cheese casserole. For dinner, you should eat a piece of baked lean fish with vegetable stew, where you can include carrots, potatoes, zucchini. Drink - compote. Some time before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.
- The second day should start with an omelette and a carrot casserole,as well as a cup of plum juice, which will help normalize digestion. The second breakfast will include a baked apple with dried apricots or a spoonful of honey. For lunch, mashed cereal soup and chicken dumplings are served, which are served with beetroot puree as a side dish. Drink for lunch - fruit broth. In the afternoon, you can eat a piece of boiled pumpkin or a plate of pumpkin porridge. Dinner of the second postoperative day will consist of baked fish and mashed broccoli and cauliflower. At night, you can also drink a cup of yogurt.
- Breakfast of the third day may consist of a poached egg, a slice of dried bread with tofu cheese and a cup of weak tea. Lunch includes some cottage cheese mixed with washed prunes and a glass of apricot or peach juice. For lunch, a woman is offered soup-puree on chicken broth with vegetables, a portion of boiled meat (preferably veal) and compote. For an afternoon snack, you can eat pumpkin porridge, and for dinner, vegetable stew of zucchini, carrots, a small amount of onion and tomato. Yogurt is offered for the night.
- The menu of the first, second and third days can be repeated, gradually replacing pureed soups and liquid cereals with more familiar dishes.
Such a diet after removal of the uterus, intended for the first few days, helps to establish the work of the gastric intestinal tract, helps the body to obtain a balanced amount of the necessary substances.
Basic Recipes
Organizing proper postoperative nutrition is a simple task if you know the basics of preparing dietary meals. They areare:
- Soups-puree are prepared on vegetable broths in the early postoperative period, and on meat, chicken or fish broth during convalescence. Vegetables need to be washed, peeled, cut into small pieces. You can cook the dish from carrots, potatoes, turnips, pumpkins, add onions, tomatoes, cauliflower, broccoli. When the vegetables are ready, they should be removed from the broth and chopped by rubbing through a sieve or using a blender. Then mashed vegetables are dipped into the finished broth, a little butter or cream, a pinch of s alt are added.
- A poached egg is prepared as follows: only a fresh egg must be poured into half a liter of low-boiling water, where half a tablespoon of 9% vinegar is added. The egg should boil for 4 minutes at a very low boil. Then it is taken out with a slotted spoon on a plate.
- Mush porridge is prepared in this way: the pan where the porridge will be cooked is placed in a water bath, then the cereal from which the dish is to be prepared is poured with hot water in the required amount, usually 1.5-2 cups per glass cereals. The pot with boiling porridge is covered with a lid and left to languish for 20-30 or even 40 minutes. Then you can add hot milk, if the porridge is milky, also add sugar and s alt to taste, cover the pan again and simmer for another 20 minutes. The porridge turns out to be very tasty, tender, easily digestible from any cereal.
These simple recipes will help organize the nutrition of a hysterectomy woman, allowing her to fill her diet with nutritious tasty and simple meals.
Women's Opinion
Unfortunately, the problems of the reproductive system affect so many women. It is good if the disease is detected in a timely manner and can be cured conservatively. But modernity is such that in many cases the only way to preserve both the he alth and life of a woman is a hysterectomy.
According to the absolute majority of women who have experienced such an intervention, a properly organized diet after removal of the uterus helps to restore he alth as much as possible, because it is with food that a person receives the vast majority of the elements necessary for the quality of the body. In addition, he althy and deliciously prepared food, beautifully served dishes create a good mood, which also contributes to recovery. All the nuances of the necessary diet are recommended by a specialist observing the patient, who will also help to respond correctly to any side effects of treatment with the help of not only drugs, but also the diet.
Practically all women who do not hesitate to talk about the fact that they had to endure the removal of the uterus, ovaries, lymph nodes, say that the first time after the operation and radiation therapy they felt quite bad due to a breakdown, constant nausea and vomiting. But a well-chosen diet and its strict adherence helped to recover after a hysterectomy. Moreover, many women note that without properly organized nutrition they no longer imagine their lives years after the operation.

Experts recommend to all women in a timely mannerundergo scheduled examinations by a gynecologist in order to identify the existing problem as early as possible and receive high-quality and timely treatment in order to avoid removal of the uterus, appendages, radiation or chemotherapy. Only an attentive and careful attitude to one's he alth will help a person to keep it for many years of a full, active life.