Thrush or vaginal candidiasis is one of the most common gynecological diseases of women around the world. It is manifested by a number of unpleasant symptoms, and without proper treatment, thrush leads to a number of negative consequences. It is caused by the fungus Candida. In women, symptoms can be pronounced. When certain signs appear, you need to start the right treatment, which the doctor will prescribe. What is thrush and what are the features of its treatment will be discussed later in the article.
General information about the disease
Almost every second representative of the fair sex on our planet in one situation or another faced with such a disease as thrush. It is caused by the Candida fungus in women (a photo of the pathogen under a microscope is presented below).

This is a yeast-like microorganism. The genus Candida includes many species. All of them are opportunistic pathogens. The composition of the normal microflora of the vagina, mouth, colon includes Candida fungi, but their number is regulated by the human immune system.
The disease begins to develop at a time when the population of yeast-like fungi begins to increase excessively. Therefore, candidiasis can occur at any age in both sexes. Even newborns can have this disease. In infants, Candida most often develops in the mouth. They look like white coating.
However, an increased concentration of Candida fungus is most often diagnosed in women. The causes of such a disease are associated with a local or general decrease in immunity. The microflora of the vagina is quite vulnerable, and many adverse factors affect it. As a result, the balance between the microorganisms that make up the normal microflora of the vagina is disturbed. The fungus begins to multiply uncontrollably.
This causes a number of unpleasant symptoms and requires the advice of an experienced gynecologist. He will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis. Of course, an experienced doctor, even during the examination, will be able to say that a woman has thrush. However, to select the right drug, you will need to determine the type of yeast-like fungi, as well as their sensitivity to certain drugs.
The presented disease without proper treatment quickly becomes chronic. It can proceed in this case almost imperceptibly, reminding of itselfonly periodically. This is a rather dangerous condition. In this case, only the correct diagnosis can detect the fungus. Treatment of chronic candidiasis can be very lengthy.
How dangerous is thrush?
Treatment of Candida in women is a must. By itself, this disease will not go away. It quickly goes from acute to chronic. In this case, it will be much more difficult to restore the balance of microorganisms on the vaginal mucosa.

If you do not treat thrush, it turns into a number of unpleasant symptoms and conditions. And against the background of this disease, secondary sexual infections begin to develop. This is caused by a local or general decrease in immunity. In addition, erosion develops on the mucous membranes of the vagina under the influence of yeast-like fungi. The course of the disease is often supplemented by disruptions in the menstrual cycle.
Thrush also leads to inflammation of the cervix, which in turn can lead to the development of even more dangerous diseases (such as cancer).
Treatment of Candida in women is a must. If this issue is not given due attention, over time, inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs appear.
Thrush often first appears during pregnancy. This is caused by a natural decrease in immunity in the first trimester. As a result, the expectant mother faces a number of unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, during pregnancy and before planning it, it is imperative to control the amount of yeast-like fungi on the mucosa.vagina.
Treating candidiasis during childbearing is quite difficult. Not all drugs are suitable for this. However, it is impossible to ignore the disease during pregnancy. This can lead to complications during childbirth. The tissues affected by the fungus are easily injured. And a child during the passage of the birth canal can become infected with a fungus.
Causes of occurrence
The increased growth of the presented microorganisms can be explained by various reasons. Candida fungus in women most often appears against the background of reduced immunity. This can be influenced by various external and internal factors. And the doctor at the reception should establish what causes influenced the increased growth of the fungus population.
The main external factors are:
- antibiotic treatment;
- use of oral contraceptives;
- long-term treatment with corticosteroids or cytostatics (more than a week);
- damage to the vaginal mucosa (for example, surgical therapeutic or diagnostic interventions);
- getting on the mucous membranes of chemical, irritating substances (acids, alkalis, solvents);
- exposure to radiation, bad environment.

Many internal factors can trigger an increase in the population of Candida in women. The reasons may be as follows:
- violation of metabolic processes in the body (diabetes mellitus, obesity, dysbacteriosis, etc.);
- hormonal changes (hyper- or hypothyroidism, thyroiditis andother);
- infectious diseases, especially in chronic form (including AIDS, HIV, tuberculosis);
- past viral illness (e.g. influenza);
- pregnancy period (first trimester);
- poor immunity, especially in infancy and old age.
Causes of the chronic form
Over time, the presented disease can become chronic. There are also several reasons for this. The fungus Candida can again colonize the mucous membranes of the vagina even after proper treatment. The following factors influence this:
- malnutrition, which includes a lot of carbohydrates and fats;
- neglect of contraception (condom) during sexual intercourse;
- predominance of synthetic underwear, wearing panty liners;
- frequent use of intimate hygiene products with antibacterial effect;
- failure to follow the rules of personal hygiene;
- vaginal shower (tap water may contain various microorganisms that adversely affect the microflora of the vagina).
It is these factors that lead to an imbalance of microorganisms on the mucous membranes. This causes thrush, inflammation and a lot of unpleasant manifestations.
When thrush occurs, certain symptoms occur. Candida fungus in women can manifest itself with a number of unpleasant sensations. This is due to the development of colpitis (inflammation of the walls of the vagina). The main symptoms of the disease include:
- a sharp increaseamount of discharge from the genital tract;
- burning sensation, unbearable, severe itching of the external genital organs, as well as inside the vagina;
- appearance of white discharge of curdled (lumpy) consistency with a sour-milk smell;
- the external genitalia become swollen, painful, the skin on them is sensitive and red;
- Itchy while urinating;
- during sexual intercourse, painful sensations, burning and pain appear.

Discomfort when thrush appears can be very severe. It may even hurt the lower abdomen. However, these symptoms do not always appear. Candida fungus in women can colonize mucous membranes without pronounced signs.
In this case, the thrush is almost hidden. It only periodically returns again, bringing significant soreness, burning and specific discharge. To determine whether a woman has a presented disease, you need to undergo a special diagnosis. It is also mandatory to visit a gynecologist once a year. This will allow you to identify this or another disease of the genital area in time.
Many of the fair sex are familiar with the symptoms listed above. Treatment of Candida fungus in women should be prescribed by an experienced gynecologist after the diagnosis. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate. Even if some drug was recommended by friends, this does not mean that it will suit you. Due to improper treatment, you can startdisease, and chronic thrush will be much more difficult to eradicate.

If characteristic symptoms appear, Candida fungus in women can be detected using laboratory tests. At the appointment, the doctor takes a smear from the patient's vagina. The material taken is examined under a microscope. This allows you to identify yeast-like and pseudofungi in the smear. Vaginal pH is also assessed.
Bactericidal culture is taken from the vagina and from the urethra. This allows you to assess the sensitivity of the fungus to therapy. The next step is PCR analysis. This allows you to determine the DNA of the infectious agent.
On nutrient media can carry out the growth of fungi. This allows you to determine their type, quantity. Also, such an analysis is necessary to determine the sensitivity of the microorganism to the main active components of modern drugs.
Only after that the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment. At the same time, he necessarily takes into account the factors that influenced the development of the disease. Without this, the main treatment will not be effective.
Features of treatment
How to cure Candida fungus? Advertising of some drugs claims that you can get rid of the disease in just a couple of days. However, this is not the case. In one day, you can reduce discomfort to an acceptable level. It will seem to a person that the disease has receded, but after a while it will appear again. But this time, the same drug will no longer be able to cope with the problem so quickly. This will take time. If a woman does not go to the doctor, but willcontinue self-treatment, this will lead to sad consequences.

Inflammatory diseases of the genital area will haunt her. Intimate life will not be a joy. Also, the sensitivity of the fungus to the selected drug (and similar ones) will gradually decrease. As a result, a neglected pathology will appear, the treatment of which will require significant financial investments and a lot of time.
Treatment of the presented disease should be comprehensive. It is prescribed by a doctor individually. The treatment regimen that worked for your friend may not work for you. This is due to the characteristics of the body, the reasons that caused candidiasis. The sensitivity of the fungus to a particular drug may be different.
It is worth noting that many drugs act exclusively on the causative agent of thrush. As a result, the microflora of the disease dies. But in its place, lactobacilli and another 300 different beneficial microorganisms do not begin to develop. This leads to relapse. Because only in the presence of normal microflora does the natural regulation of the fungus population occur.
As a result, the patient feels relief after taking the drugs. They kill the colonies of the fungus. But after a while they grow back. Moreover, the surviving microorganisms become more resistant to the drug, which last time affected them.
It is extremely important to be treated with your sex partner. Otherwise, there is a high probability of re-infection.
Correct action
To defeat the diseaseonce and for all, you need to learn a simple rule. An experienced gynecologist with a good reputation should be engaged in treatment. After the examination, he will prescribe a course of treatment. It may include pills that are taken by mouth, vaginal suppositories, and drugs to increase immunity. Folk recipes can also be used, as well as products for external use.

In addition to drugs for the treatment of Candida fungus in women, the doctor will definitely give a few simple recommendations to maintain a he althy microflora:
- It is necessary to sterilize underwear and bedding, as well as bath accessories. To do this, they are boiled or ironed. So it turns out to destroy the spores of the fungus.
- Avoid wearing synthetic underwear and clothes. Such fabrics do not pass air well. At the same time, they are electrified. This provokes the development of the fungus. It develops especially rapidly in warm and humid conditions. Synthetics contribute to this.
- It is worth stopping the use of perfumed laundry powders, strong-smelling conditioners.
- You need to stop using antibacterial intimate hygiene products. It is better to replace them with ordinary baby soap with calendula or string extract.
- You can't use panty liners. They are also made from synthetic materials. Flavored tampons and pads are also banned.
- Hormonal contraceptives should be stopped. They need to be replaced by other means of protection.
- Need to give upfat-soluble lubricants. It is better to buy water-soluble formulations.
- It is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse during treatment (at least it is quite painful). As a last resort, use a condom during intercourse.
Treatment regimen
How to treat Candida fungus in women? This process is carried out in stages. First, you need to take drugs that reduce the number of fungi on the vaginal mucosa. These may be oral tablets. These include Fluconazole, Nystatin, Difluzol, etc. The doctor prescribes the dosage depending on the characteristics of the disease.
The treatment regimen necessarily includes vaginal suppositories. These can be drugs such as Pimafukort, Livarol, Pimafucin, Zalain, etc. Sometimes the use of local ointments based on the identical active ingredient of suppositories is required. The doctor may also prescribe a fungicidal solution "Citeal".
After the main treatment, the microflora is restored. This is what probiotics are for. They are also available in the form of candles. These can be drugs such as Vagilak, Viferon, Laktovit.
In addition, the diet must be observed. Exclude or at least reduce the amount of sweet and fatty foods from the diet. Also, you can not eat moldy cheeses, drink beer.
Folk recipes
In addition to pills and suppositories from the Candida fungus, traditional medicine is prescribed for women. They cannot replace the main treatment. It is also worth consulting with your doctor about the advisability of using one orother recipe.
Preparing special solutions for douching. But it is worth noting that such methods are contraindicated for pregnant women. Douching can cause uterine contractions, miscarriage.
If the gynecologist considered it possible, a solution of soda and boiled water is used for douching. It's easy to prepare. To do this, you need to mix a liter of warm clean water with a tablespoon of soda. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening. Soda normalizes the pH level of the vagina, which has a positive effect on the patient's well-being.
Having considered the causes of the growth of the Candida fungus population in women, the symptoms of thrush, as well as the features of treatment, we can draw conclusions about the need for timely, complex therapy under the supervision of a gynecologist.