Why do you feel sick before menstruation: causes, possible diseases

Why do you feel sick before menstruation: causes, possible diseases
Why do you feel sick before menstruation: causes, possible diseases

Why do you feel sick before your period? The reasons for this phenomenon will be considered in the article.

Some women may feel nauseous just before the start of their menstrual cycle. This is a very common phenomenon, and, as a rule, it does not indicate the presence of any he alth problems. Nausea before a new cycle can be caused by many factors, including the presence of cramps and premenstrual syndrome. In the event that acute symptoms are observed, this may indicate the presence of an underlying medical condition, such as endometriosis. PMS is the main cause of nausea before menstruation. Twenty to fifty percent of women experience PMS symptoms ten days before their period begins.

So, sick before menstruation. The reasons for this may be different.

nausea before menses
nausea before menses

Is this okay?

In addition to nausea, PMS symptoms include headaches along with fatigue and dizziness. Nausea beforemenstruation is a fairly common symptom and, importantly, is not considered a deviation. A feeling of nausea may accompany menstruation regularly. True, any sudden changes in the nature of the premenstrual syndrome sometimes indicate that the patient is far from being in good he alth. A woman should see a doctor if she:

  • Feels nauseous just before period for the first time.
  • Unable to hold food and losing weight due to frequent vomiting.
  • Regularly faces dehydration.
  • Reports vomiting, worsening over several days.

Why does a woman feel sick?

Very often women feel sick before their period. The causes of this pathology should be established by the doctor.

Nausea is often, as already mentioned, a consequence of premenstrual syndrome. True, this symptom may have other reasons, in connection with this it is very important for a woman to talk to a doctor if she observes something non-standard in herself or when nausea does not allow her to comfortably engage in daily activities. Next, let's talk in detail about the causes of nausea before the onset of menstruation.

nausea before menstruation for a week reasons
nausea before menstruation for a week reasons

Premenstrual syndrome as one of the causes of nausea

When you feel sick before your period, premenstrual syndrome is often the cause.

Women also often experience other symptoms of PMS, including headache, dizziness along with fatigue, diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Scientiststhey don’t know exactly what exactly causes PMS, and for what reason some patients experience this syndrome, while the rest do not. Many of the fair sex before menstruation have a headache and feel sick.

The reasons may be as follows:

  • Influence of serotonin levels. Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that is directly related to mood. There is some evidence that serotonin levels decrease just before the onset of menstruation. Low serotonin causes depression along with anxiety and other symptoms.
  • The impact of nutritional deficiencies. Insufficient intake of calcium, magnesium worsens the course of PMS.
  • Influence of endocrine diseases. The endocrine system regulates hormone levels. Problems that are related to diabetes, thyroid disorder, polycystic syndrome or other pathologies can worsen PMS.
  • Hormonal shifts. Estrogen and progesterone levels rise high immediately after ovulation, as these hormones play an important role in conception. When menstruation begins, estrogen and progesterone levels decrease. Women suffering from PMS usually experience nausea. Hormones are the chemical messengers that keep the body's systems running smoothly, and as such, changes in hormone levels can affect how a woman's body responds to many important processes.
  • Influence of genetics. While science has not yet discovered specific genes that are associated with PMS, allindicates that this syndrome can be inherited as well.
sick before menstruation reasons reviews
sick before menstruation reasons reviews

Research results

Last year, Korean scientists published the results of a study in which more than a hundred women took part. They underwent surgery to remove a malignant breast tumor under anesthesia. As a result, a direct link was found between menstruation and nausea. Among female volunteers, women who during the surgical procedure were at the stage of the menstrual cycle close to the beginning were much more likely to experience postoperative nausea.

Usually sick before period for a week. Dysphoric disorder could be the cause.

Premenstrual dysphoric disorder

This disorder is a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. Women with PMDD often experience severe mood swings, depression and irritability.

Possible diseases that provoke nausea before the start of the cycle: endometriosis

Why do you feel sick before menstruation and the lower abdomen hurts?

Endometriosis is characterized by the fact that tissues that normally line the inner surface of the uterus appear outside of this female organ. Endometrial implants are found by doctors in the ovaries, and, in addition, in the fallopian tubes and many other organs.

Some women have endometriosis but don't experience symptoms. Others, this disease is strongdrains. Endometriosis can cause intense pain along with heavy bleeding during menstruation, and sometimes blood can even come out through the mouth. In addition, endometriosis is a major cause of infertility in women, and it is still unknown how this condition is associated with reduced fertility.

very sick before menstruation
very sick before menstruation

A study by scientists has shown that the presence of problems with the stomach and other elements of the digestive system often worries patients with endometriosis. In the study, eighty-five percent of patients with this disease reported that they had recently had some kind of digestive disorder. In addition to nausea, the ladies complained of gas, bloating, stomach pain and constipation.

Also why is it sick before menstruation and lower back hurts?

The impact of pregnancy

Nausea with vomiting are among the early symptoms of pregnancy. These symptoms may appear just before a woman misses her next monthly cycle. Shortly after the implantation of the egg in the uterus, the body begins to produce human chorionic gonadotropin (that is, hCG). This substance can affect the occurrence of nausea in the morning. Thanks to him, it is possible to quickly determine the onset of pregnancy within the framework of home conditions.

Why do you feel sick before menstruation and during them, many people are interested.

Diseases and infections as factors for nausea

Not all symptoms observed during menstruation can be associated with menstruation. food poisoning, stomach virus,food sensitivities and a number of other he alth problems also cause nausea, which worries women during this period.

Women may have hidden diseases with infections if they experience nausea before their menstrual cycle for the first time. This is especially true when this symptom manifests itself in an acute form and is accompanied by severe pain in the stomach and vomiting.

If you feel sick before your period, what to do?

nausea before menstruation what to do
nausea before menstruation what to do

How can you get rid of nausea before your period?

In the event that a woman often experiences nausea before the onset of the menstrual cycle, then she should discuss this with the doctor. If the patient is regularly disturbed by the appearance of nausea before these days, then she also needs to talk to the gynecologist about all sorts of potential diseases. The recommended therapy will depend on the cause of the nausea. Strategies that can reduce the occurrence of small bouts of nausea include the following:

  • Using special medicines such as Gravola or Peptobismol.
  • Keeping food under control with a diary, which can sometimes help identify nausea-inducing foods.

Your doctor may also recommend the following:

  • The use of birth control pills that normalize hormone levels. These are sometimes also prescribed for endometriosis and against the background of the presence of PMS.
  • Surgery to remove endometrial implants,located outside the uterus.
  • Use of antidepressants, in particular, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, which can normalize hormone levels, and, in addition, reduce PMS symptoms.
why do you feel sick before menstruation and lower abdomen hurts
why do you feel sick before menstruation and lower abdomen hurts


So in conclusion, nausea is a common symptom of PMS. For most patients, pre-menstrual nausea is a condition that can be easily managed with over-the-counter medications and by avoiding trigger foods.

True, if a woman's condition does not improve with the use of conservative strategies, and if it also interferes with normal life activity, then this issue should definitely be discussed with the doctor. In close cooperation with a qualified doctor, a woman will be able to get an effective treatment plan for nausea before her period.

According to reviews, the most common reason is PMS.


In reviews, many women complain that just before the onset of the menstrual cycle, they regularly experience nausea. As the ladies write, first of all, it is best to discuss this issue with a doctor and find out if the appearance of this symptom is a signal of the occurrence of a disease that is dangerous to women's he alth.

why do you feel sick before menstruation and lower back hurts
why do you feel sick before menstruation and lower back hurts

Reportedsome patients, sometimes they are forced to turn to doctors so that they prescribe special medications that eliminate this symptom, since not everyone can normally tolerate nausea, and at the same time, pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

As practice shows, in most situations, such a manifestation in the period preceding menstruation is quite normal and is associated with the characteristics of the female body. But other women write about the harmful effects of such a disease as endometriosis and report that this disease can indirectly provoke a feeling of nausea before menstruation.

We looked at what to do when you feel very sick before your period. The reasons for this condition are described in detail.
