Before we start developing this topic, we need to understand what a follicle is. Try to imagine an ovary that has a he althy reproductive function. In order to activate this function, ovulation must occur from time to time. This means that the egg must mature somewhere before it enters the uterine cavity. It matures in a special capsule, which is called a follicle. After maturation, the egg needs to leave the place of its birth and development, which then causes a rupture of the follicle. In the middle of the cycle, a woman can observe colorless discharge in herself, they are fleeting. This is completely normal, it does not speak of any he alth problems, so you do not need to worry about this phenomenon. This happens monthly in the middle of the cycle. However, the follicle does not always rupture.
From this material you will learn why the follicle does not burst, how to help with such a problem and what is the life span of the egg, provided that the follicle has burst.

Why isn't this happening?
The main reasons why the follicle (dominant) does not burst include a thick layer of tissue that makes up the follicle, or hormonal failure. The connective tissue of such a capsule must rupture with the maturation of the egg. However, provided that the follicle does not burst, it is easy to conclude that there are any problems. Doctors often justify this by saying that there is an imbalance of two hormones:
- progesterone;
- androgen.
And another hormone, called prolactin, is also responsible for the functioning of the reproductive organs. There is a hormonal imbalance for various reasons. The circumstances for which a hormonal failure occurred should not be sought in the localization of the female genital organs, but in other body systems.
Also, another reason why the follicle does not burst during ovulation is that the body does not have enough certain vitamins, trace elements that contribute to the normal production of hormones, and therefore affect the rupture of the egg capsule. However, not all so simple. A cyst may form in the area of the unruptured follicle. Also, if a woman does not ovulate and there is no vaginal discharge, this means that she cannot become pregnant. So what should a woman do who really wants a child, but because of this problem, it is not possible to get pregnant?
It should be noted that in a he althy organ, a yellow body appears in place of a ruptured follicle. It is involved in the production of progesterone. This is an important hormone, and it is needed for full fertilization to occur andbearing a child. However, the existence of such a body is limited, it exists for a very short time. If there are deviations in the reproductive organs, then a dominant follicle appears instead of the corpus luteum. This suggests that the intact follicle syndrome affects the occurrence of the cyst.

The woman herself will not be able to feel the moment of ovulation. Of course, this can be painful, but there are no pronounced signs. It is possible, using calculations, to determine on which day of the monthly cycle ovulation will occur. However, such calculations may be wrong. To date, it is very easy to buy a test that will help determine it. It is similar to a test that helps determine if you are pregnant. It can be used daily during the time when the follicle should burst (usually in the middle of the cycle).
On ultrasound, a specialist can detect a follicular cyst that develops, but does not burst. In order not to remind you of the danger of such formations, the doctor determines what size it is, what it contains and why it was formed. If the egg is mature, then usually the follicle will be about 22 mm, no more than 24, and then it bursts. Otherwise, there is a delay on the day of the expected critical days, and the woman may mistake this for pregnancy.

Who is at risk?
Many women are faced with hormonal failure with the occurrence of follicular cysts. Often teenagers and mature women face such a problem during menopause. Any girl turns into a girl with the onset of the first menstruation. Changes occur in the body, and because of this, problems with the endocrine system may occur, and such an unpleasant phenomenon as hormonal failure may also occur. Most often during puberty during ovulation, if the follicle does not rupture, a cyst occurs. Neoplasms are visible on ultrasound. Very often, the presence of a cyst is not terrible for he alth, and with the advent of menstruation it will resolve.
During menopause, any lady should visit a gynecologist. Because it may be that the follicle will grow into a cyst, which will threaten the he alth and life of the patient. A malignant neoplasm, usually at the very beginning of its appearance, can be completely unnoticeable, a woman may not even be aware of its existence, and the discharge will go less often or stop going at all. Therefore, it is very important to see a doctor.

Necessary measures
When a woman does not regularly visit a specialist, it is likely that she will face such a problem as the lack of ovulation on a certain day of the cycle and the delay in critical days. It is necessary to visit a specialist, he will have to conduct an examination, prescribe certain tests. It is possible that he will recommend visiting an endocrinologist. When compared with some other pathologies that are associated with the female reproductive organs, then you do not need to try to treat the ovary, on which the follicle is nottorn, folk medicine, gymnastics, excessive physical exertion. Because you can make the situation even worse and influence the occurrence of a cystic neoplasm.

Specialist recommendations
After reviewing the received tests, ultrasound, the specialist will be able to choose the necessary drug for the woman. This means that there is a lack of hormone in the patient's body, and medications will help in stimulating the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg. Is prevention really possible? It is necessary that the rupture of the follicle occurs, ovulation occurs and discharge occurs on time. However, there are certain reasons why the fair sex from 18 to 40 years old may experience problems with ovulation:
- lack of useful components;
- inappropriate food;
- stressful situations, bad mood;
- bad habits;
- dramatic weight changes;
- irregular sex life;
- hormonal drugs;
- malnutrition.
Do I need specialist supervision?
Of course, observation by a gynecologist for the sake of prevention is simply necessary to avoid problems with the ovaries in the future. You can explain it like this:
- the more advanced the pathology, the less hope for pregnancy in the future;
- the larger the cyst, the more dangerous it is;
- benign cysts can become malignant tumors;
- whenlarge and multiple follicles may rupture the ovary.

What does it take to get pregnant?
After we have determined the reason why the follicle does not burst, “What should I do to get pregnant?” - main question. The doctor will prescribe special procedures. They will be able to quickly improve the work of blood circulation and metabolism in the area where the cyst appears, and this will contribute to its resorption. Psychotherapy is considered to be practically the most important element of therapy, which helps to normalize the psycho-emotional state of a woman so that there are no problems with the hormonal background in the future. For this, oxygen therapy (filling the brain with oxygen), consultations with a psychologist, the use of antidepressants and hormonal drugs are used.
During treatment, you need to follow the right diet so that the body has enough of all the necessary substances. A specialist can prescribe vitamin complexes and a certain diet.
Can I get pregnant after therapy?
After the therapy is completed and the woman's condition returns to normal, she will be able to become pregnant.
In very advanced cases, when the cyst is more than eight centimeters, the specialist will prescribe surgery. You will need a laparoscopy, the operation will be done through a small passage in the peritoneum. There will be no huge scars after her, and there is also no big he alth hazard.

Folk treatment
Traditional treatment is often famouswith its proven over the years and effective methods. There are certain ways of folk treatment that will help to cope with this problem:
- Sage. In 250 ml of boiling water, brew two teaspoons of sage herb and leave to brew for half an hour. Then strain the solution and drink a quarter cup four times a day. You need to drink before meals. Such a solution will help normalize the hormonal background.
- Rose. To prepare a solution, take a couple of tablespoons of rose petals for 0.5 liters of boiling water. It must be kept on fire for 12 minutes, and then let it brew for about 25 minutes. The composition must be consumed at bedtime, 55 ml, and then the follicle will burst.
- Upland uterus. For 0.5 liters of boiling water, take 55 g of boron uterus grass and let it brew for about 12 hours. Then the solution should be filtered and drunk 125 ml several times a day. Due to this, the follicle will mature and burst.
- Laminaria (algae). We put them in a bath of hot water. Enough 250 ml of seaweed. This method will provoke a rupture of the follicle. Repeat every other day.
If the question arises as to why the follicles on the ovary do not burst, you should determine the cause and begin treatment with psyllium. An infusion is prepared from plantain seeds (20 g of seeds are taken for 0.4 l). As soon as the water boils, you need to put the seeds in it and keep it for about five minutes. Then remove the infusion from the stove and let it cool. Consume several times a day. This infusion will help in stimulating ovulation and maturation of the follicle. Please note that using this method of treatmentonly after consulting a doctor. It is not recommended to self-medicate, all this can be dangerous for your he alth.