Cystitis is a disease associated with severe inflammation of the bladder, which affects mainly women. According to statistics, this disease in girls occurs 5 times more often than in the male population of the planet, due to the small penetration of the latter into the genitourinary system due to the wide and short urethra, as well as various structural features of the female genitourinary system. Many women know firsthand about this disease.

How does cystitis manifest itself in women? Treatment at home for this disease
This disease can be recognized by the following features:
severe pain in the lower abdomen;
constant urge to urinate;
pain and burning during urination;
increased body temperature;
pissacquires a cloudy yellow color, in some cases it may be with small streaks of blood;
vomiting, nausea;
loss of appetite
If cystitis occurs in women, home treatment cannot consist only of taking antibiotics, since after the end of therapy, the disease is likely to return again. It is necessary to treat this ailment by eliminating the infection itself, which is the cause of its occurrence.

Cystitis: causes of this disease in women
The appearance of this disease can provoke the following:
penetration into the urethra of the infection from the vagina;
violation of the microflora of the reproductive system;
lowered immunity;
The causative agents of cystitis are staphylococcus aureus, herpes, Trichomonas and so on.
How to prevent cystitis in women?
Treatment at home is a long process. Therefore, it is important to prevent the development of the disease. As a preventive measure, you must carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene, and also have one permanent partner. And, of course, follow the well-known rule: avoid hypothermia and do not sit in the cold.
Incomplete treatment in girls can provoke a transition to a permanent, chronic form. In this case, an exacerbation of cystitis can occur in case of a decrease in immunity and a slight hypothermia.
Such a disease as cystitis in women(treatment at home, which is quite possible with the help of folk methods), can lead to discomfort and become the main cause of inflammation of the reproductive system. If you want to get rid of this disease on your own, then you need to drink 3 liters of liquid every day, exclude s alty, sour, spicy foods from the diet, as well as s alt, smoked meats. At the same time, it is best to give preference to meat, fish, soups, cheese and cereals. During therapy, you should limit yourself to drinking alcohol and coffee.

Folk treatment of cystitis in women
There are a number of folk remedies that can help you get rid of an unpleasant disease.
Tinctures of aralia, lemongrass, ginseng, Rhodiola rosea, which should be taken 20 drops several times a day. The course of therapy is 2 weeks
Cornflower tincture. Dry flowers pour 300 ml of boiling water and then stand for half an hour. The resulting tincture is divided in half - one part is drunk in the evening and the other in the morning
Cloudberry tincture. A tablespoon of leaves is poured into 200 ml of boiling water and left for 30 minutes, then filtered and drunk 50 ml 4 times a day
During the treatment of cystitis, heating plays a huge role. For example, you can take hot baths, while the water temperature should be up to 40 degrees. On the stomach, you can put mashed potatoes, cooked in their skins. The main thing is that during the procedures the patient has warm woolen socks on his feet, and a shawl or a warm scarf on his lower back
With treatmentit is better not to delay inflammation of the bladder, as this disease can greatly affect the functioning of the kidneys.